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From Ptolemy skies to FLRW cosmology Hierarchy of physical quantities and theory structures The Dynamic Universe: The overall energy balance – cosmological.

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Presentation on theme: "From Ptolemy skies to FLRW cosmology Hierarchy of physical quantities and theory structures The Dynamic Universe: The overall energy balance – cosmological."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Ptolemy skies to FLRW cosmology Hierarchy of physical quantities and theory structures The Dynamic Universe: The overall energy balance – cosmological and local consequences Conclusions The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola The Dynamic Universe - from whole to local

2 Friedman From Earth centered to everywhere-centered universe The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola Claudius Ptolemy († 168) Nicolaus Copernicus († 1543) Johannes Kepler († 1630) Galileo Galilei († 1642) Isaac Newton († 1727) Bohr De Broglie Planck Dirac Schrödinger Heisenberg Aristarchus Aryabhata Minkowski Albert Einstein († 1955) time velocity c time c

3 Contemporary physics Hierarchy of physical quantities and theory structures Dynamic Universe distance [m]time [s] Zero-energy balance E rest(0) - Redefinition of time and distance - Constancy of the velocity of light - Relativity principle - Equivalence principle - Cosmological principle - Lorentz invariance QM basis: Resonant mass wave structures Cosmology The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola distance [m]time [s]substance [kg] Spherically closed homogeneous space Re: Kaarle ja Riitta Kurki-Suonio, Fysiikan merkitykset ja rakenteet Conservation of total energy in local structure buildup Relativity and gravitation are expressed in terms of modified metrics Cosmology Celestial mechanics Relativity is expressed in terms of locally available energy Thermodynamics Electromagnetism Celestial mechanics Relativity between object and observer Relativity between local and the whole - Maxwell equation - Planck equationDirac / Klein-Gordon - QM basis: Schrödinger equation E rest(local) E g(local) E kin E Coulomb E radiation

4 4 The Dynamic Universe Spherically closed space, zero-energy balance of motion and gravitation Buildup of total energy in spherically closed homogeneous space The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

5 5 In search of the structure of space … Einstein 1917, ”Cosmological considerations of the general theory of relativity” The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

6 In search of a finite structure … Feynman ” Lectures on gravitation in 1960’ ” “...One intriguing suggestion is that the universe has a structure analogous to that of a spherical surface. If we move in any direction on such a surface, we never meet a boundary or end, yet the surface is bounded and finite. It might be that our three-dimensional space is such a thing, a tridimensional surface of a four sphere. The arrangement and distribution of galaxies in the world that we see would then be something analogous to a distribution of spots on a spherical ball.” … If now we compare the total gravitational energy E g = GM 2 tot /R to the total rest energy of the universe, E rest = M tot c 2, lo and behold, we get the amazing result that GM 2 tot /R = M tot c 2, so that the total energy of the universe is zero.... — Why this should be so is one of the great mysteries — and therefore one of the important questions of physics. After all, what would be the use of studying physics if the mysteries were not the most important things to investigate” … and energy balance in space … The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

7 contraction Energy of gravitation Energy of motion time ContractionExpansion expansion Zero-energy balance of motion and gravitation The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

8 Zero-energy balance of motion and gravitation

9 The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola Zero-energy balance of motion and gravitation

10 The Dynamic Universe Mass as wavelike substance for the expression of energy Unified expression of energy The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

11 Quantum as the minimum dose of electromagnetic radiation “A radio engineer can hardly think about smaller amount of electromagnetic radiation than emitted by a single oscillation cycle of a unit charge in a dipole.“ 1.We solve Maxwell’s equation for the energy of one cycle of radiation emitted by a single electron transition in a dipole 2.We apply the solution to a point source as a dipole in the fourth dimension 3.We apply the result for a unified expression of energies The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

12 i B r E E The energy of one wavelength of radiation emitted by a dipole The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

13 Unified expression of energy Coulomb energy icic icic A unit cycle of radiation The rest energy of mass Kinetic energy The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

14 14 The Dynamic Universe Conservation of energy in the buildup of local structures in space The system of nested energy frames The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

15 Zero-energy balance of motion and gravitation M”= 0.776 M  m The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

16 Conservation of energy in interactions in space M”= 0.776 M  Im 0 m Re  m The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

17 M”= 0.776 M  Im 0 m Re  17 Im Re m The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola Conservation of energy in interactions in space

18 M”= 0.776 M  m 18 m The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola Conservation of energy in interactions in space

