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Health Info Public Health March 2015 Tobacco and youth.

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2 Health Info Public Health March 2015

3 Tobacco and youth

4 In New Brunswick, 14.1% of grade 6 to 12 students say they have smoked more than once.

5 Tobacco and youth The tobacco industry must “replace” the smokers who die from smoking or manage to quit.

6 To attract new young smokers, the industry markets cigarettes with different flavours (e.g. mint, strawberry, orange) to hide the bad taste of tobacco. Tobacco and youth

7 The industry also offers “light” and “mild” cigarettes. But be careful! A brand of light cigarettes can contain a higher level of nicotine or tar than another brand of regular cigarettes! Tobacco and youth

8 So-called “smoke-free” tobacco is not “danger-free”. Plug or chewing tobacco also creates nicotine addiction and poses health risks. Tobacco and youth

9 Cigarette smoke is dangerous! Even a little just once in a while is too much!


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