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Kansas Special Education.  Eligibility is based upon a student meeting 2 prongs  Prong 1 ◦ Does the student have an exceptionality?  Prong 2 ◦ Does.

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Presentation on theme: "Kansas Special Education.  Eligibility is based upon a student meeting 2 prongs  Prong 1 ◦ Does the student have an exceptionality?  Prong 2 ◦ Does."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kansas Special Education

2  Eligibility is based upon a student meeting 2 prongs  Prong 1 ◦ Does the student have an exceptionality?  Prong 2 ◦ Does the student need special education services (determined by general education interventions and instruction)?

3  Schools must carry out interventions and document the child’s progress.  The interventions and progress monitoring data will provide information about the child’s needs, including: – Intensity of instruction needed – Support required for the child to be successful  General Education Intervention is an integral part of the evaluation process  General Education Intervention and instruction information is required to answer prong 2

4  SIT teams will be required to keep an intervention record indicating ◦ Skill Targeted ◦ Interventions conducted ◦ Dates intervention implemented ◦ Duration of intervention implemented ◦ Group size to which the intervention is implemented ◦ Progress monitoring data

5  Must identify students specific skill deficit ◦ Basic Phonics Skills ◦ Multiplication facts ◦ Attending to instruction  Avoid general terms such as ◦ Can’t read ◦ Low in all areas ◦ He’s all over the place

6  Interventions must be researched based  Interventions must be specific as to the name of program or intervention ◦ Ex. Build up, 15-2 CVC words ◦ Avoid general terms for interventions, ex.“tier 2,” “Math Tutoring,” “Title services for Reading”  SIT teams must keep record of the specific dates the intervention was implemented.

7  Progress monitoring data is necessary to determine intervention effectiveness  Progress monitoring of interventions must occur on a regular basis.  Example progress monitoring methods: ◦ DIBELS Oral reading fluency ◦ Curriculum Based measures ◦ Skill based probes ◦ Tracking of assignments completed or turned in on-time ◦ Points/stickers earned on a behavioral point sheet



10  Intervention log and progress monitoring data is required before eligibility and need for special education services can be determined  Intervention documentation will also be required when a parent makes a request for an evaluation

11  Interventions for all areas ◦  Florida Center for Reading Research ◦  Reading Interventions/Assessments ◦  Intervention Guides for Reading and Math ◦

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