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Nomenclature CH. 3. The Types of Compounds Ionic salts, acids and bases (Electrolytes) Minerals Covalent inorganic from non living systems organic/biological-

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Presentation on theme: "Nomenclature CH. 3. The Types of Compounds Ionic salts, acids and bases (Electrolytes) Minerals Covalent inorganic from non living systems organic/biological-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nomenclature CH. 3

2 The Types of Compounds Ionic salts, acids and bases (Electrolytes) Minerals Covalent inorganic from non living systems organic/biological- hydrocarbons, from living systems polymers - large hydrocarbons Metallic compound Pure elements, alloys and amalgams biometallic - proteins or large compounds with metal centers


4 COVALENT Compounds Covalent compounds usually form when two non metal atoms which both have a desire to gain electrons create a bond by sharing the electrons between them. Neither atoms has full possession of the electron; therefore neither atom is charged. Most organic compounds or hydrocarbons would fit into this category. With over 10 million compounds, organics comprise 90% of all the known matter.

5 IONIC Compounds Ionic Compounds involve the transfer of electrons from one atom making a cation to another atom making an anion. The bond forms when the cation with a positive charge is attracted to the anion with a negative charge. This electrostatic attraction is the ionic bond and usually occurs between a metal and a non metal atom.

6 Balancing Charge Na + & O -2 Na + x O -2 y x(+1) + y(-2) = 0 find the smallest common factor Na 2 O Ca +2 & N -3 x(+2) + y(-3) = 0 Ca 3 N 2

7 Fixed Charge Metals 1A always carries a +1 charge. Electron configuration - ns 1 2A always carries a +2 charge Electron configuration - ns 2 3A metals and 3B always carries +3 electron configuration - ns 2 np 1 or ns 2 nd 1

8 Naming inorganic compounds When an element forms only one compound with a given anion. name the cation -ide name the anion using the ending (-ide) NaClsodium chloride MgBr 2 magnesium bromide Al 2 O 3 aluminum oxide K 3 Npotassium nitride

9 Naming ionic compounds Many metals form more than one compound with some anions. For these, roman numerals are used in the name to indicate the charge on the metal. Cu 1+ + O 2- = Cu 2 O copper(I) oxide copper(I) oxide Cu 2+ + O 2- = CuO copper(II) oxide copper(II) oxide

10 Metals with multiple charges Transition metals. Here it is easier to list the ones that to only have a single common oxidation state. All Group 3B- 3+ Ni, Zn, Cd- 2+ Ag- 1+ Lanthanides and actinides - 3+

11 Summary Simple rules that will keep you out of trouble most of the time. Groups IA, 2A, 3A (except Tl) only have a single oxidation state that is the same as the group number - don’t use numbers. Most other metals and semimetals have multiple oxidation states - use numbers. If you are sure that a transition group element only has a single state, don’t use a number.

12 Polyatomic Ions need to know NitrateNO 3 1- CarbonateCO 3 -2 SulfateSO 4 -2 PhosphatePO 4 -3 ChlorateClO 3 1- HydroxideOH - CyanideCN - Acetate C 2 H 3 O 2 1- AmmoniumNH 4 +

13 Polyatomic ions When a compound contains a polyatomic ion, you simply use the given name. NH 4 Cl ammonium chloride NaOH sodium hydroxide KMnO 4 potassium permanganate (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 ammonium sulfate

14 Acids and Bases Acid HClHNO 3 H 2 SO 4 H 3 PO 4 Base NaOHKOHBa(OH) 2 Al(OH) 3 The bases listed are metal hydroxides and therefore are named as an ionic compound

15 Acids Binary acids –the anion is a single element ending in -IDE –the acid is named hydro - root - ic acid –HCl - Hydrogen Chloride or –hydro- chlor - ic acid

16 Ternary Acids Anion ends in -IDE –hydro - root - ic acid –HCN, hydrogen cyanide is hydro cyan ic acid anion ends in -ATE –root - ic acid –HNO 3, hydrogen nitrate is nitr ic acid anion ends in -ITE –root -ous acid –H 3 PO 3, hydrogen phosphite is phosphorous acid

17 Naming Covalent Molecules A simple set of rules can be used. name elements in the order they appear in the formula. use prefixes to indicate how many atoms there are of each type. mono = 1tetra = 4hepta = 7 di = 2penta = 5octa = 8 tri = 3hexa = 6deca = 10 use the ending (-ide) for the second element listed in the formula.

18 Naming covalent compounds The rule may be modified to improve how a name sounds. Example Example - use monoxide not monooxide. N 2 O 5 CO 2 CO SiO 2 ICl 3 P 2 O 5 CCl 4 dinitrogen pentoxide carbon dioxide carbon monoxide silicon dioxide iodine trichloride diphophorous pentoxide carbon tetrachloride

19 Naming Organic Compounds Contain Carbon and hydrogen atoms Use prefix to count number of carbons present in the compound functional groups

20 Nomenclature overview Now that a large number of nomenclature rules have been introduced, we need to review them. Simple binary ionic compounds Ionic compounds of metals with multiple charges Compounds containing polyatomic ions Simple molecular compounds It’s useful to be able to identify which system to use by looking at the chemical.

21 A bit more on nomenclature When the first element is a metal then usually: If only one other element is present and the second element is a non-metal - name the metal first - as element. -ide Name non-metal second with -ide ending If more than one other element is present - name the metal first - as element. The rest is most likely a polyatomic ion so use the name from the table in book.

22 A bit more on nomenclature Is a metal present as the first element? Can the metal have more than one oxidation state? Use prefixes (mono, di, tri...) Roman numerals are not needed. Use Roman numerals to indicate oxidation state of metal No Yes

23 Naming Activities Naming Flowchart

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