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STAGE 2 Contextual and Critical Studies Mini-Programmes 06/07.

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Presentation on theme: "STAGE 2 Contextual and Critical Studies Mini-Programmes 06/07."— Presentation transcript:

1 STAGE 2 Contextual and Critical Studies Mini-Programmes 06/07

2 The Critical and Contextual Studies mini- programmes aim to encourage discussion of contemporary practice and theory with a view to situating that discussion in a wider cultural and historical framework, and enabling you to make links with your studio practice. Contextual and Critical Studies Mini-Programmes 06/07

3 Cross-course / Cross-year delivery (BA Stage 2&3) Mini-Programme = 3 weeks(3 lectures/3 seminars) 3 Mini-Programmes per semester Stage 2 students elect 2 programmes per semester for assessment (but should go to all lectures!) Contextual and Critical Studies Mini-Programmes 06/07

4 Andrea Peach Lesley Scott Allan Harkness Contextual and Critical Studies Staff Team

5 Students elect 2 Mini-Programmes for assessment Should attend ALL lectures Mini-Programmes Semester 1

6 Lectures: Monday 1-2pm SB42 Mini-Programmes Semester 1 Seminars: Tuesdays 9.30-10.30 SC24 10.30-11.30 12.00-1.00

7 Seminar Participation and Attendance Written Assignment (1 for each programme) Mini-Programme Coursework Submission of written assignments: 2 weeks after end of mini-programme

8 Andrea Peach Elevating the Ordinary: Narrative on the Everyday Allan Harkness Turning to Beauty Lesley Scott Between the Lines Semester 1 Mini-Programme Themes

9 Elevating the Ordinary Narratives on the ‘Everyday’ Andrea Peach This programme will look at the idea of ‘the everyday’ and its influence in contemporary art, design and material culture. It will examine the history of how everyday objects have influenced art and design, and why ‘readymades’ continue to provide a source of inspiration to contemporary artists and designers. Using examples from contemporary art and design, the programme will consider different narratives that encompass the notion of the everyday including: Situating the Everyday, the Secret Meaning of Things, the Strangely Familiar and Elevating the Ordinary.

10 Art & Psyche [on fairy tales, mud and horror] Themes: the uncanny; the unconscious, fantasy and gestalt; fetishism; individuation, archetype and neurosis; abjection and semiotic chora.

11 Art & Psyche [on fairy tales, mud and horror] The psyche as a machine for transforming the real or evading the real? Our subjectivity formed in relation to both a pleasure principle and a reality principle, self and society caught in perpetual conflict and anxiety? The modern discourse of psychoanalysis, as formulated in the work of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Julia Kristeva, offers helpful ways in approaching contemporary art. Lectures and seminars explore particular works by artists - video, photographs, sculpture and installation - and short texts on key concepts from the three theorists. Tutor: Allan Harkness

12 Between the Lines This programme aims to examine the nature of knowledge through the work of artists and designers who challenge the boundaries of art and science. A key question is, whether nature and humanity are best understood through fact, reason and scientific system or whether value remains in the perspective of the creative arts? What questions do creative practitioners ask and what do they reveal about the true nature of knowledge and the structure of our world? Lecture themes: Critiquing thought, reason and progress. Programme tutor: Lesley Scott Order and chaos. Form, pattern and structure. The seen, the unseen and the unknowable.

13 Students can state preference for a particular programme, and will be allocated accordingly Places limited: 75 students per programme Once allocated to your programmes, you are not permitted to switch! Electing Your Semester 1 Mini-Programmes for Assessment

14 Will be posted on CCS notice board Monday October 2nd First Programme lecture starts Monday October 2nd at 1.00 in SB42 Scott Sutherland Seminars start on Tuesday October 3rd 9.30-1pm in SC24 Scott Sutherland (see CCS noticeboard for seminar groups) Mini-Programme Student Lists

15 Look Under: CCS Support Files Stage 2 & 3 Mini-Programmes Want More Information?

16 Andrea Peach (coordinator) (26) 3692 GP20 Portacabins Lesley Scott (26) 3692 GP20 Portacabins Any Questions?

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