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Initiated in 2007 with a study population of 8000 483 bridges are considered historic and eligible or listed on the National Register 111 Bridges are.

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2 Initiated in 2007 with a study population of 8000 483 bridges are considered historic and eligible or listed on the National Register 111 Bridges are National Register- listed 139 Covered bridges identified in the update

3 The results of the 2010 Ohio Historic Bridge Inventory Update and Evaluation were accepted by FHWA, OSHPO and ODOT on April 28, 2010

4 The 2010 Update determined that 7517 pre-1962 bridges do not meet NR eligibility criteria Exempt from Section 106 consultation Coordination with the Ohio State Historic Preservation Office is not required according to ODOTs programmatic agreement.

5 Historic status of a bridge does not prohibit its replacement by local forces or as part of a federal undertaking We just need to follow the Environmental Process The 2010 Update study allowed us the opportunity to investigate previously excluded types Reinforced concrete T-beams, slabs, rigid frames, concrete girders

6 Cement Bridge Road in Wayne Township Tuscarawas County The oldest complete T-beam in the state. Built in 1908

7 Reinforced Concrete Slab 1909 Considered earliest example in the state. Located TR 80in Seneca County over Royer Ditch Steel Rigid Frame 1937 McMillan St. in Cincinnati Not commonly used before 1950. Early, aesthetically detailed example.

8 Concrete Thru Girder 1910 Richland County Chew Road Over Nofolk & Southern RR Built by Pennsylvania RR Early example during period of Experimentation for this type

9 109 bridges are considered highly significant. ODOT has completed Management Plans for 13 structures so far

10 Management Plans focus on critical elements and identify practical alternatives to replacement Save time and costs Prudent and feasible alternatives already outlined for us based on type and transportation requirements Use as a guide for Section 4(f) Alternatives Analysis May require core samples or other specific data to further assess preservation potential

11 ODOTs Historic Bridge Maintenance & Preservation Guidelines is a manual that outlines effective and economical procedures that will prolong the useful life of historic bridges


13 Based on our 2009 update study, bridges are now categorized as National Register eligible/listed or Not eligible The historic status on PDF reports is NR Status: Y or N

14 The bridge inventory is also posted as an Excel spreadsheet on ODOTs Environmental Services website at the following URL: Cultural_Resources/HISTORIC_BRIDGES/Pages/default.aspx

15 All of ODOTs historic bridge publications are available online at the following link: /Environment/Cultural_Resources/ HISTORIC_BRIDGES/Pages/default.aspx The Transportation Research Boards Context for the 50 Most Common Historic Bridge Types:


17 Funding preservation and more creative mitigation practices Partnership with Office of Local Projects to help channel more TEA enhancement funding to the identified highly significant structures that need a friend, and have real preservation potential Apply mitigation costs from an historic bridge replacement toward maintenance items on another more significant local bridge Working with FHWA to create a historic bridge fund for maintenance and preservation

18 Green Lawn Cemetery Columbus 1898 Steel stringer

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