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Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world The 10th EDF Mid-Term-Review 10th EDF Mid-Term-Review Guidelines.

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Presentation on theme: "Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world The 10th EDF Mid-Term-Review 10th EDF Mid-Term-Review Guidelines."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world The 10th EDF Mid-Term-Review 10th EDF Mid-Term-Review Guidelines Eurostep - Concord Brussels, 30.06.2009 European Commission, DEV-C1, Aid Programming and Management

2 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world Index: (1) The MTR objectives, context and documents (2) The MTR process (3) The MTR assessment methodology for the A-envelope –Assessment fiches for four dimensions Governance Economic situation Poverty and social situation EC cooperation –Rating system Special considerations Consolidation (4) The MTR assessment of the B-envelope

3 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (1) The MTR: objectives –Adapt strategies in light of changed context / priorities / objectives of the partner country in light of progress in joint programming and division of labour –Adjust A-envelopes in light of current needs and performance

4 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (1) The MTR: context –Economic and financial crisis (Council conclusions 18.5.2009): Short term measures: FLEX; vulnerability FLEX Medium term structural response: bring forward MTR –Other external events / changes in priorities: Climate change and impact of soaring food and energy prices State of progress towards MDGs Trade negotiations / EPAs Fragility and conflicts Migration Operationalisation of Joint Africa-EU, Caribbean, Pacific strategies –Implementation of Accra Agenda for Action and joint programming with MS (complementarity, division of labour)

5 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (1)The MTR: documents Joint Annual Report (JAR) 2009: –Update JAR 2008 (if any relevant event, data till 30.9.9) –Main developments since adoption of CSP –Executive summary and conclusions, including recommendation on possible change of strategy Other documents: –Possible update governance profile –MTR performance assessment, including recommendation on possible change in country allocation

6 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (2) The MTR process

7 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (3) The MTR assessment methodology Focus on development results achieved Assessment of four dimensions: governance economic situation poverty and social situation implementation of EC cooperation Based on standard, objective and transparent criteria Use of a rating system One key question per dimension, broken down in 2 or 3 underlying questions Special considerations Consolidation

8 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (3) Performance dimension: governance Key question: To what extent has the Governance Action Plan been implemented and the governance situation improved? Underlying questions: 1.To what extent has the GAP been implemented, taking into account its initial quality? 2.Based on (where appropriate updated) governance profile, to what extent has the governance situation improved?

9 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (3) Performance dimension: governance what extent has the GAP been implemented, taking into account its initial quality? - GAP implementation level: - focus on most relevant commitments, i.e. main weaknesses in initial governance profile - initial quality of the GAP:

10 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (3) Performance dimension: economic situation Key question: Have sound economic policies been put in place to support sustainable economic growth? Underlying questions: 1.Have effective macro-economic policies been put in place? 2.Has the business climate become structurally more conducive for private enterprise and sustainable growth and has this translated in capacity to promote domestic and attract foreign direct investment?

11 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (3) Performance dimension: poverty & social situation Key question: are sector policies in place and implemented to make progress in reducing poverty and achieving the MDGs? Underlying questions: 1.What is the quality of the social sector policies of the partner country: does it have a national poverty reduction strategy with a clear prioritisation, with good quality sector policies and with a monitoring system involving all relevant stakeholders? 2.Is public expenditure consistent with and supporting the defined strategy, and in line with possible international commitments on sector allocations from partner country budgets? 3.What has been the progress over time in achieving the MDGs?

12 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (3) Performance dimension: EC cooperation Key question: Did the EC interventions contribute sufficiently to the development results of that sector (or even beyond)? Underlying questions: 1. Financial performance: is the financial absorption capacity of the partner country adequate in light of the present aid allocations? 2. Projects and programmes/SBS in the focal sectors: Is the performance of projects/programmes/SBS on schedule to achieve the development results? Are there important constraints or conditions not met? Were/are adequate measures taken? 3. For countries providing General Budget Support: Does the GBS contribute effectively to the country performance on development, as assessed under the governance, economic and poverty/social performance?

13 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (3) The MTR assessment: the rating system Rating for each underlying question: Consolidation of underlying ratings for each dimension

14 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (3) The MTR assessment: special considerations Limiting factors, impacting on performance, e.g.: -Natural disasters -Regional instability -Fragility -Commission level constraints

15 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (3) The MTR assessment: the final consolidation Overall special consideration: impact of the economic and financial crisis

16 Development and relations with African,Caribbean and Pacific StatesTogether for a better world (4) MTR assessment of the B-envelope Aim: maximise flexibility –Maintain large reserve for ad hoc replenishment Country allocation: –ECHO allocation for direct access on the basis of accelerated procedures –Other anticipated crisis situations (humanitarian and emergency assistance under art 72-73 CA) Other unforeseen needs, replenishment on ad hoc basis: –FLEX –Debt relief –other

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