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Published byGregory Goodwin Modified over 9 years ago
1 National Information Day Homs, 1 March 2009 Deirdre Lennan, DG Education and Culture
PRESENTATION IN THREE PARTS 1.Part I: Basic features of Tempus IV 2.Part II: Results of the First Call 3.Part III: Second Call Parameters 4.Part IV: Main Novelties in Second Call
BASIC FEATURES (I) Objectives: To establish an area of cooperation and modernisation in higher education between the European Union (EU) and the partner countries in the surrounding area, including Central Asia. Strong linkage with EU higher education policies (Lisbon and Bologna).
BASIC FEATURES (II) Focus on: Institutional cooperation. Strong involvement of national authorities (in the definition of priorities, the selection of projects and during impact assessment). Strong linkage with EC Delegations in partner countries (liaising with authorities, selection of projects).
BASIC FEATURES (III) Approach: Bottom-up programme mainly implemented through calls for proposals seeking projects targeting reforms in higher education institutions and/or systems. Strong accent on relevance, dissemination, sustainability and exploitation of results. Complements Erasmus Mundus and External Cooperation Window (mobility programme).
BASIC FEATURES (IV) Local Support: National Contact Points in EU Member States National Tempus Offices in Partner Countries (PCs) Teams of Higher Education Reform Experts in partner countries are part of new strategic activities launched to support and facilitate institutional reforms in PCs
Out of 530: 13% Structural Measures (new parameters, ambitious objectives, need more coordination with national authorities) 87% Joint Project (most familiar & interesting for academics) 52% = Joint Projects curricular reform 42% National projects (i.e. involving only 1 Partner Country) 58% Multi-country projects (i.e. involving more than one Partner Country. JEP 2006 = 10% Multi Country) First Call in 2008: Type of Proposals
Joint Projects Curriculum Reform: academic disciplines balanced between soft sciences/humanities & hard sciences. Structural Measures; few submitted, difficult aim of reforming HE at national level, need strong support and involvement from ministry responsible for HE High regional and cross-regional cooperation in multi- country proposals; even among partner countries in politically difficult situations First Call: Type of proposals
530 proposals (average grant = 1 m €) 85 not eligible (new parameters) 262 passed academic assessment (50%) 160 passed technical assessment (30%) 126 in consultation (24%) (avg = €1 m budget, 10 partners) 76 projects funded (overall success rate: 15%) First Call: Selection Statistics
First Call: Overview of selection progress
First Call: External Assessors’ Feedback Part of application best completed? Logical Framework Matrix Work Plan Needs analysis Description of partner institutions Project summary
First Call: External Assessors’ Feedback Part of application worst completed? Sustainability & dissemination Outcome & activity tables Quality control, monitoring and management Budget
First Call: External Assessors’ Feedback What was most difficult to assess? Value for money Appropriate equipment Academic content is relevant and up-to-date Are technologies really necessary Ownership of project and high motivation of partners
Conclusion Important in Second Call: Relevance Sustainability Impact Mandatory involvement of ministry of education in SM projects Cost effectiveness (staff cost ceiling, increase in co-financing)
The Syrian 1st call successes University Chair on Innovation in 5 MEDA countries (Aleppo University) Advanced Curriculum on Intelligent Transport System by means of ICT (Al-Baath University, Aleppo University, Damascus University, Tishreen University, Mamoun Private University for Science and Technology, Ministry of Transportation, Syrian Engineering Association, Municipalities of Homs and Aleppo) Assurance Qualité dans les Instituts intermédiaires en Syrie ( Al-Baath University, Aleppo University, Damascus University, Tishreen University, Ministry of Higher Education ) 2 Joint Projects and 1 Structural Measures
Part II: SECOND CALL A range of themes are defined based on the EU higher education modernisation agenda. The Tempus IV themes concentrate on higher education curriculum reform, governance and links with society. National and Regional priorities are selected from the list of themes.
