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E-cigarettes and harm reduction: building consensus Martin Dockrell, Tobacco Control Lead, Public Health England.

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Presentation on theme: "E-cigarettes and harm reduction: building consensus Martin Dockrell, Tobacco Control Lead, Public Health England."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-cigarettes and harm reduction: building consensus Martin Dockrell, Tobacco Control Lead, Public Health England

2 E-cigarettes: PHE’s aim PHE is working to build a consensus within public health and beyond around an approach to e-cigarettes and harm reduction that is: Rooted in the evidence Supports NICE tobacco harm reduction guidance Promotes regulation that manages the risks while maximising the benefits. 2Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

3 Key actions May 2014 Two independent evidence reports on e-cigarettes. A national symposium on e-cigarettes and tobacco harm reduction Dec 2014 – March 2015 A stakeholder ‘conversation’ to encourage debate and build consensus on use of e-cigarettes in enclosed public places and workplaces. Online survey setting out five evidence-based draft principles for policies and practice, accompanied by expert video commentaries. Conducted in two phases – public health then wider stakeholder community A total of 978 stakeholders responded: support for the draft principles ranged from 74% to 82%. 3Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

4 Next steps – PHE will: Q2 2015/16 Framework advice to employers and other authorities on use of e-cigarettes in enclosed public places. Q3 2015/16 Publish a new independent report on e-cigarettes. Publicise the best estimate of the relative risk of e-cigarettes and tobacco products, to improve understanding and support informed decision-making. Work with the NCSCT to advise and encourage local stop smoking services to. engage with smokers who want to quit using e-cigarettes. Q4 2015/16 Hold a second national symposium on e-cigarettes Build awareness and understanding of the implications of the new regulations under the revised EU Tobacco Products Directive. 4Presentation title - edit in Header and Footer

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