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War Fought in 2 places – – Cuba – – Philippines. Cuba The 1 st US Volunteer Cavalry, nicknamed the Rough Riders, led by Theodore Roosevelt joined African.

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1 War Fought in 2 places – – Cuba – – Philippines

2 Cuba The 1 st US Volunteer Cavalry, nicknamed the Rough Riders, led by Theodore Roosevelt joined African American troops in the Battle of San Juan Hill. – – Rough Riders included cowboys, miners, college students, New York policemen, athletes, and Native Americans.

3 Rough Riders June – set out for Santiago, Cuba where the climate was rough and many came down with tropical diseases. Had to capture San Juan Hill to gain control of Santiago’s port. July – Attacked San Juan Hill, African American soldiers drove the Spanish back and Rough Riders joined them and captured the hill.

4 Philippines George Dewey – – Commander of the Pacific fleet. – – Ordered by Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt, to attack Spanish troops in the Philippines if war broke out. – – May 1, 1898 - Dewey gave the command to open fire on the Spanish fleet in Manila (Philippines’ Capital). The US Navy sank the Spanish fleet stationed at Manila Bay. – – In 7 hours, Dewey’s men destroyed the Spanish fleet -- 380 sailors dead/wounded, no Americans killed. – – US troops took control of Manila with help from Filipino Rebels led by Emilio Aguinaldo.

5 George Dewey Emilio Aguinaldo

6 Surrender American ships then destroyed Spain’s fleet as it tried to escape Santiago Harbor a few days later. July 17 – City surrendered US forces took Puerto Rico August 12 – Spain signed a truce John Hay – Secretary of State called it a “splendid little war” US began to demand Spain give up other colonies.

7 Treaty of Paris: 1. 1.Spain agrees to give Cuba independence. (Cuban Independence was granted but Cuba remained under US military control because Americans believed that rapid withdrawal might jeopardize Cuban stability) 2. 2.Puerto Rico and Guam are given to the United States. 3. 3.Spain agrees to sell the Philippines to the United States for $20 million. Treaty of Paris Ended the War

8 Revolt in the Philippines – – The Philippines fought along side of the Americans during the war. They believed they would be independent but McKinley thought they should become an American colony. – – Filipinos, led by Emilio Aguinaldo, began to fight against their new colonial rulers. New Problems

9 Platt Amendment – – Cuba Cuba was forced to add the Platt Amendment to its constitution – this gave the US the right to intervene in Cuban affairs anytime there was a threat to “life, property, and individual liberty.” Cuba also had to allow a US naval base at Guantanamo Bay.

10 New Problems Anti-Imperialist League – – Read Mark Twain’s view on imperialism.

11 New Problems Anti-Imperialist League – – The United States' treatment of Spain’s former colonies after the Spanish-American War disappointed many people in the United States. Formed by Grover Cleveland, Andrew Carnegie, Jane Addams, Mark Twain, and others. Believed that Americans should not deny other people the right to govern themselves.

12 Crash Course Crash Course: American Imperialism

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