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A HEALTHY FOUNDATION UNIT 1. QUESTION?  What is HEALTH?  Physical Health?  Mental/Emotional Health?  Social Health?

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Presentation on theme: "A HEALTHY FOUNDATION UNIT 1. QUESTION?  What is HEALTH?  Physical Health?  Mental/Emotional Health?  Social Health?"— Presentation transcript:


2 QUESTION?  What is HEALTH?  Physical Health?  Mental/Emotional Health?  Social Health?


4 PHYSICAL HEALTH  Physical Health is all about how well your body functions.  Having a high level of physical health means having enough energy to perform your daily activities, deal with everyday stresses, and avoid injury.


6 MENTAL/EMOTIONAL HEALTH  It’s a reflection of how you feel about yourself, how you meet the demands of your daily life, and how you cope with the problems that occur in your life.


8 SPIRITUAL HEALTH  A deep-seated sense of meaning and purpose in life.  Being spiritually healthy does not necessarily mean that you belong to a religious group, although it could include being a member of a spiritual community.


10 SOCIAL HEALTH  Social health is the ability to get along with others.  Seeking and lending support when needed.  Communicating clearly and listening to others  Showing respect and care for yourself and others


12 KEEPING A BALANCE When your health triangle is balanced, you have a high degree of wellness, an overall state of wellbeing and total health.

13 WHAT AFFECTS YOUR HEALTH? Heredity- all traits that were biologically passed on to you from your parents. Environment-the sum of your surroundings  Physical  neighborhood  Social  peers  Cultural  Customs/beliefs

14 -Attitude -Behavior -Media-Various methods used for communicating information -Technology-Radio, Television, and the Internet

15 HEALTH RISKS AND YOUR BEHAVIOR  Risk behaviors-are actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others.

16 RECOGNIZING RISK BEHAVIORS -Tobacco use -Unhealthy dietary behaviors -Inadequate physical activity -Alcohol and other drug use -Sexual behaviors that may result in HIV infection, other sexually transmitted diseases, and unintended pregnancies -Behaviors that contribute to unintentional injuries and violence

17 HOW TO AVOID OR REDUCE RISKS  Prevention-Taking steps to keep something from happening or getting worse.  Abstinence-a deliberate decision to avoid high- risk behaviors, including sexual activity and the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs.  Lifestyle Factors-personal habits or behaviors related to the way a person lives.

18 BECOMING HEALTH LITERATE  Know where to find health information  Decide if the information is correct  Assess the risks and benefits of treatment  Figure out how much medicine to take  Understand test results

19 HEALTH LITERACY  Critical thinker and problem solver  Responsible, productive citizen  Self-directed learner  Effective communicator

20 BUILDING HEALTH SKILLS  You can develop skills that will help you manage your health throughout your life.

21 REFUSAL SKILLS  Communication strategies that can help you say no when you are urged to take part in behaviors that are unsafe or unhealthful, or that go against your values.

22 CONFLICT-RESOLUTION SKILLS -The process of ending a conflict through cooperation and problem solving.

23 ACCESSING INFORMATION  Doctor’s  Valid Internet sites  Parent’s and trusted adults  Recently published material, written by reputable sources

24 ANALYZING INFLUENCES The more aware you are of the various influences in your life and how they affect you, the better able you are to make informed choices about your health. P. 37 “Influences on Your Health”

25 SELF-MANAGEMENT SKILLS  Practicing healthful behaviors  Managing Stress  Talking  Meditating  Listen to Music  Go to the Movies  Get Active  Take a Warm Shower or Bath  Take a Nap  Spend Time with Family

26 MAKING RESPONSIBLE DECISIONS AND SETTING GOALS  “YOUR” Values-the ideas, beliefs, and attitudes about what is important that help guide the way you live.  H-(healthful) any health risks?  E-(ethical) reflect your values?  L-(legal)  P-(parent approval)

27 GOAL SETTING  Short-Term  Long-Term  Write a short-term and long-term goal and develop an action plan using P. 44.

28 DEVELOPING YOUR SELF-ESTEEM  Mental/Emotional Health-the ability to accept yourself and others, express and manage emotions, and deal with the demands and challenges you meet in your life.

29 CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH Sense of belonging Sense of purpose Positive outlook Self-sufficiency Healthy self-esteem



32 REAL WORLD CONNECTION  “Your Sources of Support” P. 77

33 EXPRESSING EMOTIONS IN HEALTHFUL WAYS  Emotions-Signals that tell your mind and body how to react.  How you respond to your emotions can affect your mental/emotional,physical, and social health.  HOW?

34 COMMON EMOTIONS EVERYONE FEELS  Happiness  Sadness  Love  Fear  Guilt  Anger


36 COMMON DEFENSE MECHANISMS  Repression  Regression  Denial  Projection  Suppression  Rationalization  Compensation

37 UNDERSTANDING STRESS  Stressor-anything that causes stress.  Psychosomatic response-a physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness.  Headache  Weakened immune system  High blood pressure  Digestive disorders

38 The Body’s Response to Stressors Alarm Resistance Fatigue


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