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o baptism (Christians)function as cleansing o cleaning in mosques (Islam)of the spirit o water as symbol of a clean spirit and attachment to god o Jesus.

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2 o baptism (Christians)function as cleansing o cleaning in mosques (Islam)of the spirit o water as symbol of a clean spirit and attachment to god o Jesus washing the feet of his disciples at the Maundy Thursday

3 o God created the world in seven days, o but first there only were the primary sea and darkness which stands for chaos o God said: „Let there be light“ and there was light. So he created day and night o On the second day God built the land and made it wet and fertile o He made it green with many different kinds of plants

4 A flood sent by God to erase all humans Noah & Ark Safe the Animals

5 God of the sea In Greek: Poseidon worshipped for -a safe journey -rich fishing

6 o The Nile was often flooded o but people weren´t scared, o they needed it for their fields, o because the mud was fertile. o People were more scared that the flood didn´t come. o Seth was jealous of his brother Osiris, so he killed him and spread the parts of his body in all directions. o Isis brought her husband Osiris back to life for a short time with the healing Nile water. o In this short moment they made their son Horus to fight versus Seth

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