THEMES Curricular reform: ECTS, 3 cycles, diploma supplement Governance reform University management; quality assurance; autonomy & accountability; equal access to HE; international relations. Higher Education and Society Training; partnerships with enterprises; knowledge triangle; lifelong learning; qualifications frameworks
PRIORITIES National priorities Defined by the Ministries of Education and selected from the overall programme themes Regional Priorities for multi-country Extracted from strategic documents of European Commission regarding region and/or Partner Countries New element introduced in Second Call
PRIORITIES (II) Strict adherence to eligibility criteria re priorities: National priorities for national projects (projects involving one single PC) Regional priorities for multi-country projects (projects involving at least two PCs) Multi country projects are also eligible if they address a theme which is a national or regional priority that is common to all participating PCs. i.e. Lifelong Learning in AZ (regional) & TJ (national)
National Priorities – Joint Projects CURRICULAR REFORMGOVERNANCE REFORMHIGHER EDUCATION AND SOCIETY Introduction of 3 cycle system ECTS and recognition of degrees Modernisation of curricula Disciplines University management and student services Introduction of quality assurance Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability Equal and transparent access to higher education Development of international relations Training of non-university teachers Development of partnerships with enterprises Knowledge triangle: education- innovation-research Training courses for public services (ministries, regional/local authorities) Development of lifelong learning in society at large Qualifications frameworks Partner country Partner CountryPartner Country Syria x x x x x
National Priorities – Structural Measures GOVERNANCE REFORMHIGHER EDUCATION AND SOCIETY Universit y manage ment and student services Introducti on of quality assuranc e Institution al and financial autonom y and accounta bility Equal and transpare nt access to higher educatio n Develop ment of internatio nal relations Training of non- university teachers Develop ment of partnersh ips with enterpris es Knowled ge triangle: educatio n- innovatio n- research Training courses for public services (ministries, regional/loc al authorities) Develop ment of lifelong learning in society at large Qualificat ions framewor ks Partner Country SYRIA XX x X x
Regional Priorities – Joint Projects (I) Curricula reform (modernisation of curricula (w/l ECTS structure) Western Balkans (IPA) Education/pedagogy (incl. Primary and secondary teacher training), vocational education and training, rural development, law and good governance (incl. Human rights) Eastern Neighbouring Area (ENPI East) Law and good governance (incl. Human rights), health, education, energy, environment (inc. Climate change), transport, information society, business and entrepreneurship, tourism Southern Neighbouring Area (ENPI South) Law and good governance (incl. Human rights), health, education, energy, environment (inc. Climate change), transport, information society, business and entrepreneurship, tourism Central Asia (DCI) Education/pedagogy, Law, Good governance, Water, Energy, Environment
Regional Priorities – Joint Projects (II) xx
Regional Priorities – Structural Measures
2 TYPES OF ACTIONS Joint Projects, implemented at institutional level to reform curricula, improve university governance, create more links with society. Structural Measures, implemented at national level for the development and reform of national higher education structures and systems in PC ( Ministries must be “associated partners” – can only receive travel costs & per diems )
Joint Project Activities CURRICULAR REFORM Adapt, modernise and restructure existing curricula with a focus on content, structure, teaching methods and the use of new teaching materials. Establish study programmes with a double or multiple degree or a joint degree; Establish links with the labour market. GOVERNANCE REFORM Modernise the capacity, management and governance of higher education institutions Promote a quality assurance culture
HIGHER EDUCATION AND SOCIETY Strengthen the role of higher education institutions in society at large Address the "knowledge triangle" of education, research and innovation (project must not focus on research) Encourage links between higher education institutions and the labour market Joint Project Activities (II)
Structural Measures Activities GOVERNANCE REFORM Licensing, Accreditation, Qualification frameworks, Quality assurance, Autonomy HIGHER EDUCATION AND SOCIETY Links between different sectors of education, Links with the world of work, Capacity building for public administration
GRANT SIZE = € 500 000 to € 1 500 500 for both Joint Projects and Structural Projects. Need to prove cost effectiveness! Minimum grant size for national projects from Central Asia, Montenegro and Kosovo lowered to € 300,000. PROJECT DURATION = up to 36 months
ELIGIBLE PARTNERSHIPS National projects: minimum of 6 HE institutions 3 from Partner countries, 3 from 3 different EU countries. Multi-country projects: minimum of 7 HE institutions 2 from each Partner country (minimum 2 PC x 2) 3 from 3 different EU countries Exception: Montenegro and Kosovo only 1 HE institution
ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS Joint Projects: State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC) Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions Structural Measures: State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC) Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions Rector/teacher/student organisations (not ministries)
ELIGIBLE PARTNERS State-recognised public or private HE institutions (either in EU or PC) Associations, organisations or networks of HE institutions Rector/teacher/student organisations Non-governmental organisations Social partner and their training organisations Private and public enterprises Research institutions Public administrations, ministries or national/regional authorities, as “Associated Partners”
ELIGIBLE COSTS Staff costs: max 40% of total eligible direct costs for academic and admin staff use maximum daily rates (see tables in Annexes 1 & 2 of Call) Travel and subsistence: Student mobility – up to 3 months (see tables in Annex 3 with cost of stay) Equipment and supplies: max. 30% of total direct costs Printing and publishing & “other costs”
FINANCING Tempus grant: Up 90% of total eligible direct costs Up to 7% of total eligible direct costs Co-Financing from consortium resources: At least 10 % of total eligible direct costs NB: Percentage calculations are always based on total eligible direct costs.
