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 Plasma  fluid part  55% of blood volume  Contains/transports the proteins, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, essential nutrients, enzymes,

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2  Plasma  fluid part  55% of blood volume  Contains/transports the proteins, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, essential nutrients, enzymes, hormones, gases, & organic slats  Red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets  45% of blood volume

3  Transport oxygen & a little carbon dioxide  No nucleus  Contain hemoglobin

4  Produced in bone marrow  Have nucleus in bone marrow  Loses nucleus once in circulation  Used RBC are destroyed by the liver and spleen  Life span 120 days (no nuclei)


6  Protein – consists of a red pigment containing iron  Transports oxygen & a little carbon dioxide  The heme consists of 4 molecules of iron attached to the proteins  1 L of blood can carry 3ml of O2 without hemoglobin  1L of blood can carry 200ml of O2 with hemoglobin

7  O2 attached to hemoglobin appears red  O2 freed & it reflects blue light  Shape of hemoglobin molecule changes shape  One red blood cell can have 280 million hemoglobin

8  Body contains 5 L of blood  5.5 million per ml of blood in males  4.5 million per ml of blood in females  Quanity is influenced by:  Sex  Health  Age  Altitude ( up to 8 million cells/ml)

9  Lack of rbc or hemoglobin that decreases the quantity of O2 delivered to the body  Reason are numerous  Loss of blood (hemorrhages, ulcers)  Lack of dietary iron

10  Big  Different from one another  Contain nuclei  Protect organisms against illnesses (immune system)

11  Essential part of the immune system  Many different leukocytes  Monocytes  Lymphocyte  Eosinophil  Basophil  Neutrophil  700 red blood cells for every white globule

12  Fragments of cells necessary for coagulation (clotting)  Circulate in blood (7 days)  Trillions in circulation

13  Broken blood vessel  Plateles release thromboplastine  Triggers a set of reactions leading to formation of clot  Sticky network of protein fibers (fibrin) forms over the injury and stops the blood cells  Dry & thick crust forms

14  Hereditary bleeding disorder (males)  Prolonged bleeding  Difficulty clotting – may bleed longer  Affects 1:10,000 male births  Female carriers occasionally have bleeding symptoms  Factor VIII or IX

15  Clot that forms & closes off a blood vessel  Clot in the brain can cause an apoplectic stroke or heart attack  Embolism – a clot that moves  Any cerebral, coronary, or pulmonary embolism is dangerous

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