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Java Programming The Language of Now & the Future Clients and Servers including Internet connectivity, I/O and JDBC John Morris and Peter Jones Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Java Programming The Language of Now & the Future Clients and Servers including Internet connectivity, I/O and JDBC John Morris and Peter Jones Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Java Programming The Language of Now & the Future Clients and Servers including Internet connectivity, I/O and JDBC John Morris and Peter Jones Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Western Australia John Morris Peter Jones

2 Sockets Sockets are the “endpoints” of Internet connections Socket constructors require Internet addresses Socket( String host, int port ) throws UnknownHostException, IOException; Socket(InetAddress address, int port) throws IOException;... and a host of other alternatives, see the API documentation! Note: these constructors throw exceptions Use them in a try { } catch.. block Machine A Machine B Ports 00 nnn Internet

3 Sockets Note: these constructors throw exceptions Use them in a try { } catch.. Block Note: UnknownHostException is a subclass of IOException  catch( IOException e ) alone would suffice String name = new String(“”); try { Socket t = new Socket( name, 80 );... } catch( UnknownHostException e ) { System.out.println(“Unknown host:” + name ); } catch( IOException e ) {... }

4 Aside: Datagrams,... Use a DatagramSocket Constructor DatagramSocket( int port ) throws IOException ; creates a datagram socket on port Methods void receive( DatagramPacket p ) throws IOException ; void send( DatagramPacket p ) throws IOException ; DatagramPacket Constructor DatagramPacket( byte[] buf, int length, InetAddress add, int port ); creates a packet to be sent to port at add Methods byte[] getData(); void setData( byte[] buf ); InetAddress getAddress();

5 Datagrams,... Use a DatagramSocket Constructor DatagramSocket( int port ) throws IOException ; creates a datagram socket on port Methods void receive( DatagramPacket p ) throws IOException ; void send( DatagramPacket p ) throws IOException ; DatagramPacket Constructor DatagramPacket( byte[] buf, int length, InetAddress add, int port ); creates a packet to be sent to port at add Methods byte[] getData(); void setData( byte[] buf ); InetAddress getAddress(); Note: byte[] not char[]... more later!

6 Multicast sockets... Messages to multiple hosts Use a MulticastSocket Constructor MulticastSocket( int port ) throws IOException; creates a datagram socket bound to port Methods void receive( DatagramPacket p ) throws IOException ; void send( DatagramPacket p ) throws IOException; void joinGroup( InetAddress mcastaddr ) throws IOException ; void leaveGroup( InetAddress mcastaddr ) throws IOException ; Hosts can join and leave multicast groups Security feature: An applet is not allowed to use a multicast socket Inherited from DatagramSocket

7 static final int lut_port = 3062; String name = new String(“”); static final String query = “?”; try { Socket server = new Socket( name, lut_port ); DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream( server.getInputStream() ); PrintStream output = new PrintStream( server.getOutputStream() ); do { output.println( query ); String resp = input.readLine(); System.out.println( name + “ response: “ + resp ); } while ( !( resp.equal( quit_string ) ) ); server.close(); } catch( UnknownHostException e ) { System.out.println(“Unknown host:” + name ); } catch( IOException e ) {... } Talking to a server

8 static final int lut_port = 3062; String name = new String(“”); static final String query = “?”; try { Socket server = new Socket( name, lut_port ); DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream( server.getInputStream() ); PrintStream output = new PrintStream( server.getOutputStream() ); do { output.println( query ); String resp = input.readLine(); System.out.println( name + “ response: “ + resp ); } while ( !( resp.equal( quit_string ) ) ); server.close(); } catch( UnknownHostException e ) { System.out.println(“Unknown host:” + name ); } catch( IOException e ) {... } Talking to a server Socket (and almost all the rest) throws an exception, so put it all in a try { } block Once the Socket has been created, create input and output streams on it DataInputStream DataOutputStream PrintStream Just part of the stream zoo - there are 55 more!