AVAILABLE BUDGET Southern Mediterranean (ENPI South): € 11.4 million Eastern Europe/Caucasus (ENPI East): € 11.4 million Bilateral allocation for Russia: € 8 million. Western Balkans (IPA): € 17.7 million Central Asia (DCI): € 4.5 million NB: No individual country allocation except for bilateral allocation to Russian Federation
PRIORITY GIVEN TO PROJECTS THAT: Demonstrate a wider impact on higher education institutions and systems - Structural Measures Involve a representative number of higher education institutions from a partner country Promote regional cooperation Involve non-academic consortium members. Demonstrate a strong institutional and individual capacity building process. Demonstrate that they actively involve students
Award Criteria Relevance (25 points) Financial and operating capacity (20 points) Methodology (25 points) Sustainability (10 points) Cost effectiveness (20 points)
Different Partnership requirements (increased / simplified) Regional priorities are introduced Ministries can be “associated partners” but not applicants or partners (can receive limited costs) Co-financing increased to 10% of total direct costs Ceiling for staff costs of 40% of total direct costs Part III: Main Novelties (I)
Strict adherence to either national or regional priorities Ministries responsible for Higher Education must be involved in Structural Measures projects as “Associated Partner” Slightly different evaluation criteria Emphasis placed on relevance, impact, cost- effectiveness and sustainability Main novelties (II)
2nd Call: Selection Schedule 28 January Publication of call for proposals 28 AprilProposal reception and response to questions Beg MayReception notices sent to applicants; verification of data and duplicates June - July Single Assessment by external assessors (from EU and partner countries) End August Launch of consultation of short-listed projects with Tempus Offices, EC Delegations, Ministries Mid SeptFeedback from ministries, Delegations, NTOs Sept - OctPreparation for selection panels & final decision on funding projects Nov - DecPreparation and sending of grant agreements
ERASMUS MUNDUS/ EXTERNAL COOPERATION WINDOW OBJECTIVES Mobility programme to promote institutional cooperation in higher education between EU and third-countries To improve transparency and mutual recognition of studies and qualifications for study periods abroad To enhance academic staff and students capacities and employability
ERASMUS MUNDUS/ EXTERNAL COOPERATION WINDOW ACTIVITIES FINANCED Organisation of mobility and transfer of know-how and best practices Implementation of individual mobility for students (undergraduate, Master, Doctorate, Post-graduate) and academic staff for the purpose of studying, teaching, training and research abroad Two-way mobilities (to and from the Partner Countries)
ERASMUS MUNDUS/ EXTERNAL COOPERATION WINDOW Partnership requirements At least 5 European HEI (holding an Erasmus Charter) + 1 HEI from each of the third-countries covered in the geographical lot (exceptions for lots with particular difficulties) Maximum 20 eligible partners (incl. the applicant) The same partnership can apply to 4 lots max
ERASMUS MUNDUS/ EXTERNAL COOPERATION WINDOW Planned duration Planned duration of projects: max 48 months Preparatory activities: from 15 July 2009 Mobility up to 34 months All individual mobilities must start at the latest by 1st September 2010 List of selected students and academic staff to be provided by 1st April 2010
ERASMUS MUNDUS/ EXTERNAL COOPERATION WINDOW 2009 CALL FOR PROPOSALS: M€ 163,5 Targeted third countries: Neighbourhood countriesM€ 29 Western BalkansM€ 8,5 Middle-EastM€ 3 Central AsiaM€ 5 Asia: Regional Asia (2O), India (19) and China (26) Latin America: Brazil (9,3), Argentina (2,1), Regional Latin America (41,6)
