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1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50 Question 1 - 10 What is Progressive Income Tax?

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2 1 2 3 4 5 10 20 30 40 50

3 Question 1 - 10 What is Progressive Income Tax?

4 Answer 1 – 10 Tax on income (the money you make)

5 Question 1 - 20 What is “suffrage”?

6 Answer 1 – 20 Right to vote

7 Question 1 - 30 What was the goal of women progressives?

8 Answer 1 – 30 Right to vote

9 Question 1 - 40 What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?

10 Answer 1 – 40 The ban on Chinese immigrants

11 Question 1 - 50 What is the Gentleman’s Agreement?

12 Answer 1 – 50 Ban on Japanese immigrants

13 Question 2 - 10 What did the Plessey vs. Ferguson court case create?

14 Answer 2 – 10 “Separate but Equal” – blacks and whites have separate facilities, but equal.

15 Question 2 - 20 What is “Melting Pot”?

16 Answer 2 – 20 When all different cultures come to America and they are mixed together – makes people “American”.

17 Question 2 - 30 What are trusts and monopolies?

18 Answer 2 – 30 Get rid of competition so things can be priced higher

19 Question 2 - 40 What was the goal of Progressives?

20 Answer 2 – 40 They wanted to fix injustices in social (kids working in factories), economic (monopolies), and political (right to vote) areas.

21 Question 2 - 50 What was the Roosevelt Corollary?

22 Answer 2 – 50 US was policeman of the world

23 Question 3 - 10 What was the US feeling towards war at the beginning of WWI?

24 Answer 3 – 10 They wanted to be neutral – not involved.

25 Question 3 - 20 What effect did the railroads have in the Great Plains?

26 Answer 3 – 20 The railroads opened up the Great Plains to more people They could transport crops/livestock back east

27 Question 3 - 30 Who were Jane Adams, Lillian Wald, and Jacob Riis?

28 Answer 3 – 30 They were social reformers. – Jane Adams (Hull House) – Lillian Wald (nurse) – Jacob Riis (pictures of slums)

29 Question 3 - 40 What is yellow journalism?

30 Answer 3 – 40 When journalists publish exaggerated stories of events in newspapers

31 Question 3 - 50 Who did the US blame for the sinking of the USS Maine?

32 Answer 3 – 50 The US blamed Spain because of yellow journalism reporting that they blew up the USS Maine

33 Question 4 - 10 What is imperialism?

34 Answer 4 – 10 Bigger country taking over smaller country to form an empire

35 Question 4 - 20 What were the Jim Crow laws?

36 Answer 4 – 20 Laws against black people – they enforced segregation

37 Question 4 - 30 How did Latin America feel towards the US?

38 Answer 4 – 30 Latin America did not trust the US

39 Question 4 - 40 What is a muckraker?

40 Answer 4 – 40 Someone who exposed wrongdoings in society

41 Question 4 - 50 Dewey knocking out the Spanish fleet, Cuba and yellow journalism all occurred during which war?

42 Answer 4 – 50 Spanish-American War

43 Question 5 - 10 Why did countries want to make colonies?

44 Answer 5 – 10 New markets for trade

45 Question 5 - 20 What do monopolies do to competition?

46 Answer 5 – 20 Monopolies eliminate competition so that prices can go high

47 Question 5 - 30 Why was the Panama Canal created?

48 Answer 5 – 30 It was created to make it easier to trade and could move the Navy faster and easier.

49 Question 5 - 40 What was the result of the Spanish-American War?

50 Answer 5 – 40 The US gained colonies – Philippines, Cuba, Guantanamo Bay, Guam, and Puerto Rico

51 Question 5 - 50 What was Woodrow Wilson’s feelings about war?

52 Answer 5 – 50 He wanted neutrality – nothing to do with war

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