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A Texas-Sized Collaboration: The TexShare Card and Loan Star Libraries Programs Ann Mason & Wendy Clark Texas State Library & Archives Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "A Texas-Sized Collaboration: The TexShare Card and Loan Star Libraries Programs Ann Mason & Wendy Clark Texas State Library & Archives Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Texas-Sized Collaboration: The TexShare Card and Loan Star Libraries Programs Ann Mason & Wendy Clark Texas State Library & Archives Commission

2 Introduction Wendy Clark, State Grants Administrator, Library Development Division Ann Mason, TexShare Coordinator, Library Resource Sharing Division

3 Logistics Number of sites Questions Microphones Packets Evaluations CE Certificates

4 Objectives Gain a basic understanding of the Loan Star Libraries and TexShare Card programs Learn how the TexShare Card program assists Texas academic and public library users Learn how to make positive impact in your communities by participating in the programs

5 Agenda TexShare Overview TexShare Card program Break Programs inter-relationship Loan Star Libraries overview Loan Star Libraries grant management

6 Questions?

7 TexShare Consortium Overview Statewide library resource sharing consortium Participating institutions are the 700 academic, public, & medical libraries in the state TexShare is a program of the Texas State Library & Archives Commission (TSLAC) in partnership with Texas libraries TexShare services are designed to help each member library fulfill its unique mission TexShare is a member-driven program

8 TexShare Programs & Services TexShare Card Program TexShare Database Program K-12 TexShare Database Program Library of Texas Service TExpress Courier/ILL Program TexShare Education Services TexShare Communications

9 TexShare Benefits Offers significant cost savings to individual libraries Delivers quality information resources that enhance education, health, and economic well being across Texas Enables information exchange among all Texans to ensure lifelong learning

10 TexShare Benefits, cont. Statewide purchasing of electronic databases ensures the lowest price to maximize the purchasing power of library budgets Reduces the cost of transporting library materials around the State

11 TexShare Card Program The TexShare card program is a reciprocal borrowing program. Its designed to allow the registered users of participating TexShare member institutions to directly borrow materials from the libraries of other participating institutions. Registered users obtain a TexShare Card from their home library before checking out materials from other participating libraries.

12 Key Points Card program is free (supplies are furnished)

13 Key Points Libraries are allowed to set their own lending policies for TexShare borrowers, which may differ from those in place for local patrons

14 Key Points Library loss rates are less than 0.5%

15 Key Points Over 500 public & academic libraries participate in the TexShare Card Program

16 Key Points Public libraries who participate benefit in Loan Star funds

17 Impact on Your Community Program directly benefits your patrons, who can visit other libraries throughout the state

18 Impact on Your Community Enables information exchange among all Texans to ensure lifelong learning

19 How Do I Join? Read the TexShare Card Program Agreement. Designate your TexShare Card Program Liaison. Complete the online application form. After you complete the form, a screen will appear that verifies the registration. You will also automatically be sent to the TexShare Card Program Participation Agreement form. Print out the TexShare Card Program Participation Agreement form. Be sure the form is signed and mail it to the address on the form.

20 TexShare Card

21 TexShare Card Brochure

22 How Do I Issue a TexShare Card? Registered patron or staff member at your library Patron in good standing Include expiration date (1 year)

23 How Do I Honor a TexShare Card? Ask for photo ID Check expiration date Either issue one of your cards Or validate TexShare card with a barcode & enter user information in your system

24 Sample Press Release Included in your packet: [Name of Town] Residents now have Access to Materials at more than 500 libraries throughout Texas TexShare Card Program has greatly expanded services to all who use the [Library] [Library] patrons are now free to borrow materials from library collections all across Texas by using a special library card called the TexShare card. The card is accepted in a wide variety of public and academic libraries, allowing borrowers in good standing access to hundreds of books, videos, CDs and other materials. There are no fees attached to the TexShare Card. To qualify for a TexShare card, one must be a registered library cardholder in good standing of the [Library]. Once issued, TexShare cardholders must observe the lending policies of participating libraries. More than 500 hundred libraries in Texas currently participate in the TexShare Card program. The value and uniqueness of the TexShare card allows libraries to offer infinitely more resources to many more people not only in [Name of Town], but people throughout Texas. A library card from [Library], in combination with the new TexShare Card, is your ticket to a powerful network of library resources in Texas. To learn which libraries participate in the TexShare Card program, visit The TexShare card is a component of TexShare, a service from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission that encourages cooperation and resource sharing between Texas libraries to fulfill the information needs of all Texans. In addition to the TexShare card, the [Library] also offers [additional paragraph about your services].