19 M”= 0.776 M  19 Im 0 m Re  m The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola Conservation of energy in interactions in space

20 M”= 0.776 M  Im 0 m Re  m The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola Conservation of energy in interactions in space

21 M”= 0.776 M  21 Im 0 m Re  m The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola Conservation of energy in interactions in space

22 The system of nested energy frames Hypothetical homogeneous space The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

23 Clocks in DU space Substitution of the rest energy of electron into Balmer’s equation results in characteristic frequencies of atomic clocks The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

24 The system of nested energy frames Hypothetical homogeneous space The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

25 The system of nested energy frames Hypothetical homogeneous space The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

26 Satellite in Earth gravitational frame (ECI frame) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0,8 1 GR DU  2 =  1 f ,  /f Near-Earth clocks The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

27 Experiments with atomic oscillators The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola - Hydrogen ions in canal-ray tube (Ives & Stilwell) 1939 - Mössbauer experiments with centrifuges in 1960 th - Mössbauer experiments in tower in 1960 th - Cesium clocks in airplanes (Hafele & Keating) 1971 - Hydrogen maser to 10 000 km, Scout D (Vessot) 1976 - GPS satellite system 1980 – - TAI, International Atomic Time laboratories - Lunar Laser Ranging, annual perturbations

28 Properties of locally tilted space Basis of celestial mechanics in GR space and in DU space: - the velocities of orbital motion and free fall - perihelion advance - orbital periods in the vicinity of black holes Shapiro delay, bending of light near mass centers The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

29 Free fall and orbital velocity in Schwarzschild space: 0 0.5 1 403020100 Limit for stable orbits Free fall and orbital velocity in DU space: 403020100 0 0.5 1 slow orbits The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

30 Dynamic UniverseGR, WeberGR, Berry Gravitational factorr/r c = 20 Eccentricity e = 0.5 Development of elliptic orbit in GR and DU The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

31 Development of elliptic orbit in GR and DU GR DU  Equation (5.37) in J. Weber’s book: The increase of the orbital radius and the perturbation of the elliptic shape are due to term 3  in the nominator DU equation for elliptic orbits: The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

32 Development of elliptic orbit in GR and DU  Rotation of Mercury perihelion direction by  = 45  occurs in about 0.5 million years  (0) Equation (5.37) in J. Weber’s book: The increase of the orbital radius and the perturbation of the elliptic shape are due to term 3  in the nominator DU equation for elliptic orbits: The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola GR DU

33 Orbital period near black hole 0 20 40 60 0481062 r/rcr/rc min. Observed 16.8 min rotation period at Milky Way Center, Sgr A* [R. Genzel, et al., Nature 425, 934 (2003) ] 0481062 r/rcr/rc Schwarzschild DU: Sgr A*: M  3.7million solar masses r c(DU)  5.3 million kilometers The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

34 34 Geometry of local dents, Shapiro delay, bending of light The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

35 The 4D depth profile of the planetary system Distance from the Sun (light minutes) 0100200300400 Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Sun dR" x 1000 km 50 100 150 200 The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

36 The velocity of light in the vicinity of the Earth -2.9 -3.0 -3.1 -3.2 Sun Moon Earth  c [m/s] c0c0 c (Earth) Distance from the Earth x 1000 km -400 -200 200 400 -2.8 The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

37 Shapiro delay of radio signal GR: DU: DADA DBDB M d The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

38 Mariner 6 and 7 experiments 102025 Sivuaminen 50 5150 Mariner 6 Mariner 7 100 150 200 250 Conjunction Distance from Earth [light minutes] 102025 Conjunction 50 5150 Mariner 7 100 150 200 250 Mariner 6 Shapiro delay [  s] GR prediction Sun Earth Mariner 8.3 min 14.2 min Sun The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

39 Mariner 6 and 7 experiments Earth Mariner 8.3 min 14.2 min Sun 102025 Conjunction 50 5150 Mariner 7 Sun Distance from Earth [light minutes] 100 150 200 250 Mariner 6 The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola Shapiro delay [  s] DU prediction

40 40 Observation of electromagnetic radiation The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

41 Signal transmission from Earth satellite Sagnac delay

42 Sagnac effect in satellite communication O L ωr h rΦrΦ B A C ψ drBdrB O A t0 B t1 dr r B t0 r A(t0)→B(t1) ψ The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

43 Observation of radiation in a moving frame Sagnac delayed signal Doppler shifted radiation The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola Phase velocity in moving frame

