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Adult II Couples Class. PhysicalSpiritualPracticalChurchMisc -The Savages -Lela Wofford -Marsha Trollinger Surgery.

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Presentation on theme: "Adult II Couples Class. PhysicalSpiritualPracticalChurchMisc -The Savages -Lela Wofford -Marsha Trollinger Surgery."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adult II Couples Class


3 PhysicalSpiritualPracticalChurchMisc -The Savages -Lela Wofford -Marsha Trollinger Surgery

4  Benevolence Fund  R.E.A.P. (E Team @ 3:45pm)  Monthly Fellowships  February  March  April  Dinner Out Friday (30 Mar)  5th Sunday Breakfast (29 April)  Quarterly Service Project  Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, ends of the earth  Brad and Kim Savage care package  Discipleship University  Men’s Discipleship Class  Women’s Discipleship Class  World Religions (Mormonism)  Fly visit (??)  Easter Musical Rehearsals  Widow’s Banquet (4 Mar)  Youth SNAC (11 Mar)  Wednesday night meal (14 Mar)  Spring Revival (29 Apr – May 2)

5 Adult II Couples Class


7 Iva May and Dr. Stan May


9 CreationPatriarchsExodus

10 Creation: God reveals His goodness and mercyCreation: God reveals His goodness and mercy Patriarchs: Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, JosephPatriarchs: Job, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph Exodus:Exodus: After several hundred years, God allowed His people to come to a place of desperation as slaves of Egypt so that they cried out to Him After several hundred years, God allowed His people to come to a place of desperation as slaves of Egypt so that they cried out to Him God heard their cries and acted in His own time to deliver the Israelites, demonstrating His power and glory through the plagues He sent on the Egyptians God heard their cries and acted in His own time to deliver the Israelites, demonstrating His power and glory through the plagues He sent on the Egyptians God watched over and cared for the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness, and worked through events and the giving of the law to shape them into a nation that was holy to Himself. God watched over and cared for the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness, and worked through events and the giving of the law to shape them into a nation that was holy to Himself.

11 While God reveals Himself to His servant, Moses, up on Mt. Sinai, the Israelites demand a god of their own making. They don’t want the God of Israel who is holy and separate from sinners; they want a god they can mold into their own image.




15 www.themegallery. com The ‘god’ Israel Wants



18 www.themegallery. com The God Who Is…

19 www.themegallery. com The God Who Is…

20 www.themegallery. com The God Who Is…

21 www.themegallery. com The God Who Is…

22 Conclusions




26  What one food was a person who took the vow of a Nazirite strictly prohibited from consuming in any form?  “All the days of his separation he shall not eat anything that is produced by the grape vine, from the seeds even to the skin.” (Num 6:4)  How many elders did God command Moses to appoint as assistants in his work of leading the people?  “The LORD therefore said to Moses, “Gather for Me seventy men from the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people and their officers and bring them to the tent of meeting, and let them take their stand there with you.” (Num 11:16)  In what activity was the man engaged when he broke the law of the Sabbath, resulting in a sentence of death by stoning?  “Now while the sons of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering wood on the Sabbath day.” (Num 15:32)

27  If a husband suspected his wife of being unfaithful, what process could he require her to go through in order to determine her guilt or innocence? a)Bring her to the tent of meeting along with the prescribed sacrifice and inquire of the LORD b)Call a meeting of the elders to hear testimony and evidence against her to determine her guilt or innocence c)Bring her before the priest to swear an oath, then drink holy water mixed with dirt from the floor of the tabernacle d)Declare in a loud voice, “I break with thee, I break with thee, I break with thee.”, then throw dog poop on her shoes

28 Adult II Couples Class

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