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The Episcopal Church Foundation As of June 30, 2015 and Trailing Time Periods 70/30 and 60/40 Equities to Fixed Income Standard and Socially Screened Endowment.

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Presentation on theme: "The Episcopal Church Foundation As of June 30, 2015 and Trailing Time Periods 70/30 and 60/40 Equities to Fixed Income Standard and Socially Screened Endowment."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Episcopal Church Foundation As of June 30, 2015 and Trailing Time Periods 70/30 and 60/40 Equities to Fixed Income Standard and Socially Screened Endowment Management Solutions Following are sample custom accounts portfolios using State Street Global Advisors investment strategies. Performance is compared to a blended benchmark that reflects the portfolio’s strategic target asset allocation. The pie chart shows the tactical overlays that have been applied to the portfolios based on current market conditions.

2 Hypothetical Growth Strategy Allocation and Performance Hypothetical Growth Strategy Total Return June 30, 2015 Hypothetical Growth Strategy Asset Allocation All returns greater than one year are annualized. 23% S&P 500, 5% Russell 2000, 5% S&P 400 Mid Cap, 15% MSCI EAFE, 8% MSCI Emerging Markets Free, 4% S&P Devel ex US Under 2 Bil, 5% DJ Global Select REIT, 5% DJ/UBS Commodity, 15% Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond, 5% BC - US TIPS, 5% JPM Govt Bond Index-Emerging Mkts Div, and 5% Barclays Capital High Yield Index. Small Cap International Alpha Strategy 5% SPDR Dow Jones Int'l Real Estate ETF 2.5% SSgA/Tuckerman US REIT Index Strategy 2.5% S&P Mid Cap 400 Index Strategy 5% International Alpha Strategy 18% S&P 500 Index Strategy 23% US Aggregate Bond Index Strategy 13% Active US HY Bond Strategy 5% Small Cap Index Plus Strategy 5% Active Emerging Markets Index Strategy 7% DJ/UBS Commodity Index Composite 3% US TIPS Strategy 3% US Intermediate Credit Index Strategy 3% TCW Emerging Mkts Income Fund 3% SSgA Long US Credit Index Strategy 2% Source: SSgA Performance is gross of fees. Hypothetical returns are based upon estimates and reflect subjective judgments and assumptions. These results were achieved by means of a mathematical formula and do not reflect the effect of unforeseen economic and market factors on decision-making. The hypothetical returns are not necessarily indicative of future performance, which could differ substantially. Index returns are unmanaged and do not reflect the deduction of any fees or expenses. Index returns reflect all items of income, gain and loss and the reinvestment of dividends and other income.

3 Hypothetical Balanced Strategy Allocation and Performance Hypothetical Balanced Strategy Total Return June 30, 2015 Hypothetical Balanced Strategy Asset Allocation All returns greater than one year are annualized. 21% S&P 500, 4% Russell 2000, 4% S&P 400 Mid Cap, 13% MSCI EAFE, 7% MSCI Emerging Markets Free, 3% S&P Devel ex US Under 2 Bil, 4% DJ Global Select REIT, 4% DJ/UBS Commodity, 19% Barclays Capital Aggregate Bond, 7% BC - US TIPS, 7% JPM Govt Bond Index-Emerging Mkts Div, and 7% Barclays Capital High Yield Index. Small Cap International Alpha Strategy 4% SPDR Dow Jones Int'l Real Estate ETF 2% SSgA/Tuckerman US REIT Index Strategy 2% S&P Mid Cap 400 Index Strategy 4% International Alpha Strategy 16% S&P 500 Index Strategy 21% Active US HY Bond Strategy 7% Small Cap Index Plus Strategy 4% Active Emerging Markets Index Strategy 6% US TIPS Strategy 5% US Interm Credit Index Strategy 3% TCW Emerging Income Fund 4% US Aggregate Bond Index Strategy 18% SSgA Long US Credit Index Strategy 2% DJ/UBS Commodity Index Composite 2% Source: SSgA Performance is gross of fees. Hypothetical returns are based upon estimates and reflect subjective judgments and assumptions. These results were achieved by means of a mathematical formula and do not reflect the effect of unforeseen economic and market factors on decision-making. The hypothetical returns are not necessarily indicative of future performance, which could differ substantially. Index returns are unmanaged and do not reflect the deduction of any fees or expenses. Index returns reflect all items of income, gain and loss and the reinvestment of dividends and other income.