9 static final int lut_port = 3062; String name = new String(“”); static final String query = “?”; try { Socket server = new Socket( name, lut_port ); DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream( server.getInputStream() ); PrintStream output = new PrintStream( server.getOutputStream() ); do { output.println( query ); String resp = input.readLine(); System.out.println( name + “ response: “ + resp ); } while ( !( resp.equal( quit_string ) ) ); server.close(); } catch( UnknownHostException e ) { System.out.println(“Unknown host:” + name ); } catch( IOException e ) {... } Talking to a server Now use methods on the streams just like any other I/O device println on PrintStream readLine on DataInputStream

10 static final int lut_port = 3062; String name = new String(“”); static final String query = “?”; try { Socket server = new Socket( name, lut_port ); DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream( server.getInputStream() ); PrintStream output = new PrintStream( server.getOutputStream() ); do { output.println( query ); String resp = input.readLine(); System.out.println( name + “ response: “ + resp ); } while ( !( resp.equal( quit_string ) ) ); server.close(); } catch( UnknownHostException e ) { System.out.println(“Unknown host:” + name ); } catch( IOException e ) {... } Talking to a server Finally add some code to handle exceptions! Choices (Java usually gives you plenty ) ¬ Separate catch blocks for different types  One “catch all” ( IOException )  try { } catch { } for each method call ¯ Throw the exception from here

11 static final int lut_port = 3062; String name = new String(“”); static final String query = “?”; try { Socket server = new Socket( name, lut_port ); } catch( UnknownHostException e ) { System.out.println(“Unknown host:” + name ); return error_flag ; } catch( IOException e ) { /* process other errors.... */ return error_flag ; } try { DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream( server.getInputStream() ); PrintStream output = new PrintStream( server.getOutputStream() ); } catch( IOException e ) { System.out.println(“Cant form streams”); return error_flag ; } do { /* do some real work... */ Talking to a server - variant 1 Exception Choices (Java usually gives you plenty )  try { } catch { } for each method call ¯ Throw the exception from here try { } catch { } around each exception throwing call

12 public String ServerResp( String query ) throws IOException { static final int lut_port = 3062; String name = new String(“”); Socket server = new Socket( name, lut_port ); DataInputStream input = new DataInputStream( server.getInputStream() ); PrintStream output = new PrintStream( server.getOutputStream() ); output.println( query ); String resp = input.readLine(); server.close(); return resp; } Talking to a server - variant 2 Exception Choices (Java usually gives you plenty )  try { } catch { } for each method call ¯ Throw the exception from here This method throws any exceptions up a level

13 static final int lut_port = 3062; static final int queue_len = 10; try { Socket server = new ServerSocket( lut_port, queue_len ); } catch( IOException e ) { System.out.println(“Can’t establish server on port “ + lut_port ); } while( true ) { // The server never dies! // Wait for a connection attempt try { Socket s = server.accept(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( s.getOutputStream() ); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( s.getInputStream() ); while( true ) { String q = in.readLine(); if ( q.equal( “?” ) ) ps.println( “Hello” ); else if ( q.equal( “quit” ) ) break; else ps.println( “??” ); } s.close(); // Close this connection } catch ( IOException e ) { /* Do something about it! */ } } Simple Server

14 static final int lut_port = 3062; static final int queue_len = 10; try { Socket server = new ServerSocket( lut_port, queue_len ); } catch( IOException e ) { System.out.println(“Can’t establish server on port “ + lut_port ); } while( true ) { // The server never dies! // Wait for a connection attemtp try { Socket s = server.accept(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( s.getOutputStream() ); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( s.getInputStream() ); while( true ) { String q = in.readLine(); if ( q.equal( “?” ) ) ps.println( “Hello” ); else if ( q.equal( “quit” ) ) break; else ps.println( “??” ); } s.close(); // Close this connection } catch ( IOException e ) { /* Do something about it! */ } } Simple Server Set up a ServerSocket - basically just a socket with an accept method Servers usually live forever!! The code will block here until a client attempts a connection

15 static final int lut_port = 3062; static final int queue_len = 10; try { Socket server = new ServerSocket( lut_port, queue_len ); } catch( IOException e ) { System.out.println(“Can’t establish server on port “ + lut_port ); } while( true ) { // The server never dies! // Wait for a connection attemtp try { Socket s = server.accept(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( s.getOutputStream() ); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( s.getInputStream() ); while( true ) { String q = in.readLine(); if ( q.equal( “?” ) ) ps.println( “Hello” ); else if ( q.equal( “quit” ) ) break; else ps.println( “??” ); } s.close(); // Close this connection } catch ( IOException e ) { /* Do something about it! */ } } Simple Server Now we just ¬ create the input & output streams ­ read and write to them ® close the connection when we’re finished

