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Systems Engineering Synopsis of Current SE Efforts within NDIA Bob Rassa Chair, NDIA Systems Engineering Division National Defense Industrial Association.

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Presentation on theme: "Systems Engineering Synopsis of Current SE Efforts within NDIA Bob Rassa Chair, NDIA Systems Engineering Division National Defense Industrial Association."— Presentation transcript:

1 Systems Engineering Synopsis of Current SE Efforts within NDIA Bob Rassa Chair, NDIA Systems Engineering Division National Defense Industrial Association

2 National Defense Industrial Association SYSTEMS ENGINEERING DIVISION CHAIR Bob Rassa Raytheon (IEEE) VICE-CHAIR Hal Wilson Northrop Grumman 2 nd Vice-Chair Geoff Draper Harris Corp CHAIR Bob Rassa Raytheon (IEEE) VICE-CHAIR Hal Wilson Northrop Grumman 2 nd Vice-Chair Geoff Draper Harris Corp Gov’t Steering Committee Kristen Baldwin - OSD (Chair) (open) – MDA George Mooney - USAF Jesse McCurdy - NAVAIR Rebecca Davies - DCMA (open) - FAA Steve Kapurch - NASA Jack Zavin - OSD(NII) Doug Wiltsie – Army Carl Siel – USNavy-ASN/RDA Terry Jaggers – SAF/AQR open – OSD/MRMP Gov’t Steering Committee Kristen Baldwin - OSD (Chair) (open) – MDA George Mooney - USAF Jesse McCurdy - NAVAIR Rebecca Davies - DCMA (open) - FAA Steve Kapurch - NASA Jack Zavin - OSD(NII) Doug Wiltsie – Army Carl Siel – USNavy-ASN/RDA Terry Jaggers – SAF/AQR open – OSD/MRMP Steering Committee Div Chairs plus: Pete Larkin - GD, Electric Boat Jim Clamons - Harris Corp Ted Kuriata – BAE Systems Nick Fritz - Burdeshaw Associates Jeff Dutton – Jacobs Technology Jim Sturges - Lockheed Martin Mark Schaeffer- ManTech Int’l Paula Nowak - SAIC Dev Banerjee - Boeing Gregg Beardsley - L3 COM Wendy Irion Talbot – CSC Affiliations & Liaisons “Rusty” Rentsch - AIA Ken Ptack - INCOSE Jerrell Stracener - SMU Steve Kuehl - AIAA Paul Croll - IEEE Computer Society Mike Cardinale - IEEE AESS Rene Smith - SOLE Les Orlidge - IEEE SCC20 Elliot Axelband - RAND Corp Greg DiBenedetto - GEIA John Kreger - Mitre Ken Nidiffer - SEI Steering Committee Div Chairs plus: Pete Larkin - GD, Electric Boat Jim Clamons - Harris Corp Ted Kuriata – BAE Systems Nick Fritz - Burdeshaw Associates Jeff Dutton – Jacobs Technology Jim Sturges - Lockheed Martin Mark Schaeffer- ManTech Int’l Paula Nowak - SAIC Dev Banerjee - Boeing Gregg Beardsley - L3 COM Wendy Irion Talbot – CSC Affiliations & Liaisons “Rusty” Rentsch - AIA Ken Ptack - INCOSE Jerrell Stracener - SMU Steve Kuehl - AIAA Paul Croll - IEEE Computer Society Mike Cardinale - IEEE AESS Rene Smith - SOLE Les Orlidge - IEEE SCC20 Elliot Axelband - RAND Corp Greg DiBenedetto - GEIA John Kreger - Mitre Ken Nidiffer - SEI Systems Engineering Effectiveness Committee Alan Brown Boeing Tom Wickstrom, IBM Mike Ucchino USAF/CSE Mike Persson U S Navy (open) U S Army Education & Training Committee Don Gelosh OSD (AT&L)SSE/ED John Snoderly Defense Acquisition University Software Experts Panel Paul Croll, CSC Software Committee Paul Croll CSC Kristen Baldwin OSD(A&T)SSE Modeling & Simulation Committee Jim Hollenbach Simulation Strategies Gary Belie Lockheed Martin Life Cycle Support Committee Joel Moorvitch Raytheon (Open) OSD/MRMP NDIA COMMITTEE EXECUTIVE Sam Campagna Systems Assurance Committee Paul Croll CSC Kristen Baldwin OUSD(AT&L) Mitch Komaroff ASD(NII) Quality Assurance Committee Cyndi Reichardt DCMA - HQ Paul Thornberry NSWC - Corona (open) Raytheon Randy Baker Boeing Enterprise Health Management Committee Howard Savage SCI Dennis Hecht Boeing (St Louis) CMMI Project Bob Rassa, Raytheon 07/20/08 Automatic Test Committee Les Orlidge, AAI Corp Steve Karlovic, EADS-NA Interoperability Committee Jack Zavin, OASD(NII) Rich Eilers, IBM Tom Croak, CSC Development Test & Evaluation Committee John Lohse, Raytheon Tom Wissink, Lockheed Martin Darlene Mosser-Kerner, OSD System Safety Committee Sherman Forbes, USAF Paige Ripani, BAH CMMI Working Group Geoff Draper, Harris Corp Executive Advisory Group Engrg In Mfg Committee Tom Christian, USAF TBD, TBD

