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Supernatural Beliefs Unit 6A. Defining Religion Religion is a set of beliefs and patterned behaviors concerned with supernatural beings and forces Forms.

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Presentation on theme: "Supernatural Beliefs Unit 6A. Defining Religion Religion is a set of beliefs and patterned behaviors concerned with supernatural beings and forces Forms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supernatural Beliefs Unit 6A

2 Defining Religion Religion is a set of beliefs and patterned behaviors concerned with supernatural beings and forces Forms of religion vary, but all are alike in that they are founded on belief in the supernatural Humans manipulate supernatural forces to solve important life problems that cannot be resolved through the application of science and technology Natural tendency to see one’s own religion as the best while viewing others as inferior Anthropology concerned with what beliefs are, how they function, and their effect on human behavior

3 Problems Defining Religion May be embedded in the total social structure Different societies have different ways of distinguishing between the natural and supernatural world Frequently we fail to distinguish between supernatural beliefs and other aspects of culture Archaeological evidence suggests that people have believed in the afterlife for as long as 300,000 years

4 Religion and Magic Often found in combined or compound form, so important to examine similarities and differences Shared features –Both are systems of supernatural belief –Nonrational – not susceptible to scientific verification –Both are practiced as way of copying with anxieties, ambiguities, and frustrations of life –Elements of both are often found together

5 Characteristics of Religion Deals with major issues of human existence Uses prayer and sacrifices to appeal to or petition supernatural powers for assistance Tends to be a group activity Is usually practiced at a specific time and/or in a specific place Usually involves specific functionaries, such as priests

6 Characteristics of Magic Is directed toward specific, immediate problems, practiced irregularly as situations warrant Magical practitioners believe they can control or manipulate nature or other people by their own efforts Is more individually oriented May be performed by a wide variety of practitioners, not just “priests”

7 Sorcery and Witchcraft Witchcraft is inborn, involuntary, often unconscious capacity to cause harm –Concept of witches varies, but all are viewed negatively –Often associated with certain animals Sorcery is the deliberate use of supernatural powers to bring harm –Sorcerers direct malevolence purposefully rather than acting randomly

8 Myths Every society has sacred literature called myth that states certain religious truths Contain stories of gods, their origins, their activities, and moral injunctions they teach –Serve to explain the large questions surrounding human existence –A culture’s mythology is closely connected to its moral and social order Common form of myth is origin story Trickster tales – less serious in tone but carry important messages about history and morality

9 Social Functions of Religion Social Control –Encourages socially acceptable behavior –Presents an ethical system with social sanctions Conflict Resolution –Reduces stress and frustration that lead to social conflict –Used by disenfranchised or powerless people in stratified societies to diffuse anger and hostility that might be directed against total social system –Serves as a mechanism to reduce conflict between differing economic groups Group Solidarity –Intensifies group solidarity of practitioners –Enables people to express their common identity –Excludes those who do not practice it –Strengthens a person’s sense of group identity and belonging

10 Psychological Functions of Religion Cognitive function –Provides an intellectual framework for explaining parts of the world we don’t understand –Helps people maintain a world view even when it’s contradicted Emotional function –Helps reduce anxiety by prescribing straightforward ways of coping with stress –Allows people to act with confidence

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