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Enhancing Local Government’s Role in Transport Tony Travers Stephen Glaister LSE/Imperial.

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1 Enhancing Local Government’s Role in Transport Tony Travers Stephen Glaister LSE/Imperial

2 Growing importance of transport within local government Local government revenue + capital expenditure as a % of TME 1998-991.2% 1999-001.2% 2000-011.3% 2001-021.5% 2002-031.6% 2003-041.7% 2004-051.9% (TME has been growing fast in this period)

3 Consensus transport policies Greater use of public transport Reduced car use (relative/absolute) Efforts to cut congestion Bus support initiatives Tramways Regeneration of major cities/Urban Task Force etc

4 The Government’s Ten-Year Plan Published in 2000 Key objectives included: Reduced congestion Better integration Wider choice of travel Objectives and targets set, eg: 10% increase in bus passenger numbers 50% rise in rail passenger numbers

5 Local government institutions PTAs/PTEs Six English metropolitan areas Members from constituent districts County councils Core cities outside PTA/PTE areas Transport for London ‘Functional Body’ of Greater London Authority

6 Existing powers and duties PTA/PTEs Local Transport Plan set jointly with districts Bus/rail support for routes or services Bids to CG for funding for major schemes Bus stations, bus stops, other infrastructure TfL Underground, buses, taxi regulation, major roads, river services, integration Bus services privatised, but routes, services determined by TfL Mayor determines fares Grants, Prudential Borrowing for major schemes

7 Funding PTAs/PTEs Levy on districts’ council tax RSG (indirectly, via districts) Specific grants Prudential Borrowing TfL Specific grants Fares Congestion charge Precept (minimal) Prudential Borrowing

8 Funding Core cities/counties Council tax/precept RSG Specific grants Prudential Borrowing

9 Possible reforms Move PTAs/PTEs towards ‘TfL model’? determination of bus routes, service levels, quality etc determination of rail services, service level etc retention of bus, tram and rail fares major roads powers? encourage use of Prudential Borrowing new funding streams Possibility for other authorities to follow…

10 New funding streams Lyons Inquiry possibilities: Council tax supplement NNDR add-on Tax Increment Finance Tourist Tax Congestion charging Other taxes, charges or levies …some, any or all could be used to fund interest charges on prudential borrowing

11 Moving forward PTAs/PTEs as a model for increased local autonomy? ‘City regions’ debate ODPM agenda Local government’s response Urban transport is a key political issue of the future Possibility of merging this agenda with local government finance reform……

12 Enhancing Local Government’s Role in Transport Tony Travers Stephen Glaister LSE/Imperial

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