3 SE Division Affiliates/Partners IEEE AES Society IEEE Computer Society IEEE Systems Council INCOSE SAE International GEIA AIA AIAA Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon Southern Methodist University RAND Corp MITRE Corp

4 SE Division Charter: Objectives To serve as the NDIA focal point for the identification, study, and resolution of issues associated with performance and cost- benefits derived from commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) procurements for government and industry. To provide Government with collective industry viewpoints, recommendations and advice on Military & Government Systems Engineering, support and interoperability concepts, policies, plans, programs, requirements, technologies, problems, implementation or impact of pending legislation, regulations and procedures. Special studies will be conducted to this end as may be required. To foster mutual understanding and effective working relationships between Government and industry for the purpose of ensuring effective and reliable systems engineering, support and interoperability concepts, and systems that meet Government requirements at reasonable costs.

5 Mission Statement To promote the widespread use of Systems Engineering in the DoD Acquisition Process in order to achieve affordable and supportable systems that meet the needs of the military and government users, and to provide a forum for the open exchange between government and industry to trade ideas and concepts, and develop a new understanding of a streamlined acquisition process.

6 OSD Interactions on SE NDIA SE Div works hand in hand, literally on a daily basis, with OUSD(AT&L) Systems and Software Engineering on SE strategy issues. Policy, key messages Conduct Workshops & Summits on SE issues Guides & Directives CMMI

7 Top 5 Systems Engineering Issues Lack of awareness of the importance, value, timing, accountability, and organizational structure of SE on programs Adequate, qualified SE resources are generally not available within Government and industry for allocation on major programs Insufficient SE tools and environments exist to effectively execute SE on programs Requirements definition, development and management is not applied consistently and effectively Poor initial program formulation NDIA SE Division Formal Report submitted to OSD, April 2003

8 Top 5 SE Issues-2006 update Key systems engineering practices known to be effective are not consistently applied across all phases of the program life cycle. Insufficient systems engineering is applied early in the program life cycle, compromising the foundation for initial requirements and architecture development. Requirements are not always well-managed, including the effective translation from capabilities statements into executable requirements to achieve successful acquisition programs. The quantity and quality of systems engineering expertise is insufficient to meet the demands of the government and the defense industry. Collaborative environments, including SE tools, are inadequate to effectively execute SE at the joint capability, system of systems (SoS), and system levels. Report submitted to OSD, August 2006

9 Top SW Issues The impact of requirements upon software is not consistently quantified and managed in development or sustainment. Fundamental system engineering decisions are made without full participation of software engineering. Software life-cycle planning and management by acquirers and suppliers is ineffective. The quantity and quality of domain-knowledgeable software engineering expertise is insufficient to meet the demands of government and the defense industry. Traditional software verification techniques are costly and ineffective for dealing with the scale and complexity of modern systems. There is a failure to assure correct, predictable, safe, secure execution of complex software in distributed environments. Inadequate attention is given to total lifecycle issues for COTS/NDI impacts on lifecycle cost and risk. Report submitted to OSD, Sept 2006

