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Warm Up write out! 1.____________________________ The largest sub-division of most states. 2.____________________________ A city’s basic law 3.____________________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up write out! 1.____________________________ The largest sub-division of most states. 2.____________________________ A city’s basic law 3.____________________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up write out! 1.____________________________ The largest sub-division of most states. 2.____________________________ A city’s basic law 3.____________________________ Laws enacted by a legislative body. 4.____________________________ A law made by a local government (county, city, town) 5.____________________________ This word could refer to a city, town or county – a subdivision of local govt. 6.___________________________ To be brought inside the city limits (added in).

2 1 st Block Presentations and Rubrics

3 Important Unit 5 Vocabulary

4 Objective 4.01 – Examine the structure and organization of political parties.

5 Vocabulary Plurality: When a candidate receives the most votes. Majority: When a candidate receives more than half the votes.

6 Vocabulary Political Party: A group of people who share similar beliefs about gov’t and try to win elections. Liberal: someone who tends to want more government involvement. Conservative: someone who tends to want less government involvement.

7 Vocabulary Plank: A candidates’ or party’s stance on one issue. Platform: A candidates’ or party’s stance on all issues.

8 Vocabulary Straight-ticket voting: voting for all candidates in one party. Split-ticket voting: voting for candidates from different parties. Recall Election: a special election to vote someone out of office.

9 Vocabulary Special interest group: a group of people who have the same view on a specific issue – MADD – NRA Lobbyist: person hired by special interest groups to persuade lawmakers to benefit their cause

10 Vocabulary Apathy- don’t care; opposite of sympathy incumbent: the candidate running to keep his/her job

11 One-Party System a.k.a. “no-party system” Pros – There is always a majority winner Cons – Only one candidate for each position – Low voter turnout EXAMPLES: – China, Cuba, North Korea

12 Two Party System Pros – Candidates represent main ideologies – Winner has the majority of the votes Cons – None of the candidates represent less popular ideologies EXAMPLES – U.S., England, Canada

13 Multi-Party System Pros – Candidates represent all ideologies – High voter turnout Cons – No candidate receives a majority of the votes, only a plurality – Coalitions must be formed EXAMPLES: – France, Italy, Germany

14 Political Spectrum RadicalLiberalModerateConservativeReactionary

15 The 2 Main political parties in the U.S. Republicans (GOP)-Conservative Democrats-Liberal

16 Why are Democrats Donkeys The now-famous Democratic donkey was first associated with Democrat Andrew Jackson's 1828 presidential campaign. His opponents called him a jackass (a donkey), and Jackson decided to use the image of the strong-willed animal on his campaign posters.

17 Why are Republicans Elephants Political cartoonist Thomas Nast was also responsible for the Republican Party elephant. In a cartoon that appeared in Harper's Weekly in 1874, Nast drew a donkey clothed in lion's skin, scaring away all the animals at the zoo. One of those animals, the elephant, was labeled "The Republican Vote." That's all it took for the elephant to become associated with the Republican Party.


19 Party Platforms Political Party platforms are made every 4 years at the National Convention

20 In the U.S., the Republican & Democratic parties dominate the political scene. This demonstrates that the U.S. operates on which kind of political system? A. Multi-partyB. A republic C. Two-partyD. coalition

21 Party leaders gather in national conventions to draft a list of policies and programs that they will support. What is this list of policies and programs called? A. party plankB. Party platform C. Party machineD. Party system

22 Someone whose beliefs fall in between liberal and conservative is referred to as what? A. Independent B. Moderate C. Third party candidate D. reactionary

23 Which Political Party Do You Belong To? On a separate sheet of paper answer the following question, based on personal experience which political party do you think you belong to? Explain why you believe you belong to this political party. Complete the Questionnaire to determine if this is reality!

24 Read and answer the questions Read about political parties and answer the questions on the same piece of paper in the bottom paragraph.

25 Political Party Clips 3rd Party Major Parties front runners Sample Ballot

26 Exit Ticket 1.Plurality or Majority? A candidate receives the most votes, but not more than 50% of the votes. 2.Plurality or Majority? A candidate receives 65% of the votes. 3.In which type of party system does only one candidate run for office? 4.In which type of party system does no candidate usually receive the majority vote? 5.In which type of party system are the main viewpoints of voters represented, however, the lesser viewpoints are not?

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