4 Fund Performance — Custom Accounts Fund DescriptionQuarterYTD1 Year3 Year5 Year10 Year Since Inception Inception Date Large Cap Equity S&P 500 Index Composite 01/01/86 S&P 500 Index Mid/Small Cap Equity S&P Mid Cap 400 Index Composite - 07/01/91 S&P Mid Cap 400 Index - Small Cap Index Plus Composite -0.695.229.0620.5820.398.919.98 06/01/00 Russell 2000 Index 0.424.756.4917.8117.088.408.05 International Equity International Alpha Composite 1.397.47-2.8714.8210.445.326.12 01/01/98 MSCI EAFE Index 0.625.52-4.2211.979.545.124.99 Small Cap Intl Alpha SL CTF (ZV99) 4.1311.250.8218.7015.409.1910.77 10/31/97 S&P EPAC Small Cap(R) 4.5510.290.3315.9012.437.267.59 Active Emerging Markets Composite 3.003.41-3.773.293.747.707.89 12/01/93 MSCI EM Index 0.692.94-5.123.713.688.115.81 REITS and Commodities SSgA US REIT Index Composite -9.96-5.755.198.6514.406.8310.26 11/01/96 Dow Jones US Select REIT Index -9.99-5.755.218.6714.436.7810.22 Bloomberg Commodity Total Return Idx Composite 4.64-1.61-23.74-8.83-3.96N/A-5.54 09/01/07 Bloomberg Commodity Total Return Idx 4.66-1.56-23.71-8.76-3.91N/A-5.52 Fixed Income US Aggregate Bond Index Composite -1.69-0.081.891.863.354.455.65 04/01/96 BCAP US Aggregate Bond Index -1.68-0.101.861.833.354.445.61 US TIPS Index Composite -1.070.34-1.72-0.763.284.136.04 08/01/00 BCAP US TIPS Index -1.060.34-1.73-0.763.294.136.02 Intermediate US Credit Idx Composite -0.940.841.572.914.174.855.76 01/01/97 BCAP US Intm Credit Bond Index -0.940.821.512.884.184.805.74 Active US High Yield Bond Composite 0.232.840.227.419.188.488.29 02/01/01 BCAP US HY 2% Issuer Cap Custom Idx 0.012.53-0.396.818.587.707.71 Source: SSgA Performance System The above Composites are not mutual funds but are unregistered investment vehicles. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Performance returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. Index returns are unmanaged and do not reflect the deduction of any fees or expenses. Index returns reflect all items of income, gain and loss and the reinvestment of dividends and other income.

5 Fund Performance — Custom Accounts Fund Description Expense RatioQuarterYTD1 Year3 Year5 Year10 Year Since Inception Inception Date REITS SPDR Dow Jones Intl Real Estate (MKT)0.59 -2.282.20-2.539.4612.14N/A0.01 12/01/06 Dow Jones Global ex-U.S. Select Real Estate Securities -2.271.67-2.0610.7612.88N/A1.14 Fixed Income TCW Emerging Markets Income I0.85 -0.21-0.51-6.502.506.017.909.87 06/01/98 JPM EMBI Global -0.291.76-1.573.436.527.348.99 Source: Morningstar Performance quoted represents past performance, which is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value will fluctuate, so you may have a gain or loss when shares are sold. Current performance may be higher or lower than that quoted. Average annual total return and total return are historical and include change in share value and reinvestment of dividends and capital gains, if any. Performance data for some mutual funds and ETFs may reflect an expense limitation currently in effect, without which returns would have been lower. The “SPDR®” trademark is used under license from of Standard & Poor Financial Services LLC. No financial product offered by State Street Corporation or its affiliates is sponsored, endorsed, sold or promoted by Standard & Poor Financial Services LLC. Standard & Poor's®, S&P®, S&P 500®, Select Sector SPDR®, Select Sector SPDRs® are trademarks of Standard & Poor Financial Services LLC., and have been licensed for use by State Street Bank and Trust Company. Performance returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized.

