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Thomas W. Pyle 7 th Grade Parent Articulation Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Thomas W. Pyle 7 th Grade Parent Articulation Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thomas W. Pyle 7 th Grade Parent Articulation Meeting

2 Welcome and Introductions – Jennifer Webster & Kristin Rudolph Format for evening Transition from 6 th to 7 th grade Counselors- Clayton Ver Planck & Denine Gudnitz Curriculum Overviews Team Leaders and Department Chairs – Sandra Gallagher, George Martin, Pam Lever, Bill Falatko, Stacy Levy, and Kristen Tessier

3 7 th Grade Articulation Process – Kristin Rudolph Communication handout 6 th grade teacher recommendations Placement questions Counselors support Administrative support

4 7th Grade Similarities - Sandra Gallagher, Pam Lever, & George Martin Similarities between 6 th and 7 th grade Differences from 6 th to 7 th grade Strategies learned in 6 th grade that help in 7 th grade 7 th grade team meetings

5 Students Daily Schedule – Clayton Ver Planck & Denine Gudnitz 7 periods on the schedule 5 core subjects (English, Math, World Studies, Science, PE/Health) 2 elective periods (Foreign Language, Arts Classes, and by teacher recommendation ESOL, Reading, or Resource) See the registration booklet for course descriptions

6 Selecting Classes for 2 elective periods Clayton Ver Planck & Denine Gudnitz 2 full year electives Example: 5 core classes, foreign language, band 1 full year & 2 semester electives Example: 5 core classes, foreign language, FACS, specialty art 4 semester electives Example: 5 core classes, studio art, desktop publishing, exploratory theatre, gateway to technology A Reading & 1 full year or 2 semester electives Example: 5 core classes, resource, reading, ESOL, and TV studio, specialty art

7 Registration Form Clayton Ver Planck & Denine Gudnitz

8 Physical Education - William Falatko Required class, 3 marking periods Learn about physical activity Gain motor skills & personal development Improve health related fitness Variety of individual and team sports, games, and activities Promote a lifelong physically fit lifestyle

9 Health Education 7 – William Falatko Implemented through Physical Education 9 week course, separate grade MCPS curriculum in a classroom setting Focus on alcohol & other drugs, Project Alert, first aid health/ Information meeting in the fall

10 Arts Electives – William Falatko Semester Arts Classes FACS Theatre Gateway to Technology A Journalism/Desktop Publishing Specialty Art Studio Art TV Studio Full Year Arts Classes Music Band Orchestra Chorus Drama Performance Gateway to Technology A/B Publications

11 Pre-Engineering Pathways Accelerated Pre-Engineering Pathway Pre-Engineering pathway 2011 - 2012 Introduction to Design & 3-D Modeling: Grade 6: 9 weeks Gateway to Technology – A Grade 7: semester Gateway to Technology – B Grade 8: semester Introduction to Engineering Design: Grade 9: full year Introduction to Design & 3-D Modeling: Grade 6: 9 weeks Gateway to Technology – A & B Grade 7: full year Other HS or AP credit courses Principles of Engineering: Grade 9: full year Introduction to Engineering Design: Grade 8: full year

12 Math Courses and Placement - Stacy Levy Students are placed in math classes based on the following criteria: Teacher recommendation Success in previous math class-grades, assessments, work study habits, etc. County and state assessments Student and Parent Input

13 7 th Grade Math Courses Math 7 IM Algebra Honors Geometry Math Courses and Placement - Stacy Levy Math & Foreign Language Night Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 7:00 pm

14 7 th Grade English/Reading Classes – Sandra Gallagher English Course Placement Advanced 7 English 7 Reading 7 (by teacher recommendation) ESOL 6 th grade teachers recommend on basis of  MSA & MAP-R Scores  Grades  Other available data

15 Overview of 7 th Grade English – Sandra Gallagher Forging New Connections Identity Sense of Place Voices from the Past Imagination A Midsummer Night’s Dream

16 Science – George Martin 7 th Grade Science – Investigations in Science – Project-based Unit 1: Hydroponics - Structure/Characteristics of Living Things Unit 2: Chemistry of Life - Biochemistry/Body systems Unit 3: Diseases - Genetic disorders/Biotechnology Unit 4: Forensics - Biotechnology

17 World Studies – Pam Lever 7 th Grade World Studies – Advanced World Studies Unit 1: Foundations of Modern Political Systems Unit 2: The Influence of Culture in Africa Unit 3: Geography Shapes Latin America Unit 4: The Impact of Economics: One World Past & Present

18 Foreign Language Options Presented by: Kristen Tessier

19 If student took FL in 6 th grade: Student will normally continue on to the next level

20 7 th Grade students who did not take FL in 6 th grade may choose to: Take French or Spanish 1AB Take French or Spanish 1A Take Chinese 1AB (depends on enrollment and staffing)

21 1AB vs 1A Both are high school courses for high school credit and will appear on the student’s high school transcript Both start from the very beginning and no prior knowledge of the language is required Neither class is designed for native / semi-native speakers

22 1AB vs 1A Same as HS = 1 full credit Fast paced Requires excellent study habits / organizational skills Student should have interest in FL and be motivated Same as HS = ½ credit Slower paced – one semester of material spread out over entire year

23 Foreign Language Pathways 6 th Grade 7 th Grade 8 th Grade 9 th Grade 10 th Grade 11 th Grade 12 th Grade Option #1 Reading Elective 1AB234 Option #2 Reading Elective 1AB2345 Option #3 Reading 1A1B2345 Option #4 Reading 1AB2345AP Option #5 1A1B2345AP Option #6 1AB2345AP Lang AP Lit.

24 Extra Curricular Activities – Kristin Rudolph Variety of activities Opportunity to explore interests Find the balance of academics and extra curricular Registration is on-line Fall Showcase Night

25 Important Registration Dates – Clayton Ver Planck & Denine Gudnitz February 18 th – deadline for registration forms to English teacher April 7 th – pre-registration course selections will be distributed with third quarter report cards. May 6 th – deadline for parents to send an email or letter to Mrs. Webster requesting a reexamination of placement recommendations

26 Closure– Kristin Rudolph Upcoming Dates Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 7:00pm – Arts Showcase Night Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 7:00 pm – Math & Foreign Language Night Copy of the PowerPoint will be on the Pyle webpage Copy of the Arts PowerPoint highlighting the different offerings will be available on the website as well

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