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COMP 2 WINTER Arguing a Position. Thesis Statements The controlling idea of your entire research paper. It must include: Subject + Opinion = Thesis Statement.

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Presentation on theme: "COMP 2 WINTER Arguing a Position. Thesis Statements The controlling idea of your entire research paper. It must include: Subject + Opinion = Thesis Statement."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMP 2 WINTER Arguing a Position

2 Thesis Statements The controlling idea of your entire research paper. It must include: Subject + Opinion = Thesis Statement It can usually pass the “What? How? and/or Why?” test.

3 How do you develop a good thesis? Start with a topic: Discrimination against Japanese Americans during WWII.

4 How do you develop a good thesis? Develop a question around it: Why did government officials allow discrimination against Japanese Americans during WWII?

5 How do you develop a good thesis? Answer the question without: Restating it and failing to choose a side: “This essay examines whether or not government officials allow discrimination against Japanese Americans” Manipulating your readers with loaded emotional language: “Government officials were behaving racist pigs when they allowed discrimination against Japanese Americans.”

6 How do you develop a good thesis? Instead, try to develop you own unique perspective on your question: “Government officials allowed discrimination against Japanese Americans not because it was in the nation’s interest, but because it provided a concrete enemy for people to focus on”

7 How do you develop a good thesis? In groups, come up with strong thesis statements for the following topics. Remember to start with a question. Drinking and Driving Life on Other Planets Nutritious Foods Darwin’s Theory of Evolution Legalizing Gay Marriage (keep in mind the “how, why?” test)

8 Developing your Argument (Position Paper!) Ask yourself 5 basic questions about your topic For example: Pornography should be censored on television because it desensitizes men to the value of female sexuality; therefore, putting women at risk for sexual violence.  What is my issue? Define pornography (what kind?)  What is the value (criteria for making our evaluation) of my issue? What kind of value does pornography have in society?  What are the causes or consequences of my issue? What will the consequences of the policy be?  What should or must we do about it? If we censor it, it becomes an issue of constitutional rights – then what?  What is the evidence for my claims about my issue? Answering two or three of these questions may get you moving in the right direction.

9 How do I start? What is in the introduction? Arouses reader interest bold statement, statistic, quote, anecdote Gives them an idea of the topic Define any key terms necessary for understanding Thesis statement

10 How do I organize the body of the essay? Statement of the problem  Indication of why reader should care Statement of possible solutions other than yours Argument for your solution Arguments in opposition Conclusion

11 In-Class Formulate a good working thesis – Answer those five questions Start a general outline

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