6 Hypothetical Screened Growth Strategy Allocation and Performance Hypothetical Screened Growth Strategy Total Return June 30, 2015 Hypothetical Screened Growth Strategy Asset Allocation All returns greater than one year are annualized. 50% Russell 3000, 20% MSCI ACWI Ex US IMI, 15% BCAP US Credit Bond Index, 15% BCAP US Intermediate Gov Bond Idx. Intermediate US Gov Index Strategy 15% Screened MSCI ACWI Ex US IMI Index Strategy 20% Socially Responsible US Credit Index Strategy 15% Russell 3000 Screened Index Strategy 50% Source: SSgA Performance is gross of fees. Hypothetical returns are based upon estimates and reflect subjective judgments and assumptions. These results were achieved by means of a mathematical formula and do not reflect the effect of unforeseen economic and market factors on decision-making. The hypothetical returns are not necessarily indicative of future performance, which could differ substantially. Index returns are unmanaged and do not reflect the deduction of any fees or expenses. Index returns reflect all items of income, gain and loss and the reinvestment of dividends and other income.

7 Hypothetical Screened Growth Strategy Allocation and Performance Hypothetical Screened Balanced Strategy Total Return June 30, 2015 Hypothetical Screened Balanced Strategy Asset Allocation All returns greater than one year are annualized. 45% Russell 3000, 15% MSCI ACWI Ex US IMI, 20% BCAP US Credit Bond Index, 20% BCAP US Intermediate Gov Bond Idx. Intermediate US Gov Index Strategy 20% Screened MSCI ACWI Ex US IMI Index Strategy 15% Socially Responsible US Credit Index Strategy 20% Russell 3000 Screened Index Strategy 45% Source: SSgA Performance is gross of fees. Hypothetical returns are based upon estimates and reflect subjective judgments and assumptions. These results were achieved by means of a mathematical formula and do not reflect the effect of unforeseen economic and market factors on decision-making. The hypothetical returns are not necessarily indicative of future performance, which could differ substantially. Index returns are unmanaged and do not reflect the deduction of any fees or expenses. Index returns reflect all items of income, gain and loss and the reinvestment of dividends and other income.

8 Fund Performance — Screened Accounts Fund DescriptionQuarterYTD1 Year3 Year5 Year10 Year Since Inception Inception Date US Large Cap Screened Russell 3000 Idx Composite0.031.777.9118.0417.658.168.8209/01/03 Russell 3000 Index0.141.947.2917.7317.548.158.84 International Equity MSCI ACWI ex US IMI Screened Idx Composite1.304.62-4.28N/A 0.2804/01/14 MSCI ACWI ex US IMI Screened Idx Composite1.004.59-4.97N/A -0.28 Fixed Income Socially Responsible US Credit Idx Composite-2.92-0.761.043.134.955.105.1312/01/04 BCAP US Credit Bond Idx-2.88-0.780.933.034.935.125.20 Intermediate US Gov Bond Idx Composite-0.440.811.770.882.043.644.7101/01/97 BCAP US Intm Gov Bond Index-0.430.821.790.902.063.684.73 Source: SSgA Performance System The above Composite are not mutual funds but are unregistered investment vehicles. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Performance returns for periods of less than one year are not annualized. Index returns are unmanaged and do not reflect the deduction of any fees or expenses. Index returns reflect all items of income, gain and loss and the reinvestment of dividends and other income. *The MSCI ACWI ex US IMI was incepted on 4/1/2014. For the hypothetical blends used on slides 3 and 4 for periods greater than QTR the MSCI EAFE Idx returns were used to calculate the hypothetical performance. June 30, 2015

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