10 Major Prior Activity Conduct Workshops on comprehensive attributes of SE, especially the ancillary aspects such as Test & Evaluation, Education, Program Performance, Quality, etc. – all of which are ingredients or have relevance to good SE Education Summit, October 2003 Program Performance Summit, June 2004 BIT/Prognostics Workshop June 2004 Test & Evaluation in SE Summit, August 2004 Quality Summit, November 3&4, 2004 Systems Engineering Conference (every October) Net Centric Operations Conference (every Spring) CMMI Technology Conference (every November)

11 Major 2006 Activity Update of Top 5 SE Issues Top 5 (7) SW Issues Review OSD Risk Mgmt Guide (Mar 06) Review Contracting for SE Guide (May 06) Software (Systems Assurance) Workshop, Sept 05 CMMI Issues Summit, Sept 05 ONR Integrated Topside Workshop, Sept 06 OSD “SE Town Hall” May 05 SE Effectiveness Study – ongoing Navy NCEP Guide Review, Sept 05 BIT/Prognostics Workshops, 2005-2006 OSD/NDIA Top 5 Programs

12 Major 2007 Activity Navy Topside Workshops SE Effectiveness Study Systemic Root Cause Analysis Systems Assurance Guidebook CMMI V2.0/Beyond v1.2 Workshops USAF SE Effectiveness Study (National Academy of Sciences) SEP Preparation Guide Review Navy SW Development Techniques Review DoD Software Acquisition Workshop

13 Major 2008 Activity Chartered SW Industry Experts Panel Chartered Architecture Framework Working Group Formed Engineering in Manufacturing Committee Serve as “Technical Arm” of the NDIA ICPM Industrial Committee on Program Management Formed CMMI Working Group Finalized Systemic Root Cause Analysis Study Report in final preparation Completed Systems Assurance Guidebook Review of USAF Systems Assessment Model Participate in DoD SPRDE Expert Panel SPRDE = Systems Planning, Research, Development and Engineering Career Field Task on Chemical Risk Management Task on Health Management Systems i.e. Prognostics/Diagnostics

14 Top 5 Programs Awards Given to Top 5 Programs based on performance driven by SE Dual Awards to government and industry Formerly Top 5 SW Programs, awarded at STC 2007 winners: Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS)/Army PM Battle Command/Raytheon Ft Wayne DDG 1000 MK57 Vertical Launching System (VLS) /Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems/BAE Systems A-10 Precision Engagement /USAF Aeronautical Systems Center/Lockheed-Martin Systems Integration Advanced Extremely High Frequency AEHF) Mission Control Segment (MCS)/USAF Military Satellite Communications Wing/Lockheed Martin Space Systems Portable Excalibur Fire Control System (PEFCS) /Army EPIAFS PM/Army ARDEC Fire Control Systems Picatinny

15 CMMI ® Capability Maturity Model Integration ® Developed to cause Integration of software engineering, systems engineering, general hardware/design engineering, and program management NDIA SE Div is overall Industry sponsor, and serves as CMMI Steering Group Chair OSD Systems & Software Engineering is DoD sponsor Software Engineering Institute is designated custodian Released Dec 2001 Update v1.2 (CMMI-DEV) released Aug 25, 06 Incorporated many “integrity” changes Includes new “Constellation” architecture, with CMMI-DEV, CMMI-ACQ, and CMMI-SVC CMMI-ACQ released mid-2007 – CMMI for Acquirers! CMMI-SVC in development – CMMI for providers of service ® CMMI is registered by the U S Patent & Trademark Office by Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute For more info on CMMI go to

16 IEEE SE Council IEEE Systems Council formed IEEE Societies are almost 100% focused on Research and Technology Systems Council focuses on Application SE Council plans to bring tremendous leverage to our industry community (65% of all IEEE members are industry) IEEE Systems Conference: April 2007, Honolulu April 2008, Montreal QUE April 2009, Vancouver BC IEEE Systems Journal, 1 st issue 2Q2007 IEEE SE Accreditation effort starting now Will be followed shortly by SE Certification to include domain experience

17 Implications for Academia OSD and Services have recognized need for better SE on programs Services have allowed their SE capability to atrophy, presuming that all SE content will come from Industry Both Industry and Services are in need of more experienced SE talent All major defense contractors have partnered with academia on SE master’s programs Per Stevens Institute data, there are only 30 SE Master’s programs in US Universities, and 70+ total SE programs Many companies have additional in-house programs for senior SE capability development

18 Q u e s t i o n s ? C o m m e n t s ? Questions or comments?

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