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Marseille Visit – March 2012 Comenius Regio Project.

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1 Marseille Visit – March 2012 Comenius Regio Project



4 Ecole maternelle 3-6 Ecole primairie or Ecole élémentaire 6-11 College 11-15 Lycée classique (BAC) Lycée technique or Lycée professionnel

5 Differences in ideas of inclusion Being a French citizen: the French language is all Being a British Citizen: value the home culture and language

6 Commonalities in attitudes Both the policies and the parents focus on the need/desire to learn French and English rather than their home language. The use and development of the home language is seen as an obstacle to development of the academic language (French) Politicians such as Benistie report that delinquent behaviour is ‘provoked by home language use’. He calls for its use at home to be forbidden. (Compare with Blunket’s call for migrants to use English at home.)

7 Questions to guide dialogue Who are the children? What are the contexts? What practices do we use to enhance learning in each context? What are the implications for teacher education?

8 Ecole Maternelle No formal additional support. Reseau d’aide (additional support for all children) provision has declined and depends on geographical area Tendency to use well staffed speech therapy service as a solution. Speech therapists have limited knowledge of bilingualism or the social and economic conditions of children. Information gap?

9 l'Ecole élémentaire La Viste Bousquet

10 Ecole élémentaire CLIN or classe d’initiation. Used to have one CLIN per school, now one per area. Teachers of CLIN need specific education, this provision is disappearing. Voluntary groups, coup de pouce social groups (help with homework and literacy)

11 Volunteers, APFEE: Coup de pouce Materials provided, clear schedule and timeline Six hours of training, additional supplementary training Linked to the Social club – Le Centre Social Del Rio Information gap? Formal relationship to schools, University and Le Recteur?

12 Collège Jules Ferry Differences in ideas of inclusion

13 Collège Jules Ferry Staff student ratio high due to school being in a ZEP (Zone de Prioritise). Home school links FLE: Children leave the mainstream class and receive language focus support Mainstream class (English) Information gap? How are children supported to draw on their own personal experiences to extend learning?

14 University of Provence Aix-Marseille Significant changes in 2008


16 Post-University training by Le Rectuer (in charge of professional education of teachers during Induction period) Information gaps? Theoretical consideration of bilingualism diversity of school placement experience delivery of professional development (who?)

17 Differences in ideas of inclusion Being a French citizen: the French language is all Being a British Citizen: value the home culture and language Information gap? Complementary schools

18 Research Projects Ouverture aux langues a l’ecole vers les competences plurilingues at pluriculturelles. Literacy Across learning: Culturally Relevant Pedagogies: Visual Journeys Examples that could be shared at HMIe conference

19 Ideas Establish the relationships between the schools, Le Recteur and Universities for knowledge transfer and professional development. HMIe conference Developed course

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