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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland © Никогосян Евгения Валентиновна, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland © Никогосян Евгения Валентиновна, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland © Никогосян Евгения Валентиновна, 2012

2 The UK 100200300400500 England 100200300400500 Scotland 100200300400500 Wales 100200300400500 Northern Ireland 100200300400500

3 This city is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 100

4 London

5 The official flag of the United Kingdom is … 200

6 The Union Jack 200

7 There are more than … million people live in the United Kingdom 300

8 More than 62 million people live in the UK 300 62,262,000 people (2010 estimate)

9 Queen Elizabeth II reigns for … years 400

10 She reigns for 60 years 400 On the 6 th of February in 1952 she was declared the Queen of the UK

11 The state system of the United Kingdom is … 500

12 Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy 500

13 The emblem of England is … 100

14 A Red Rose 100

15 Name two main universities situated in England 200

16 Oxford and Cambridge Universities 200

17 White Hall is … 300

18 A street leading from Trafalgar Square to the Houses of Parliament 300

19 The British Prime Minister lives at …, London 400

20 10 Downing Street, London 400

21 The regions of England are … 500

22 North of England Midlands East Anglia SouthwestSoutheast 500

23 The emblem of Scotland is … 100

24 A Thistle 100

25 Edinburgh is known as … 200

26 The Athens of the North 200

27 This palace is the official residence of the British Queen 300

28 Holyrood Palace 300

29 This event takes place every August and September 400

30 The Edinburgh military tattoo 400

31 Princess Street is closely connected with this name 500

32 Sir Walter Scott, a famous writer 500

33 The emblem of Wales is … 100

34 A Daffodil 100

35 This mountain is the second highest mountain in Britain 200

36 Mount Snowdon 200

37 Welsh belongs to this group of languages 300

38 To the Celtic Languages 300

39 The number of Welsh members in the House of Commons 400

40 40 members 400

41 Main occupations in Wales 500

42 Coal mining, agriculture and cattle-raising 500

43 The emblem of Northern Ireland is … 100

44 A Shamrock 100

45 The languages of the country 200

46 English and Irish Gaelic 200

47 The largest lake of Britain 300

48 Lough Neagh (Лох-Ней) 300

49 Antrim, Armagh, Down, Londonderry, Tyrone, Fermanagh are … 400

50 6 counties of Northern Ireland 400

51 This year the region of Northern Ireland was declared 500

52 In 1921 500 Никогосян Евгения Валентиновна

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