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AP Biology 2007-2008 Study of Life Themes AP Biology Themes  Science as a process of inquiry  questioning & investigation  Evolution  Energy transfer.

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2 AP Biology 2007-2008 Study of Life Themes

3 AP Biology Themes  Science as a process of inquiry  questioning & investigation  Evolution  Energy transfer  Continuity & Change  Relationship of structure to function  Regulation  Interdependence in nature  Science, technology & society

4 AP Biology Science as a process of inquiry

5 AP Biology Science as a process of inquiry  Built on repeatable observations & testable, falsifiable hypotheses

6 AP Biology Evolution  Core theme of biology Charles Darwin

7 AP Biology Natural selection  Evolutionary change is a product of the process of natural selection Organisms don’t adapt; Organisms have adaptations.

8 AP Biology 2007-2008 "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution." -- Theodosius Dobzhansky March 1973 Geneticist, Columbia University (1900-1975)

9 AP Biology Evolution explains unity & diversity  Unity  what do organisms have in common & why do similarities exist?  common biochemistry & physiology  evolutionary relationships  connected through common ancestor  Diversity  but why are there differences?  natural selection  adaptations allow different individuals to survive in different environments

10 AP Biology

11 Organizing systems  Making sense out of the diversity  Hierarchical scheme Eastern gray squirrel Sciurus carolinensis

12 AP Biology 3 Domains of Life Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya EukaryaBacteriaArchaea

13 AP Biology Energy transfer  Life is an open system  need input of energy  energy flows through  energy comes in, energy goes out  need a constant input  need input of materials  nutrients are recycled around & around ENTROPY RULES! DECOMPOSERS RULE, too! nutrients

14 AP Biology Energy utilization You think they’re eating… They’re harvesting energy!

15 AP Biology Continuity & change  Continuity of life is based on heritable information in the form of DNA  DNA – the genetic material – carries biological information from one generation to the next You can make more, a lot like you! TRAITTRAIT

16 AP Biology Form follows function  The alignment of structure & function is seen at all levels of biology organism cell organelle organ

17 AP Biology Regulation  Organisms need to maintain a “steady state” in the face of changing conditions  maintain homeostasis  achieve this through feedback  monitor the body like a thermostat  turn on when it’s needed, off when its not

18 AP Biology Interdependence  No organism is an island standing alone  communities, ecosystems

19 AP Biology Science, technology & society  Science & technology must function within the rules of society  ethics

20 AP Biology Themes  Science as a process of inquiry  questioning & investigation  Evolution  Energy transfer  Continuity & Change  Relationship of structure to function  Regulation  Interdependence in nature  Science, technology & society

21 AP Biology Why study themes of Biology?  Biology is an ever expanding body of knowledge  too much to memorize it all  need to generalize  create a framework upon which to organize new knowledge  themes are the key to understanding the nature of living organisms

22 AP Biology 2007-2008 ANY QUESTIONS?

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