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Real-Time D igital S ignal P rocessing Lab Development using Matlab, Simulink, and the TI TMS320C6711 DSK David Rolando & Jonathan Kellerman Graduate Advisor:

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Presentation on theme: "Real-Time D igital S ignal P rocessing Lab Development using Matlab, Simulink, and the TI TMS320C6711 DSK David Rolando & Jonathan Kellerman Graduate Advisor:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Real-Time D igital S ignal P rocessing Lab Development using Matlab, Simulink, and the TI TMS320C6711 DSK David Rolando & Jonathan Kellerman Graduate Advisor: William Luh Faculty Advisor: Dr. Deepa Kundur Filtering 1 Audio Applications Image Processing Lab 1: Intro to DSP Introduction to Matlab and Simulink environments FIR filters and Direct-form Realizations Non-real-time simulations Lab 2: Filter Design Figure 1: Parallel FIR Filters PurposePurpose Figure 2: 1-D Haar Wavelet Transform Matlab’s Filter Design and Analysis Tool Real-time Simulation on host computer using Real-Time Target for Windows Simple Wavelet Transform Filtering 2 Lab 3: On-board Filtering Lab 4: FFT Convolution Lab 5: Audio Equalizer Design of 5-band audio equalizer Real-time host-to-target communication using RTDX 4 kHz total bandwidth Lab 6: Equalizer GUI Introduction to Matlab’s Graphical User Interface Design Environment (GUIDE) GUI Programming in Matlab Real-time host-to-target communication using a GUI interface Figure 6: 5-band EqualizerFigure 7: Equalizer GUI Introduction to Simulink’s Target for TI C6000 Blockset Introduction to TI’s Code Composer Studio 3.1 Linking Matlab and Code Composer Studio Implementation of an IIR filter on the board’s hardware Real-time control using manual switches on the board Figure 3: IIR Noise Filtering Frequency domain implementation of long FIR filter kernels Application of multiplication-convolution duality Practical use of the Fast Fourier Transform Frame-based Processing Overlap-add algorithm Overlap-save algorithm Figure 4: Overlap-Save Filtering Lab 7: Audio Effects Reverberation Flanging effect Chorus effect Upsampling Downsampling Non-real-time testing and real-time implementation Figure 9: Non-Integer Upsampling (“Darth Vader voice”) Lab 8: Synthesizer Combination of audio effects into Synthesizer Subsystem design Modification of audio effect implementations for RTDX compatibility Figure 11: Flanging Effect Figure 12: Reverberation Figure 13: Synthesizer Lab 9: Synthesizer GUI Programming a GUI to control the Lab 8 Synthesizer Advanced Button Panel Implementation Figure 14: Synthesizer GUI Lab 10: Face Recognition Feature extraction using edge detection Image registration through translation and rotation Statistical comparison techniques Figure 16: Edge Detection of the Anchor Image (Left) and the Target Image (Right) Development of a Real-Time DSP lab curriculum for ELEN 448 Interface Matlab, Simulink, Code Composer Studio, and the TI TMS320C6711 DSK Develop all DSP algorithms at a high level in Simulink Implement DSP algorithms in non-real-time, in real- time on the host computer, and in real-time on the C6711 board Use host-to-target communication for immediate optimization ObjectivesObjectives Develop all of the models and code for each lab Aid in writing the lab manual Figure 15: Face Recognition Algorithm Figure 8: Chorus Effect Figure 10: Downsampling Figure 5: Overlap-Add Filtering Acknowledgements : Matlhworks Help Page-

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