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LEQ:: What is Geologic Time

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Presentation on theme: "LEQ:: What is Geologic Time"— Presentation transcript:

1 LEQ:: What is Geologic Time
LEQ:: What is Geologic Time? How can a model help me visualize the length and vastness of geologic time? What is the Geologic Time Scale? What are the units of the Geologic Time Scale? Key terms: geologic time, geologic time scale, eon, era, period, epoch.

2 Appreciating Geologic Time
Getting a personal vision of geologic time is a concept that is critical in Earth Science. An easy way to get a vision of geologic time is when you begin to get a good concept of the vastness of geologic time. A model is very helpful.

3 Lets Start with Numbers (and the power of 10)
On your notes page, print the following number: One Thousand 1,000 One Hundred Thousand 100,000 One Million 1,000,000 One Hundred Million 100,000,000 One Billion 1,000,000,000

4 Asterisks on the page Number of asterisks on the page: 2000
Number of pages needed for 1 million asterisks 500 Number of asterisks in a ream of paper: 1,000,000 Number of asterisks in a case of paper: 10,000,000

5 Modeling Lets use the asterisks to help us make a model.
Each asterisk is 1 year. Number of years on one page: 2000 years Number of pages needed for 1 million years 500 pages Number of years in a ream of paper: 1,000,000 years Number of years in a case of paper: 10,000,000 years.

6 Units of time Work with a partner, and list the following units of time from the largest to the smallest: Hour Day Millennium Century Year Week Month Second Minute Decade

7 Earth’s Age Earth’s age is estimated to be: 4.6 billion years old.
4,600,000,000 Number of cases for 4,600,000,000: 460 cases With each case having 5000 pages and each page having 2000 years.

8 Geologic Time Earth’s history has been 4.6 billion years in the making. This history is known as geologic time.

9 The Geologic Time Scale
Because the span of Earth’s past is so great, geologists use the geologic time scale to show Earth’s history. The geologic time scale is a record of Life forms in Earth’s History. Geologic events in Earth’s History.

10 Units of Geologic Time In a similar way we divide time into units, geologists divide Geologic time into units. Units of geologic time (largest to the smallest): Eon Era Period Epoch Each eon, era, period, and epoch is given a specific name.

11 What time is it? (in Geologic Time)
We currently live in the: Holocene Epoch of the: Quaternary Period of the: Cenozoic Era of the: Phanerozoic Eon

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