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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 1 LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Mrs. Boghos-Frangie."— Presentation transcript:


2 CHAPTER 1: LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE What is health?  Health is the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.

3 CHAPTER 1: LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE The health Continuum…  Health is dynamic, or subject to constant change. Example, when a star basketball player gets hurt or sick.  Changes along the continuum may occur suddenly, such as getting injured.  A person with a balanced life is said to have a high degree of wellness, an over all state of well-being, or total health.

4 CHAPTER 1: LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE The Health Continuum Continued……  The decisions you make each day have an impact on your health.  Such as what you choose to eat, wear, and do each and everyday.

5 CHAPTER 1: LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Lifestyle Factors  Lifestyle factors are factors that affect people’s overall health, happiness, and longevity.  These factors include: 1.Getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep. 2.Eating a healthy breakfast. 3.Eating a variety of nutritious food each day.

6 CHAPTER 1: LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Lifestyle factors continued….. 4. Being physically active for 20 minutes a day for three or more days a week. 5. Maintaining a healthy weight. 6. Avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. 7. Abstaining from sexual activity before marriage. 8. Maintaining Positive relationships. 9. Practicing safe behaviors to prevent injuries.

7 CHAPTER 1: LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Lifestyle factors continued…  A key to your wellness is prevention. -Practicing health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury.  Example: talking or texting while driving at high speeds or not wearing a seat belt.  The importance of health education is to provide accurate health information to help people make healthy choices.

8 CHAPTER 1: LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Healthy People 2010  Healthy people 2010 is a nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan designed to serve as a guide for improving the health of all people in the United States.  They established two main goals: 1.Increase the quality and years of healthy life for everyone. 2.Remove health differences that result from factors such as gender, race, education, disability, and location.


10 CHAPTER 1: LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE The Health Triangle Continued….  Social Health: involves the way you get along with others.  Physical Health: how well your body functions.  Mental/Emotional Health: your feelings about yourself, how you meet the demands of daily life and your ability to process information.  Each side of the triangle has to maintain balance in order to live a healthy lifestyle.

11 CHAPTER 1: LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Factors or influences on your health.  Heredity: refers to the traits that you were biologically passed from your parents.  Environment: the sum of your surroundings. -Family, Neighborhood, Friends, School, and Job  Culture: to the collected beliefs, customs, and behaviors of a group.  Attitude  Behavior  Media  Technology

12 CHAPTER 1: LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Your behavior and Reducing Health Risks  Part of becoming an adult is learning to make responsible decisions.  Understanding Health Risks  Risk Behaviors: are actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others. 1.Step 1: increase awareness of risk behaviors in your life. 2.Step 2: examine your current behaviors and make changes.

13 CHAPTER 1: LIVING A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Abstaining From Risk Behaviors  The only way to avoid the consequences of some of the most serious risk behaviors is to practice abstinence.  Abstinence is avoiding harmful behaviors, including the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs as well as sexual activity before marriage.

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