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Biology Unit 1 – What is Life? Sec.2: Biology: The Study of Life Section 2 in CK-12 Biology textbook Duck Decoy What characteristics sets a decoy apart.

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2 Biology Unit 1 – What is Life?

3 Sec.2: Biology: The Study of Life Section 2 in CK-12 Biology textbook Duck Decoy What characteristics sets a decoy apart from a real duck?

4 Characteristics of living things: 1.It Grows and develops 2.It maintains Homeostasis, responds to stimuli. 3.It Reproduces offspring 4.Have Organization. 5.It consists of Cells 6.Uses Energy 7.GHROCE (GROSS)*remember

5 Growth and Development All living things grow and develop. Ex. Puppy  dog Plant seed  corn stalk Tadpole  frog

6 Homeostasis/Respond to the Environment All living things detect changes in their environment. Ex. You respond to stepping on a sharp rock. A rock does not respond if you step on it. Homeostasis: process of maintaining a stable internal environment. Ex. Sweating or shivering when temperature changes.

7 Reproduction All living things give rise to offspring. Ex. Could be single celled yeast budding a new cell. Whale giving birth to a baby whale.

8 Discussion Mules are a cross between a donkey and a horse. Mules are sterile, meaning they cannot get pregnant and give birth. Are mules living?

9 The answer: No, according to the biological definition, but they are “alive.” 3/mule-foal-fools-genetics-impossible-birth 3/mule-foal-fools-genetics-impossible-birth A Mule gives birth!

10 Organization Living things consist of large, complex molecules, undergo chemical reactions to stay alive. Levels of Organization: Cell  tissue  organ  organ system  organism Smooth muscle cell  smooth muscle  small intestine  digestive system  human Cell – basic unit of living things.

11 SUMMARY G - grow H - homeostasis R - reproduce O - organized C - cells E – energy Pgs. 16-19

12 The Cell 3.1 Introduction to Cells Robert Hooke discovered cells - he looked at cork slices and saw little rooms that looked like prison cells.

13 Leeuwenhoek Also contributed to the development of microscopes. He looked at tiny animals such as rotifers. He discovered human blood cells.

14 The Cell Theory “All organisms are made of one or more cells. All the life functions of organisms occur within cells. All cells come from already existing cells.” Pgs. 56 – 58

15 Cell Diversity- Size 6 inches long, 5 inches wide, 3 pounds Smallest Cells: Longest Cells: Ostrich Egg Biggest Cells:

16 Parts of a Cell All cells have these parts in common. 1.Plasma membrane – thin coat of lipids that surrounds a cell. “skin” 2.Cytoplasm – cellular material inside the plasma membrane. Consists of a watery substance called cytosol. 3.Ribosomes – where proteins are made. 4.DNA – genetic instructions that cells need to make proteins.

17 Two types of Cells 1.Prokaryotic 1.Unicellular organisms, do not have membrane- bound organelles. DNA is just floating around. 2.Ex. bacteria 2.Eukaryotic 1.Complex multicellular organisms, also protists are eukaryotic. Think “YOU” are multicellular and complex.** 2.Ex. Humans, protists, plants

18 Eukaryotes vs. Prokaryotes Eukaryotes (animals, plants, fungi, protists) and prokaryotes (bacteria) differ greatly in structure.

19 Prokaryotic Cell

20 Structural Organization of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Cells

21 The Parts of the Cell Each living cell carries out the tasks of taking food, transforming food into energy, getting rid of wastes, and reproducing. Most eukaryotic cells have three main components: – Cell Membrane – Cytoskeleton – Nucleus

22 Cell Membrane Structure: phospholipid bilayer with proteins that function as channels, markers, and receptors -also contains cholesterol which provides rigidity Function: selectively permeable boundary between the cell and the external environment

23 Nucleus Structure: the nucleus is a sphere that contains another sphere called a nucleolus Function: -storage center of cell ’ s DNA -manages cell functions

24 Cell Wall Structure: rigid wall made up of cellulose, proteins, and carbohydrates Function: boundary around the plant cell outside of the cell membrane that provides structure and support

25 Cytoplasm Structure: gelatin-like fluid that lies inside the cell membrane Function: -contains salts, minerals and organic molecules -surrounds the organelles

26 Cytoskeleton Structure: a network of thin, fibrous elements made up of microtubules (hollow tubes) and microfilaments (threads made out of actin) Function: -acts as a support system for organelles -maintains cell shape

27 Ribosomes Structure: consist of two subunits made of protein and RNA Function: location of protein synthesis

28 Endoplasmic Reticulum Structure: a system of membranous tubules and sacs Function: intercellular highway (a path along which molecules move from one part of the cell to another) Two types: – Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum – Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

29 Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (rER): prominent in cells that make large amounts of proteins to be exported from the cell or inserted into the cell membrane – Covered with ribosomes

30 Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (sER): involved in the synthesis of lipids and breakdown of toxic substances – Not covered with ribosomes

31 Golgi Apparatus Structure: stacked flat sacs Function: receives proteins from the rER and distributes them to other organelles or out of the cell (receiving, processing, packaging, and shipping)

32 Mitochondria Structure: folded membrane within an outer membrane – The folds of the inner membrane are called cristae Function: -converts energy stored in food into usable energy for work – cellular respiration

33 Lysosomes Structure: spherical organelles that contain hydrolytic enzymes within single membranes Function: breaks down food particles, invading objects, or worn out cell parts

34 Peroxisomes Structure: spherical organelles that contain enzymes within single membranes Function: Degrade hydrogen peroxide, a toxic compound that can be produced during metabolism.

35 Cilia and Flagella Structure: hair-like organelles that extend from the surface of cells – When they are present in large numbers on a cell they are called cilia – When they are less numerous and longer they are called flagella – Both organelles are composed of nine pairs of microtubules arranged around a central pair. Function: cell motility

36 Cillia and Flagella

37 Centrioles Structure: composed of nine sets of triplet microtubules arranged in a ring – Exist in pairs Function: centrioles play a major role in cell division (mitosis)

38 Vacuoles Structure: a sac of fluid surrounded by a membrane – Very large in plants Function: used for temporary storage of wastes, nutrients, and water

39 Chloroplasts Structure: stacked sacs (thylakoids) that contain chlorophyll surrounded by a double membrane Function: photosynthesis (conversion of light energy to chemical energy stored in the bonds of glucose)

40 Secretory Pathway

41 Plant Cells vs. Animal Cells Animal cells are very similar to plant cells except for the following major differences: – Animal cells do not contain chloroplasts – Animal cells are not surrounded by cell walls – The vacuoles in plants are much larger than those of animals

42 Animal Cell

43 Plant Cell

44 Microscope Pictures of a Plant Cell and an Animal Cell Elodea Human Cheek Cells

45 Pgs. 67 - 78

46 Human Organ Systems Nervous Endocrine Skeletal Muscular Integumentary Immune Circulatory Respiratory Digestive Urinary Reproductive

47 Organ Systems Respiratory system - Brings oxygen into the body and remove the carbon dioxide. Works with the circulatory system by taking carbon dioxide from blood and giving oxygen. Alveoli – small tubes with capillaries that undergoes gas exchange.


49 Organ Systems cont… Muscular system – contract in response to a nerve signal. Nervous system – sends signals to parts of the body.

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