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Sunny. he was born 1735 born in Boston Mass he was a silversmith lived when England ruled the 13 colonies he warned the colonist was in the sons of liberty.

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Presentation on theme: "Sunny. he was born 1735 born in Boston Mass he was a silversmith lived when England ruled the 13 colonies he warned the colonist was in the sons of liberty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sunny

2 he was born 1735 born in Boston Mass he was a silversmith lived when England ruled the 13 colonies he warned the colonist was in the sons of liberty died in 1818 diligence-hard worker liberty-freedom from others

3 he was a slave died 1895 lived in Baltimore, Maryland born 1818 did not have fear worked for a ship builder lived when there was slavery part of the underground railroad he wanted to escape

4 She went to school. Born in South Carolina. Went to school in North Carolina. Born in a cabin. There is a statue of her. Mary became a teacher. She is known for diligence,respect for athory

5 She went to jail.Was a teacher. She got fired for complaining. She could not vote. She was on a dollar coin. Born in Massachusetts. Boys could vote but girls could not. Girls could not own land. Character Traits Diligence and Justice.

6 F.D.R Brave Diligent He was rich He could not walk Was president of the U.S.A Ran summer camps for poor boys The New Deal helped to create jobs He helped make jobs during the Great Depression



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