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MFOLFOX-bevacizumab or XELOX-bevacizumab then bevacizumab alone or with erlotinib in 1st line treatment of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer :

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1 mFOLFOX-bevacizumab or XELOX-bevacizumab then bevacizumab alone or with erlotinib in 1st line treatment of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer : Interim safety analysis of DREAM study. C. Tournigand1, B. Samson2, W. Scheithauer3, C. Louvet1, T. Andre4, G. Lledo5, J. Latreille2, F. Viret6, B. Chibaudel7, A. de Gramont1; 1Hopital Saint Antoine, Paris, France; 2Hopital Charles Lemoyne, Greenfield Park, QC, Canada; 3University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria; 4Hopital Pitié-Salpetrière, Paris, France; 5Hopital Privé Jean Mermoz, Lyon, France; 6Institut Paoli Calmette, Marseille, France; 7Gercor, Paris, France

2 ABSTRACT Background : Anti-VEGF or EGFR inhibitors demonstrated clinical activity in combination with chemotherapy (CT) in mCRC. The DREAM trial compares, after an induction CT of 6 cy of FOLFOX-Bev or XELOX-Bev, a maintenance with Bev +/- Erlotinib. We report here a pre-planned safety analysis of induction (I) and maintenance (M) phase for the first 200 patients. Methods : Patients (pts) with untreated mCRC were randomly assigned to 2 arms (I): mFOLFOX+Bev (n=100), or mXELOX+Bev (n=100). mFOLFOX-Bev: LV 400 mg/m², Oxaliplatin (ox) 100 mg/m², B 5 mg/kg d1, 5FU ci 2.4g/m² 46h, q2w, mXELOX-Bev: Ox 100 mg/m² d1, capecitabine 2.5 g/m² d1-7, Bev 5mg/kg, q2w. To date, 117 pts with a disease control after 6 cy have had a 2nd randomisation (M): Bev alone (7.5 mg/kg q3w, n=56) or Bev+Erlotinib 150 mg/d (n=61) until PD. Results : Pts characteristics were: sex: 124M/76F, median age: 62.4 years (26-80), primary tumors: colon 152, rectum 53, synchronous metastases: 150 pts, > 1 metastase site: 115, PS 0/1: 134/66, Alk. Ph.>UNL: 87 pts, and LDH>UNL: 88pts. For I, 92 pts in mFOLFOX-Bev and 93 in XELOX-Bev were evaluable for toxicity (tox). Tox (%) for mFOLFOX-Bev/XELOX-Bev were: any toxicity grade (gr) 3 or 4: 21/30; neutropenia gr 3 6/1, gr 4 0/2; febrile neutropenia gr 3 1/1, gr 4 0/1; thrombopenia gr 3 0/1, gr 4 0/2; anemia gr 2 8/15, gr 3 2/1; nausea gr 2 17/15, gr 3 4/6; vomiting gr 2 10/12, gr 3 2/5; mucositis gr 2 6/6, gr 3 0/4; diarrhea gr 2 8/12, gr 3 5/20, gr 4 0/1; neuropathy gr 2 23/17 gr 3 3/1; HFS gr 2 0/7, gr 3 0/2; hypertension gr 2 2/3, gr 3 1/0; proteinuria gr 2 1/5; SAEs 14/25. For Maintenance, 56 pts in B and 61 pts in Bev+Erlotinib were evaluable. Tox (% Bev/Bev+Erlotinib) were: neutropenia gr 2 0/3; thrombopenia gr 2 2/0; nausea gr 2 2/2, gr 3 2/0; vomiting gr 3 2/0; mucositis gr 2 2/3; diarrhea gr 2 0/6, gr 3 2/6; skin tox gr 1 9/31, gr 2 0/38, gr 3 0/16, gr 4 0/2; proteinuria gr 2 5/5; hypertension gr 1 9/15, gr 2 3/8, gr 3 3/0.  Conclusion : This interim safety analysis demonstrated that induction with mFOLFOX-Bev or XELOX-Bev as well as maintenance with Bev or Bev + Erlotinib appears to be well-tolerated, without unexpected side effects. The DREAM study is ongoing, with a prolonged induction phase of 6 months (3 mo with ox then 3 mo with fluoropyrimidines-B) before randomisation for maintenance therapy.

