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C REATIVE CURRICULUM Interest Area: Toys and Games.

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Presentation on theme: "C REATIVE CURRICULUM Interest Area: Toys and Games."— Presentation transcript:

1 C REATIVE CURRICULUM Interest Area: Toys and Games

2 C REATING A N E NVIRONMENT FOR THE TOYS AND GAMES A REA Location Away from traffic flow  In area where noise won’t impact other activities (i.e. library) Furnishings  Carpet or other floor covering  Table & chairs  Shelves for materials Materials Puzzles Sorting blocks Stacking rings Lacing cards Pegboards Stringing beads Dominoes Matching games

3 S ELECTING MATERIALS Self-correcting, structured toys puzzles, nesting cups, stacking rings adaptive trainers (buttons, laces, snaps) Open-ended toys blocks, pegboards, geoboards, tangrams sewing beads, lacing cards “Collectibles” Neat little “odds & ends” – buttons, small figurines, erasers, keys, etc… Cooperative games dominoes, lotto, matching games, board games

4 W HAT CHILDREN LEARN IN THE TOYS AND GAMES AREA Social-Emotional Cooperation Sharing Turn-taking Physical Hand-eye coordination Fine motor skills Language/Literacy Label, explain, describe, compare, contrast Cognitive Sorting, matching, counting, patterning, classifying

5 W HAT C HILDREN D O I N THE TOYS AND GAMES A REA Literacy Learn new vocabulary and descriptive concepts Mathematics Practice counting, number concepts (i.e. all, none, more) Science Learn classification, sequencing Social studies Engage in cooperative play, negotiating, problem- solving The Arts Create, imagine, express Technology Explore gears, levers, hinges, wheels

6 W HAT T EACHERS C AN D O TO E XPAND L EARNING IN THE T OYS AND GAMES A REA Introduce new vocabulary, model correct grammar, and encourage conversation Talk about and demonstrate concepts such as size, color, location, and sequence Use open-ended questions to prompt children to name, describe, and explain Scaffold interactions between children to support sharing, turn-taking, negotiation, and problem- solving Teach specific skills when needed

7 Sometimes direct teaching is necessary….

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