44 Observation of radiation in a moving frame The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola Momentum in observer’s frame Phase velocity in moving frame Momentum in propagation frame

45 Im Internal (rest) momentumExternal momentum Re – Re +  c c  c c Mass object as Compton resonator The double slit experiment Absorption pattern Mass object The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

46 Hydrogen atom: Electron energy minima as resonant mass wave states The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola r/r 0 Kinetic energy Coulomb energy

47 Cosmological properties of spherically closed space The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

48 t FLRW cosmologyDynamic Universe GR / FLRW space and DU space The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

49 Expanding and non-expanding objects in DU-space. Electromagnetic objects, like atoms, conserve their dimensions R0R0 R0R0 R 0(1) emitting object R 0(2) t (2) t (1) Gravitational systems expand with the expansion of space The wavelength of electromagnetic radiation propagating in space increases in direct proportion to the expansion The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

50 Annual increase of the Earth to Moon distance 50 GRDU Measured38 mm38 mm Expansion of space 028 mm Tidal interactions38 mm10 mm Lunar Laser Ranging The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

51 t 51 FLRW cosmologyDynamic Universe Light path The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola Virtual image Distances GR / FLRW space and DU space Light path

52 Angular size of galaxies and quasars 0.010.1110z0.001 log (LAS) Standard model Collection of data: K. Nilsson et al., Astrophys. J., 413, 453 (1993) Dynamic Universe: Euclidean FLRW cosmology  m = 1 DU: Euclidean log (LAS) galaxies quasars The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola Distances Virtual image

53 +SN Ia observations Standard model with  m = 1,   = 0 Standard model with  m = 0.3,   = 0.7 Suggested correction:  m = 0.3   = 0.7 (dark energy) Data: A. G. Riess, et al., Astrophys. J., 607, 665 (2004) z  Magnitude versus redshift: Supernova observations The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

54  Magnitude versus redshift: Supernova observations Zero-energy spaceDU space Data: A. G. Riess, et al., Astrophys. J., 607, 665 (2004) +SN Ia observations The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

55 Magnitude versus redshift How does the dark energy hypothesis change the angular diameter prediction? The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

56 Angular size of galaxies and quasars 0.010.1110z log (LAS) 0.001 log (LAS) Standard model Collection of data: K. Nilsson et al., Astrophys. J., 413, 453 (1993) Dynamic Universe: Euclidean FLRW cosmology  m = 1   = 0  m = 0.3   = 0.7 Suggested explanation: high z galaxies are young; sizes are still developing (not supported by spectral data!) galaxies quasars DU: Euclidean The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

57 From Earth centered to 4-sphere centered universe The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola Claudius Ptolemy († 168) Nicolaus Copernicus († 1543) Johannes Kepler († 1630) Galileo Galilei († 1642) Isaac Newton († 1727) Aristarchus Aryabhata R4R4 M” Gottfried Leibniz († 1716) Heraclitus († 475 BCE) krkr k0k0 Re kk k0k0 Im Albert Einstein († 1955) Bohr De Broglie Planck Dirac Schrödinger Heisenberg

58 The Dynamic Universe -Offers a holistic – from whole to local approach for describing physical reality -Relies on a few fundamental postulate -Covers a wide range phenomena - from microstructures to cosmological dimensions – in a unified formalism -Produces accurate predictions with straightforward mathematics and clear logic -Produces a comprehensive picture of physical reality The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

59 Development paths of physics and astronomy 2000 0 -1000 Aryabhata Local approaches / reductionism System of nested energy frames Unified expression of energy DYNAMIC UNIVERSE Aristarchus Earth centered universe Ptolemaios Local system linked to the whole QUANTUM MECHANICS RELATIVITY THEORY FLRW-COSMOLOGY Holistic approaches / emergent processes Logos: intelligence, concluding Euclid Plato Aristoteles Sokrates Parmenides Atomists Epikuros Leucippus Demokritos Anaxagoras Anaximander Apeiron Galilei Space-time Local system independent of the whole Mach Newton Maxwell Kant Hubble Lorentz Planck Heisenberg Dirac Schrödinger Einstein Minkowski Wrigth Laplace De Broglie Heraclitus Logos: law of nature Zeno Brahman Manifestation via buildup of opposites Zero-energy Ibn ash-Shatir Leibniz Kopernikus Kepler Friedman TAO: yin, yang Nous 1000 Bohr The Finnish Society for Natural Philosophy: Models in physics and cosmology, Helsinki 27-28.9.2010T. Suntola

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