3 INTRODUCTION OPTIMOX1 and 2 studies validated the "stop and go strategy" or stopping oxaliplatin after 6 cycles in metastatic colorectal cancer. (Tournigand et al. JCO 2006, Maindrault-Goebel, ASCO 2007) Bevacizumab increases PFS in combination with first-line chemotherapy. (Saltz et al., JCO 2008) A modified XELOX regimen (7 days on, 7 days off) demonstrated a good therapeutic ratio (Scheithauer et al., JCO 2003) Erlotinib is an orally active, selective inhibitor of HER1/EGFR tyrosine-kinase. In preclinical models, administration of EGFR inhibitors in combination with antiangiogenic agents has shown additive cytotoxicity. (Ciardello et al. Clinical Cancer Res 2000, 2004)

4 DREAM study (Phase III)
RANDOMI SAT ION RANDOMI SAT ION mFOLFOX7 + bevacizumab x6 cycles bevacizumab + erlotinib until PD PR or SD mXELOX + bevacizumab X6 cycles bevacizumab until PD N=640 INDUCTION MAINTENANCE

5 Erlotinib 150 mg/day, continuous
CHEMOTHERAPY D D2 mFolfox7 LV 400 5-FU 2.4 g/m² oxali 100 bev. 5 Every 2 weeks INDUCTION D D7 mXELOX Capecitabine 2500 mg/m²/d oxali 100 Every 2 weeks bev. 5 erlotinib bev. 7.5 Every 3 weeks MAINTENANCE Erlotinib 150 mg/day, continuous

6 Inclusion criteria Histologically proven adenocarcinoma of colon or rectum. Unresectable metastatic disease, i.e. non suitable for complete carcinological surgical resection. No previous chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy for metastatic disease. In case of previous adjuvant chemotherapy, progression-free interval from end of previous adjuvant chemotherapy > 6 months (2 years if oxaliplatin or CPT11 received as adjuvant therapy) Measurable lesion or non measurable lesions Age 18 years - 80 years. WHO (ECOG) performance status 0-2 . Hematological status: Neutrophils  1,5 109/L Platelets  /L Haemoglobin > 9 g/dL (may be transfused to maintain or exceed this level) International Normalized Ratio (INR)  1.5; APPT <1.5 x UNL Adequate renal function, No proteinuria at baseline. Hepatic function: Total bilirubin < 1.5 x upper normal limit (UNL), ALP :< 3 x ULN Neurologic status: no peripheral sensory neuropathy (NCI grade 0).

7 Patients Characteristics n=200
Sex ratio M / 76 F Median Age years (26-80yrs) WHO PS 0 vs vs 66 pts Colon vs rectum 152 vs 53 pts Synchronous mets 150 pts >1 metastatic site 115 pts Alk Phosphatase >UNL 87 pts LDH>UNL pts

8 INDUCTION CHEMOTHERAPY Hematologic toxicity (grade 3-4)
FOLFOX-Bevacizumab N=92 % XELOX-Bevacizumab N=93 Neutropenia grade 3 grade 4 6 1 2 Thrombocytopenia Anemia grade 2 8 15 Febrile neutropenia

9 INDUCTION CHEMOTHERAPY Non-Hematologic toxicity
FOLFOX-Bevacizumab N=92 % XELOX-Bevacizumab N=93 Nausea grade 3 grade 2 4 17 6 15 Vomiting 2 10 5 12 Mucositis Diarrhea grade 3-4 8 21 Neuropathy grade 3 grade 2 3 23 1 17 Hand-Foot syndrome 2 7

10 INDUCTION CHEMOTHERAPY Bevacizumab-related toxicity
FOLFOX- Bevacizumab N=92 % XELOX- N=93 HTA grade 3 grade 2 1 2 3 Proteinuria 5

11 MAINTENANCE : toxicity
Bevacizumab N=56 % Bevacizumab – Erlotinib N=61 Nausea grade 3 grade 2 2 Vomiting Mucositis 3 Diarrhea 6 Neutropenia grade 2 3 Thrombocytopenia 2

12 Bevacizumab – Erlotinib
MAINTENANCE toxicity Bevacizumab N=56 % Bevacizumab – Erlotinib N=61 Cutaneous toxicity Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 9 31 38 16 2 HTA Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 9 3 15 8 Proteinuria 5

13 Conclusion Both mFOLFOX7-bevacizumab and mXELOX-bevacizumab are well tolerated as first-line therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer As expected, the main toxicity of the association of bevacizumab and erlotinib is cutaneous (18% grade 3-4) Considering the recent results of OPTIMOX2, a prolongation of the maintenance phase from 3 months to 6 months before maintenance therapy has been adopted in the study KRAS status will be available for all patients 18% verif Acknowledgement : Roche for financial support of the DREAM study

14 DREAM study (Phase III) FOLFIRI – bevacizumab 6 months
New design REGI STRAT ION RANDOMI SAT ION mFOLFOX7 + bevacizumab X6 cycles mLV5FU2 + bevacizumab 3 months bevacizumab + erlotinib until PD Or1 CR2 or PR SD mXELOX + bevacizumab x6 cycles capecitabine + bevacizumab 3 months bevacizumab until PD Or1 FOLFIRI – bevacizumab 6 months Inclusion criteria : IP 0 – 2 Alk Ph < 5xN 1 investigator’s choice 2without surgery

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