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No 8 22 nd January 2010 Dear Parents/ Carers IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY:- February Wednesday 10 th Pupil Consultations Friday 12 th Teacher Day w/c.

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Presentation on theme: "No 8 22 nd January 2010 Dear Parents/ Carers IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY:- February Wednesday 10 th Pupil Consultations Friday 12 th Teacher Day w/c."— Presentation transcript:

1 No 8 22 nd January 2010 Dear Parents/ Carers IMPORTANT DATES FOR YOUR DIARY:- February Wednesday 10 th Pupil Consultations Friday 12 th Teacher Day w/c Mon 15 th Half Term Wednesday 24 th 3.45 – 5.30pmMovie & Munchie night organised by the PTA Thursday 25 th 3.45 – 5.30pmMovie & Munchie night organised by the PTA Friday 26 th Final Session Y6 Cycling Class Assemblies Thursday 28 th JanuaryY5/6W Thursday 4 th FebruaryY1 Thursday 4 th MarchY3/4B Thursday 11 th MarchY3/4R Thursday 18 th MarchY5/6E School Nurse Following the recent height and weight session at your child’s school the School Nursing Team are holding an exciting Health Event offering, help and advice for parents around improving their life styles and healthy eating. Feel free to pop in and discuss your concerns, there will be representatives from SCHOOL NURSING ONE BODY ONE LIFE BODY AND MIND NUTRITIONISTS HEALTH TRAINERS Free Health Checks and healthy food samples will be available. This exciting event will be held on Monday 1st February 10.00 – 12.00 midday Willenhall Health Centre, Remembrance Road in the Community Room

2 Yours sincerely Mrs N A Starritt Head Teacher. GANG SHOW Our very own Miss Rowe will be starring in the Coventry Scout Gang Show at the Belgrade Theatre from 23 rd – 27 th March. The show involves Scouts from age 6 up to adults and is full of singing, dancing and sketches. Tickets are £10 for adults, £7 for concessions Tues- Friday & Saturday matinee. Tickets for Saturday evening are £11 adults & concessions. If you would like to book tickets to go and see the show, send money in an envelope stating child's name, number of tickets and day you would like the tickets for, into the school office. Attendance As you are aware our attendance figures have been very low and we are monitoring absences very carefully particularly those who are off on a regular basis. Thank you to all those families who are ensuring that their children are attending each day. The reward of this is that your children will make better progress than those who have a lot of time off school. We are also planning a number of activities to reward the children who have good attendance figures. Miss Rowe’s class won the trophy this week for the best attendance during this week. Well done to them. Extra Golden Time for them! Year 6 The children have been working hard and the results of their most recent tests demonstrate this. We are proud of all the children in our school as long as they work hard and do as well as they can. Keep up the hard work children and well done. Sponsorship for Haiti In response to the disaster in Haiti the School Council organised the biscuit decorating and eating sale and silver coin collection! Thanks to all for your efforts, the total raised was £123.62 As usual we received great support and all the monies raised will be sent directly to the appeal fund. Ella Well done to Ella in Year three. She has been competing in trampolining competitions and has achieved some marvellous results. She is heading off in March to compete in the finals of the Nationals having come third in the regional competitions. It is great to see Ella having such ability in a sport that she enjoys so much. We will all be hoping that you do well.

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