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The Olympic Games. 第 28 届雅典奥运会开幕式 The Olympic Flag.

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Presentation on theme: "The Olympic Games. 第 28 届雅典奥运会开幕式 The Olympic Flag."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Olympic Games

2 第 28 届雅典奥运会开幕式

3 The Olympic Flag


5 volleyball


7 table tennis



10 boxing

11 footrace

12 short race


14 marathon

15 gymnastics

16 high jump

17 football

18 Yes or no 1.The first Olympic Games were held in Greece. ( ) 2. The Olympic Games were held every three years to honour the Greek god Zeus. ( ) 3.An Englishman wished to renew the ideals of excellence of body,mind and spirit shown in the ancient Greek Olympics. ( ) yes no

19 Answer the questions 1. When and where were the first ancient Greek Olympic Games held? 2. For what purpose were the ancient Greek Olympic Games held once every four years ? 3. What events did the ancient Greek Olympics have ? 4. What did the Frenchman wish to renew ? 5. Did he succeed in renewing the Olympics ? 6. When and where were the first modern Olympic Games held ? 7. Why were the Olympics not held in 1916,1940,1944 ?

20 Language points 1. as early as “ 早在 ” eg: __ ___ __ ( 早在 )the late 13thcentury,large fleets of Chinese vessels visited the is lands of the South China Sea. 2. every “ 每隔 …… 的 ” eg: There are buses to the station _____ ___ ________ ( 每隔十分钟 ) 3. shown( 被显示出的 ) in the ancient Greek Olympics eg: He wants to show me his photo _____( 被 拍的 ) a few days ago. As early as every ten minutes taken

21 4. bring about “ 带来 ” eg: Reform has _______ ______ ( 带来 ) great changes in china. 5. all(adv.) “ 完全地, 十分 ” eg: That’s ____( 完全 ) wrong. 6. a variety of “ 各种各样的 ” eg: There are __ ______ __ ( 各种各样的 ) flowers in the park brought about all a variety of

22 Fill in the blanks The first Olympic Games were held at Olympia,ancient Greece _ _ _ 776 B.C.The Greek Olympics didn’t have as many sports programmes as the _ Olympics. There were only a footrace, a short race,a race of about three miles and some other matches _ _ jumping,boxing,etc. The last Olympic Games were held in A.D.388. Then the Roman rulers _ the games.A Frenchman wished to __ the ideals of excellence of body, mind and spirit shown in the ancient Greek Olympics. He succeeded in starting the OlympicGames all over again. Since 1896,the Olympics have been growing steadily with more and more nations and athletes __ _.The Olympics have been held once _ four years. as early as modern such as banned renew taking part every


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