ERASMUS MUNDUS/ EXTERNAL COOPERATION WINDOW FINANCING Financing for consortia: from 2,1 to 5,3 million Euros: Organisation of mobility: 10,000€ per university, per lot Scholarships: travel, living allowance, full insurance, fees (limited or Erasmus fee waiver) Undergraduate + Master scholarship: € 1000/month + tuition fees (€3.000) + insurance (€75/ month) Doctorate scholarship: € 1500/month + tuition fees (€3.000) + insurance (€75/ month) Post doctorale scholarship: € 1800/month + tuition fees (€5.000) + insurance (€75/ month) Academic staff fellowship: € 2500/month + insurance (€75/ month)
ERASMUS MUNDUS/ EXTERNAL COOPERATION WINDOW TARGET GROUPS TARGET GROUP 1: Students and academic staff registered in a university member of selected consortium TARGET GROUP 2: Nationals of an eligible third country, enrolled in (or having obtained a university degree from) a university of these countries, but not member of the selected consortium TARGET GROUP 3: Nationals of an eligible third country in a particularly vulnerable situation (e.g refugees, asylum seekers)
ERASMUS MUNDUS/ EXTERNAL COOPERATION WINDOW How to obtain a scholarship Selection of students & academic staff is the responsibility of the selected partnerships The student / scholars selection criteria must: be common to all members of the partnership be communicated to potential applicants in advance comply with the principles of transparency and equality of treatment
ERASMUS MUNDUS/ EXTERNAL COOPERATION WINDOW 2009 CALL FOR PROPOSALS Budget : EUR 163.5 M Mobility: approx. 6000 students Publication: December 2008 Submission of proposals: 13 March 2009 _
ERASMUS MUNDUS II Erasmus Mundus II (2009-2013) will integrate: Erasmus Mundus Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window Erasmus Mundus II will fund: Action 1 : joint masters and joint doctoral programmes Action 2: mobility scheme between EU and targeted non European countries (the current External Cooperation Window) Action 3: projects to enhance the attractiveness of EU Higher Education in the world
ERASMUS MUNDUS II Action 1: Scholarships (1) Offered in at least 3 EU countries Mobility: study period in at least two institutions Scholarships for non EU students: max 24,000 € per year Scholarships for EU students: max 13,000 € per year Mobility grants for scholars: max 14,400 € for a 3 month stay Doctoral fellowship: between € 61 200 and €129 900 (depending on category, lab. or type of recruitment
ERASMUS MUNDUS II Action 1: Scholarships (2) Joint doctoral programmes + fellowships Joint admission, selection and exam criteria Inclusion of non EU universities in joint masters and doctoral programmes Obligatory mobility Award of double, multiple or joint degrees Selected for five years Deadline for submission of proposals: 30 April 09 List of selected Masters (for students to apply):
ERASMUS MUNDUS II Action 2: Partnerships (ex- « External Cooperation Window ») Scholarships for non EU and EU nationals of varying length (3 months to 3 years) Scholarships for bachelor, master, doctorate and post- doctorate students and HE staff (training, teaching, research) Mobility not linked to specific programmes (all programmes on offer in partnerships can be followed) Use of Erasmus mobility features and instruments Selection by universities
ERASMUS MUNDUS II Action 3: Promotion of European Higher Education Projects aimed at enhancing the attractiveness, profile, image, visibility and accessibility of EU HE Projects relating to the international dimension of HE (promotion, QA, credit recognition, mutual recognition of qualifications, curriculum development, mobility, quality of services…) Promotion of the programme and its outputs Conferences, seminars, workshops, studies, analyses, pilot projects, prizes, international networks Public/private bodies active in HE (EU and non-EU)
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