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Why choose Modern Languages as a Combined Honours subject at Exeter?

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Presentation on theme: "Why choose Modern Languages as a Combined Honours subject at Exeter?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why choose Modern Languages as a Combined Honours subject at Exeter?

2 Our students: Are passionate about language learning and want to understand what makes other cultures unique and complex. Have a wide range of academic interests and find there’s plenty of choice within BA Modern Languages. Get involved in language activities outside class: language societies, Tandem partnerships, liaison work in schools. Come back from their Year Abroad transformed! Engage in an ongoing dialogue with the Department about what students need / want.

3 Our graduates: Are confident and persuasive communicators Are adaptable, having studied across a range of disciplines that train different skills Have not just learnt a language but have learnt how to learn languages Can achieve their goals even in unfamiliar cultures

4 The Department French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish Approx. 1200 students Strong reputation in both teaching and research Wide range of links with partner universities abroad

5 Why combine Modern Languages with another discipline? Adds a European* dimension to your studies Or deepens the European* component of global knowledge e.g. in combination with International Relations. Provides well-established structures for study/work abroad. Makes you a flexible learner who can move between disciplines which have different ways of working. Trains your verbal skills in a way that will support the other discipline. (* not forgetting Russia and Latin America!)

6 Course Content Language study is core for all. Plus: Visual Culture Linguistics Literature/Thought History / Heritage Information about degree programmes Further information about what we offer

7 Teaching and Assessment Methods Language tuition from trained native speakers Skills of critical analysis applied to text and images Skills in mounting arguments using evidence from relevant library or electronic resources Broad range of assessment methods – coursework and examination

8 Lectures / Contact time Modern Languages expects to exceed the University’s commitment of 10-8-6 contact hours Total student study time = 40 hours per week (usually 10 hours per 15-credit module) Timetable typically 10-12 hours taught and 28+ set aside for private study each week Combinations of lectures, seminars, one-to-one feedback sessions, study groups, etc. Excellent language resources in the Foreign Language Centre

9 Teaching Intranet Our teaching intranet (ELE) provides information and resources for each module you take.

10 Teaching Intranet Accessible information, wherever you are / whenever you need it. Organises complex information. Week-to-week instructions on reading / preparation. Helps visual learners Makes materials more varied (audio / video / quizzes / forums) Access to courses you aren’t even taking!

11 Personal Tutor System Regular scheduled meetings with tutor Personal Development Plan: chance to talk through progress towards achieving goals at university Further support/advice from AccessAbility, Counselling Service, Student Advice Centre, Chaplaincy. System is overseen by a Senior Tutor.

12 Year Abroad Studying at a University Teaching English (British Council) Work placements Choose from: Special arrangements for Russia Opportunities in Latin America

13 Employment Our graduates have all the skills of an arts graduate PLUS language skills and experience of living abroad. A very wide range of careers is open to them, including: Civil Service, Diplomatic Corps, GCHQ, Publishing, Advertising, Journalism, Law, Accountancy, Banking, Voluntary Sector, NHS, Retail, PR and Marketing, Leisure Industry, Finance, Translating and Interpreting OR Postgraduate Study

14 For more information on individual languages If we haven’t answered your questions about a particular language, feel free to contact our Programme Directors: French: Dr Zoe Boughton German: Dr Sara Smart Spanish: Prof Derek Flitter Italian: Dr Danielle Hipkins Russian: Dr Katharine Hodgson

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