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Semantics and Pragmatics. Semantics Definition: The study of meaning in language. Pragmatics The study of how context contributes to meaning in language.

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Presentation on theme: "Semantics and Pragmatics. Semantics Definition: The study of meaning in language. Pragmatics The study of how context contributes to meaning in language."— Presentation transcript:

1 Semantics and Pragmatics

2 Semantics Definition: The study of meaning in language. Pragmatics The study of how context contributes to meaning in language

3 Kinds of Semantic Meaning Referential Meaning = The labeling of objects, persons, events Cultural Meaning = reflection of attitudes, values, shared symbols Situational Relevance = differing forms for different social situations Interactional Meaning = defines the social status or relationship between speakers Affective Meaning = emotional tone of meaning

4 Semantic Properties Example: Nouns Semantic Features 1. Count/mass 2 cats but not 2 waters 2. Specific vs. generic Ann vs. girl 4. animate vs. inanimate cow vs. rock 5. Masculine vs. feminine cow vs. bull 6. Human vs. non-human man vs. dog 7. Definite vs. indefinite the cat vs. a cat

5 Semantic Roles 1. Agent 6. Experiencer 2. Patient 7. Instrument 3. Source8. Cause 4. Goal 9. Temporal 5. Location10. Possessor Amy sent a letter from Paris to her friend in Iowa. 1 2 34 John’s refrigerator is leaking on the floor. 10 1 5

6 Semantic Features Verbs 1.ActionsJane ran. 2.Processes The wood dried. 3.Action/processJane dried the wood. 4.StateThe wood is dry.

7 Semantic Concordance 1.Action verbs take agent subjects 2.Process verbs take patient subjects 3.Action/process verbs take agent subject and a patient object. 4.States take patient nouns.

8 Reference vs. Sense Reference is the direct labeling of an object, person, event, etc. Intension Denotative meaning Sense is the meaning that is assumed around the reference. Extension Connotative meaning

9 The “Nyms” Some examples: Homonyms – flower, flour Homographs – bank, bank Synonym Antonym relational opposite – buy, sell gradable – big, small marked vs. unmarked – man, woman complementary – dead, alive Metonyms – Rome, Catholic church Polysemous – sound investment, sound of music

10 Truth Conditions in Sentences Paraphrase = two different sentences with the same truth conditions Thematic Roles Anomalous – deviates from the rules of sense Metaphorical – must use imagination to interpret an anomalous sentence. Idiom – sentence/phrase that has a semantic meaning other than the referential/sense meaning Ambiguous – Ex. The mother of the boy and the girl will arrive soon. (structural) She is good at catching flies. (Semantic)

11 Pragmatics Studying Speech in Cultural Context (Ethnographic Study of Speech) 1. Speech Situation (Context) The social setting in which speech takes place (a party, a religious ceremony, etc.) 2. Speech Act Minimal unit of speech has a specified function. 3.Speech Event A series of interrelated speech acts that comprise a unit (Conversation, lecture, joke) Presuppositions An implied truth that is taken for granted by all parties to a speech act.

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