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June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team The Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Clare Hadley Co-Chair.

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Presentation on theme: "June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team The Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Clare Hadley Co-Chair."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team The Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Clare Hadley Co-Chair

2 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Presentation Composition of the Team Remit of the Team Work Programme Issues Next?

3 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Composition of the Team Laila AslesenNO Stefan Bjorkhammar SE Clare Hadley UKCo-Chair Matti Holopainen FI Ewa WysockaPL Jens Hollaender DK Ian Jackson UK Katleen JanssenBE Lea Leskinen FI Ulrike MenzelATChair Michael Rösler-Goy DE Claire StacinoBE Romain VialleFR Roland-Michael Wagner DE

4 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team How the Team works No differences between core and support members of Team Representatives on interface teams with other DTs Team has been split to work in smaller task forces

5 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Remit of the Team To develop draft data-sharing IRs governing access and rights of use to spatial data sets and services for Community institutions and bodies available for adoption by 2007 To draft IRs governing third party access to upload services by 2007 To draft IRs increasing the potential re-use of spatial datasets and services by 2009

6 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Deliverables Report on requirements of Community institutions and bodies (Mar 2006) Draft IRs for access for Community institutions and bodies (Dec 2006) Report on requirements of third parties on access to upload services (Mar 2006) Draft IRs on third party access to upload services (Dec 2006) Report on requirements of third parties for re-use (Dec 2007) Report of current best practices and models for data policies (Dec 2007)

7 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Mission of the Team The Mission of the Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team is to support the establishment of INSPIRE by drafting Implementing Rules on Data and Service Sharing according to the INSPIRE Directive. Along the road the requirements of Community institutions and bodies, the current types of rights, access, and use will be addressed and best practice examples in sharing arrangements and models for data policies will be looked for. The Implementing Rules will create a framework of provisions to enable public authorities and Community bodies to share spatial data and services in order to meet user needs in the domain of environmentally related policies in a sustainable way.

8 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team INSPIRE DSS DT USER Spatial Data Information Access Restrictions/Obstacles Law Discovery, View, Download Transformation, Invoke EU: Regulations,.. International Agreements National Law Technical Organisational Law Technical Public authorities within a MS Publ. auth. between MS Institutions & bodies of the Community Bodies by intern. Agreement Annex I-III Reference/Thematic Data Metadata Format, Scale,... Public Task direct or indirect impact on the environment Purpose of use Services

9 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Meetings 3rd/4th October 2005 JRC Ispra / JRC 14th/15th November 2005 Vienna / BEV Since then – cooperation has been predominantly via e-mail rarely via conference call with two task force meetings

10 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team First Work Programme (November 2005) Identify common ground between Commission Proposal and Council Common Position Nov 2005 Describe working terms and criteria for determining the user requirements of the EU institutions and bodies Feb 2006 Seek requirements of Community institutions and bodies Feb 2006 Find best practice examples and create models Mar 2006 Review and evaluation of examples and models Apr 2006 Create/develop rulesJun 2006

11 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Progress on First Work Programme in Dec 2005/Jan 2006 Common ground identified between Commission Proposal and Council Common Position Working terms defined Criteria drawn up for user requirements research

12 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Progress (continued) Provisional list of terms & categories for collecting requirements Terms and definitions Already defined terms in the „Council version“ (e.g: spatial data, charging) Relevant but not defined (e.g: restriction, public task) Relevant but depend on the political process (e.g. access, point of use) → final INSPIRE directive Categories e.g.: Types of data Types of services Types of user Rights of use, types of usage Procedure Restrictions

13 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Progress on First Work Programme in Dec 2005/Jan 2006 Common ground identified between Commission Proposal and Council Common Position Working terms defined Criteria drawn up for user requirements research Task forces formed to study user requirements of Community institutions and bodies

14 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Consolidation Team Meeting (February 2006) Clarification sought on many issues by all Drafting Teams All Teams trying to do user requirements studies from their own perspective Commission announced it will do the user requirements study. Delivery date for results not defined. Criteria for data sharing part of study submitted by DSS DT to Consolidation Team and Commission.

15 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team New Work Programme Analysis of the current status → ongoing In the interim: Continue work on terminology Draw up process by which user requirements results will be used

16 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Planned Actions Task forces on: Access: types of access, access point + examples Rights of use: types of usage + examples Procedure (e.g. application, timeframe, charge, clearinghouse) and restrictions (data protection,..) Work on interface teams with other DTs Seek use cases and examples and document them When user requirements available from Commission study: Analyse results, produce models and evaluate Draft implementing rules for data sharing between MS and EU institutions and bodies

17 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Issues Moving goalposts Commission support Volatile and distinct wording in the 2 nd Reading texts

18 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Clarification sought from Commission User requirements from EU institutions and bodies Institutions and bodies of the Community examples, criteria and rules - which bodies are involved? Bodies established by international agreements to which the Community and/or MS are party examples, criteria and rules - which bodies are involved? Information about INSPIRE Geoportal access point, data flow, clearinghouse,...

19 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Next? Get on with preparatory work Wait for user requirements study results Wait for final Directive text Looking to SDICs and LMOs for case studies for data sharing arrangements Workshop between metadata, network services and data and service sharing drafting teams on ‘horizontal services’ (access management, authorisation, licensing etc)

20 June 2006Data and Service Sharing Drafting Team Thank You!

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