25 Questions?

26 Break

27 TexShare Card vs. Loan Star Libraries TexShare Card Program is a reciprocal borrowing program that allows registered users of participating academic, public & medical libraries to directly borrow materials from the libraries of other participating institutions; administered by the Library Resource Sharing Division Loan Star Libraries is a direct state aid program that supplements local funding to strengthen public libraries statewide; administered by the Library Development Division

28 Now in its fifth year, Loan Star Libraries is the direct state aid grant program for Texas public libraries. Now in its fifth year, Loan Star Libraries is the direct state aid grant program for Texas public libraries. Loan Star Libraries is predicated on a partnership between the state of Texas and local communities. Loan Star Libraries is predicated on a partnership between the state of Texas and local communities. Loan Star Libraries Overview

29 Program Eligibility All legally established public libraries in Texas that meet the Minimum Standards for Accreditation of Public Libraries in the State Library System are eligible to receive funding under the Loan Star Libraries program.

30 Program Formula The amount of money a library receives depends on: Amount of the Loan Star Libraries appropriation Number of eligible public libraries Local expenditures for the operation and maintenance of the library Presence of non-resident fees or participation in TexShare Card Program

31 3 levels of funding with built-in incentives to encourage public libraries to offer statewide access: Level 1: highest funding level - library does not charge a non-resident fee, which means they agree to serve any Texas resident on an equal basis (dont need a TexShare Card to borrow materials) Level 2: second highest funding level - library participates in the TexShare Card program and charges a non-resident fee Level 3: lowest funding level - library does not participate in the TexShare Card program and charges a non-resident fee Funding Levels

32 Loan Star Libraries 2006 Facts Total Loan Star Libraries 534

33 Grant Program Management Loan Star Libraries is a state funded grant program. Grantees must do performance and financial reporting to remain in good standing.

34 Program Web Site

35 Performance Reporting

36 Financial Reporting

37 Annual Status Update

38 Grant Management Key Points State aid can be used for any public library operating expense

39 Libraries should be able to document impact to their communities (in most cases) Grant Management Key Points

40 Loan Star Libraries funds are intended to supplement, not replace, local funding. Grant Management Key Points

41 Remember… If your library states that they serve non-residents for free, then library services to Texas residents must be offered on the same basis as services to resident customers.

42 Impact on Your Community LSL provides incentives for libraries to expand access to their libraries. From FY2002 to FY2006, 101 Texas public libraries dropped their non- resident fees. 80% of Texas public libraries now do not charge non-residents to use their library.

43 Impact on Your Community Loan Star Libraries has impacted Texas communities in many ways: Libraries offer additional service hours, materials, special programming, ESL & workforce training projects, and services that otherwise they could not fund

44 Sample Press Release Included in your packet: [Library Name] receives a [amount] grant through Loan Star Libraries [City] - The [Library Name] recently received a [amount] grant from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission through Loan Star Libraries, the direct state aid program for Texas public libraries. The [Library Name] plans to use the grant to [describe improvement and how it will benefit residents in your community]. According to Library Director [Name], [quote about how you feel about receiving the grant, how the funding addresses a need the library has had, etc.]. Each year Loan Star Libraries grants fund about 535 public libraries across the state. Libraries can use the funding however they wish, with few exceptions, to meet the needs of their communities. Notes State Librarian Peggy D. Rudd, "Loan Star Libraries represents the states investment in the educational and cultural enrichment that public libraries provide." Now in its fifth year, Loan State Libraries has distributed almost $14 million to Texas public libraries. The [Library Name] offers a variety of services. [Additional paragraph outlining those services, hours of operation, etc.].

45 Questions?

46 More Information TexShare Card Program Web page: Email: Loan Star Libraries Web page: Email:

47 Wrap-Up Evaluations CE Certificates

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