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Test Anxiety: True or False?. 1. Students are born with test anxiety.  False  What are some causes of test anxiety?

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Presentation on theme: "Test Anxiety: True or False?. 1. Students are born with test anxiety.  False  What are some causes of test anxiety?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Anxiety: True or False?

2 1. Students are born with test anxiety.  False  What are some causes of test anxiety?

3 2. Test anxiety is a mental illness.  False  Test anxiety is a feeling.

4 3. Test anxiety cannot be reduced.  False  What are some ways to reduce test anxiety?

5 4. Any level of anxiety is bad.  False  Why might having some anxiety be good?

6 5. All students who are not prepared will have test anxiety.  False  How can this be?

7 6. Students with test anxiety cannot learn math.  False  How can this be?

8 7. Students who are well prepared will not have test anxiety.  False  But, might it reduce anxiety?

9 8. Very intelligent students and students taking high- level classes, such as calculus, do not have test anxiety.  False  But they’re so smart, why would they be anxious?

10 9. Attending class and doing my homework should reduce all of my test anxiety.  False  But might it reduce it some?

11 10. Being told to relax during a test will make you relax.  False  Why not?

12 11. Doing nothing about test anxiety will help it go away.  False  What might you do?

13 12. Reducing test anxiety will guarantee better grades.  False  But why wouldn’t it?

14 Images Used   attorney/ attorney/    

15 Video  hAnxiety.html

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