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Yellow Journalism and the Spanish American War “You furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war.” -William Randolph Hearst.

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Presentation on theme: "Yellow Journalism and the Spanish American War “You furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war.” -William Randolph Hearst."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yellow Journalism and the Spanish American War “You furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war.” -William Randolph Hearst

2 Perspective Lens Monroe Doctrine: President James Monroe (1823) US doesn’t want European expansion in the Western Hemisphere Colonies could remain aligned with their “mother country” Many European countries were on the verge of independence US wants economic influence

3 Late 1880s US is strong after Civil War Industrial Revolution and Gilded Age makes US economy strong US begins to flex its international muscle Wants colonies for $ US hears of Cubans fighting against oppressive Spanish Empire Wants to “help out”

4 Spanish Rule in Cuba Cuban revolted numerous times after 1850. Brutally crushed Late 1880s Economic Depression annoys Cubans Jose Marti helped organize rebellion Spain sends General Valeriano “the butcher” Weyler to crush rebels. Atrocities!

5 US Interest US wants Spain out US wants Economic gain Joseph Pulitzer’s The World and William Randolph Hearst’s New York Journal use Yellow Journalism to get public support Frederic Remington deceived Public sees images and stories, demands war January 1898 USS Maine explodes “Remember the Maine, to hell with Spain!”





10 The War Teddy Roosevelt’s Rough Riders capture San Juan Hill. Commodore George Dewey fights off General Emilio Aguinaldo August 1898 Spain surrenders US cements its influence in Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico

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