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South West and Mid Wales Consortium Eifion Evans.

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1 South West and Mid Wales Consortium Eifion Evans

2 We aspire to be the top performing region in Wales. To achieve this we recognised the need for significant system change from September 2011 as well as structural change from September 2012. The two elements of system and structural change will help build sustainable, collaborative capacity for the education community in order to improve educational and well-being outcomes for all children and young people, and work towards achieving excellence in all educational establishments in the region. Priorities

3 High quality, consistent and effective core monitoring, challenge and intervention – The Regional, Support, Challenge and Intervention Framework (RSCIF) has been developed and implemented from September 2011. It is a regional framework for consistent monitoring, challenge and intervention at school and local authority level in terms of process and activity at school, local authority and regional level which will have been operating for a full year. Focussed intervention and support for all schools facilitated through an effective approach to system leadership – The further development of the regional approach to system leadership that facilitates targeted and focussed challenge, intervention and support determined by the RSCIF and facilitates the dissemination and development of effective practice. The use of timely and accurate data and information to inform improvement planning at learner, class, school, local authority and regional level – A regional data process for the consistent collection, analysis and evaluation of data and information at learner, school, local authority and regional levels that informs improvement priorities. The development of a consistent learner tracking process. The improvement of learner performance in literacy and numeracy – The development of regional strategies for literacy and numeracy implemented at regional, local authority, school, class and learner levels. The strategies will be based upon evidence from learner performance and effective practice. Reducing the impact of social deprivation and poverty on learner outcomes for well-being and attainment – A regional strategy for addressing the impact of social deprivation on learner outcomes. Priorities: System change

4 Priorities: Structural change A plan for further transformation of services – which prioritises the next stages of development for a range of services that support school improvement. A Regional Integrated School Improvement Service – The establishment of the Regional Integrated School Improvement Service (RISIS) to implement the regional frameworks for: –monitoring and challenge –intervention and support –literacy and numeracy –addressing the impact of social deprivation. A regional governance structure – that is efficient, effective and inclusive.

5 Regional trajectory 2012–14

6 Programme Team Programme Assurance Communications Stakeholders RISIS Structural Change Board School Effectiveness Operational Group (Project Board) (SEOG) 14–19 Steering Group (Project Board) Transforming Services Operational Group (Project Board) (TSOG) RISIS Strategy Group (Programme Board) Workstream Task and Finish Groups RISIS Partnership Board (Executive Board) Regional Integrated School Improvement Service (RISIS) Governance Structure January 2012–August 2012 Key: Formal Reporting Regular Communication, no formal report

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