16 static final int lut_port = 3062; static final int queue_len = 10; try { Socket server = new ServerSocket( lut_port, queue_len ); } catch( IOException e ) { System.out.println(“Can’t establish server on port “ + lut_port ); } while( true ) { // The server never dies! // Wait for a connection attemtp try { Socket s = server.accept(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( s.getOutputStream() ); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( s.getInputStream() ); while( true ) { String q = in.readLine(); if ( q.equal( “?” ) ) ps.println( “Hello” ); else if ( q.equal( “quit” ) ) break; else ps.println( “??” ); } s.close(); // Close this connection } catch ( IOException e ) { /* Do something about it! */ } } Simple Server But... This server blocks whilst one user is using it! A second client can’t connect ‘til the first one finishes! Solution... A thread for each client

17 static final int lut_port = 3062; static final int queue_len = 10; try { Socket server = new ServerSocket( lut_port, queue_len ); } catch( IOException e ) { System.out.println(“Can’t establish server on port “ + lut_port ); } while( true ) { // The server never dies! // Wait for a connection attempt try { Socket s = server.accept(); // This thread will do the talking ClientHandler ch = new ClientHandler( s ); ch.start(); } catch ( IOException e ) { /* Do something about it! */ } } Multi-threaded Server Make this parameter relevant! Number of queued requests As soon as we get a connection, spawn a handler thread to talk to the client Start the thread

18 class ClientHandler extends Thread { Socket s; public ClientHandler( Socket s ) { this.s = s; } public void run() { PrintStream ps = new PrintStream( s.getOutputStream() ); DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( s.getInputStream() ); while( true ) { String q = in.readLine(); if ( q.equal( “?” ) ) ps.println( “Hello” ); else if ( q.equal( “quit” ) ) break; else ps.println( “??” ); } s.close(); // Close this connection } Multi-threaded Server - The Handler Same operational code.. Just embedded in the thread’s run method Constructor - just save a reference to the socket This class is a Thread

19 I/O Streams - Too much choice? There’s a bewildering array of choices... “Stream Zoo” Considering input.. InputStream å ByteArrayInputStream å FileInputStream å FilterInputStream  BufferedInputStream å DataInputStream å DataInput å InflaterInputStream åGZIPInputStream åZipInputStream å... 3 more!  PipedInputStream å... 3 more! Matching Output classes also!

20 I/O Streams - Too much choice?... and the Reader classes! Characters (16 bits!) rather than bytes Reader å BufferedReader å LineNumberReader å CharArrayReader å FilterReader  PushbackReader å InputStreamReader å FileReader å PipedReader å StringReader Matching Writer classes also!

21 Writing Objects to Streams ObjectOutputStream Enables writing of serialized objects Serializable objects implement the interface private void writeObject( ObjectOutputStream out ) throws IOException; private void readObject( ObjectInputStream in ) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException; ClassNotFoundException? A remote program could send you an object that you don’t know about.... and therefore don’t know how to de-serialize!

22 Bytes and characters in Java Java has Primitive types byte char Classes Byte Character Class Byte has a single attribute of type byte It’s just a class “wrapper” for a byte Class Character... Characters are Unicode characters For the full tables, see Character methods isDigit, isLetter, isLowerCase,... Full story: Gosling, Joy & Steele, “The Java Language Specification”

23 Bytes and characters in Java Class Character... Characters are Unicode characters Main trap... “char” files created by other programs, eg C, C++ Files created by text editors... but Windows “NotePad” often creates Unicode files for you! Suggestion Use byte / Byte if the file, stream,... may be generated/read by any other language

24 URLs Not surprisingly, Java provides good support for URLs URL class Constructors URL( String spec ); URL( String protocol, String host, int port, String file ); URL( String protocol, String host, String file ); Methods Object getContent(); Retrieve the whole file URLConnection openConnection(); Used when URLConnection subclasses, eg HttpURLConnection, JarURLConnection exist InputStream openStream() ;

25 SQL databases JDBC provides a bridge to an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface to a specific database Getting started import java.sql.*; Load the bridge.. Class.forName( “sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver” ); Connect to a database Connection c = DriverManager.getConnection( String URL, String username, String passwd ); Create an SQL statement Statement s = c.createStatement(); Execute a statement s.execute( String sql_statement );

26 SQL databases JDBC Results from a query ResultSet res = s.executeQuery( String s ); Goto the first row...; Extract data String name = res.getString( String col_name ); int value = res.getInt( String col_name );... and, of course, several pages more! Examing the table returned ResultSetMetaData m = res.getMetaData(); Information about the table int columns = m.getColumnCount(); String label = m.getColumnLabel( int col_no ); Columns number from 1! String ctype = m.getColumnType( int col_no );... and, of course, 19 more!

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