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Etiosa Uyigue National Project Coordinator Energy Commission of Nigeria Central Area, Abuja

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1 Etiosa Uyigue National Project Coordinator Energy Commission of Nigeria Central Area, Abuja

2  Project Objective  Project Components  Nigeria/Cuba Pilot Scheme  Household Electricity Survey  Retrofit of Public Buildings  Training/awareness activities

3 Improve the energy efficiency of end- use appliances in Nigeria to reduce energy demand – policy and demand side management Project objective

4 Set minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) Establish testing centres to enforce EE standards and policy Capacity enhancement and awareness creation Support processes that will upscale the penetration of EE appliances Project Components

5  Nigeria/Cuba pilot replaced 1 million incandescent light bulbs with CFLs  Resulted in estimated 38.9 MW of avoided generation  Avoided cost of generation is estimated as 39 million US Dollars  Estimated 233,400 tonnes of CO2 abated

6  To access our current level of energy efficiency of appliances in Nigeria  Guide the setting of MEPS  Determine average electricity consumption per household  Determine the impacts of seasonality on energy consumption

7 Household Electricity Survey





12 Annual consumption per equipment (kWh/an) Fridge Fridge- freezerFreezer France 2007253460556 Sweden 2007225469470 England 2011162427344.5 Nigeria 2012420698756

13  Started with Energy Commission of Nigeria Building as a benchmark for other public buildings.  Over 15,000 watts peak reduction

14  National Energy Efficiency Policy Document  SON, currently developing standards for lighting, air conditioners and refrigerators  Inventory of lighting, air conditioner and refrigerator appliances in Nigeria










24  A total of 691 persons from government, private sector, NGOs trained on basic EE practices across Nigeria  60% compliance by HOFA members to imbibe EE best practices  EDAN publicly declared compliance to import EE bulbs

25  Project training manual  Project newsletters  Project website  Other reports – Inception workshop report and progress report

26  To create awareness on the importance and gains of energy efficiency in meeting national development and environmental sustainability  To integrate energy efficiency into national policy, strategies and programmes towards achieving the goals of vision 20-20-20 of the Nigerian government

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