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Save the American River Association APPEAL OF REGIONAL PARKS PERMIT FOR INAUGURAL GOLD RUSH 100K RACE April 9, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Save the American River Association APPEAL OF REGIONAL PARKS PERMIT FOR INAUGURAL GOLD RUSH 100K RACE April 9, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Save the American River Association APPEAL OF REGIONAL PARKS PERMIT FOR INAUGURAL GOLD RUSH 100K RACE April 9, 2013

2 Review of the Gold Rush 100K Permit ① “Review of Permit Results” dated 3/25/2013 ② Information Provided by Regional Parks – Public Records Act Request dated March 1, 2013 – Timely response from Regional Parks – Signed Application & Permit – Request for Permit Amendment, IF ANY ③ No Other Information Received ④ Complete Response is Assumed Save the American River AssociationApril 9, 20132

3 Summary of Conclusions ① Gold Rush 100K Permit Violates American River Parkway Plan – Four Instances ② Regional Parks Permitting Process – No Documentation or Evidence Supporting Findings – Lack of Transparency/Public Review & Input – No resource impact monitoring program ③ Other Gold Rush 100K Permit Issues – Potential County Liability for Accidents – Inadequate Permit Conditions ④ Other issues April 9, 20133Save the American River Association

4 COMPLIANCE WITH PARKWAY PLAN ① Parkway Plan is State Law Failure to be comply with Parkway Plan violates State Law ② All uses and facilities must be compatible with goals and policies of Parkway Plan ③ A Permit may not be issued unless Regional Parks makes Findings of Fact based upon substantial evidence that : a)Impacts on other Parkway users & Parkway natural resources & aesthetics are minimal, b)Compliance with all other Plan requirements & County Ordinances will occur, and c)The activity/event is compatible with the goals and policies of the Parkway Plan. 4April 9, 2013Save the American River Association

5 PARKWAY PLAN VIOLATIONS ① Competitive Event Not Allowed on Horse/Hiking Trail ● No specific citation in Parkway Plan ●Only specific citation is bicycle trail competitive events ●Absence of a citation does not imply activity is permitted ② More than 2 Competitive Events in a Month ● Gold Rush 100K race ● Sac Fit Half Marathon ③ Violates Nature Study Area Restrictions ● Based Upon Information Provided by Regional Parks ④ No Findings of Fact documented by Substantial Evidence ● No Substantial Evidence = Unsubstantiated Opinion 5April 9, 2013Save the American River Association

6 Horse Trail at Mile 9 April 9, 20136Save the American River Association

7 OTHER PERMIT ISSUES ① Potential County Liability ●Accidents involving horseback riders and individuals a well known risk ●It only takes 1 runner & 1 surprised horse ② Permit Conditions Inadequate ●No instruction re avoidance of accidents, user conflicts, impacts on Parkway resources or appropriate response. ③ Inadequate map ● Current map of course NOT been provided ●All aid station locations & designs not identified 7April 9, 2013Save the American River Association

8 REGIONAL PARKS PERMITTING PROCESS ① Basis of decisions not documented or supported Nothing for independent review to confirm decisions No substantial evidence = unsubstantiated opinion ② Permitting Process Not Transparent Post applications and Permits on website Allow public to provide input & have information Parkway is a public resource of community interest ③ No Resource Impact Monitoring Program Required by Parkway Plan Policy 3.4 Needed to accurately assess impacts on resources 8April 9, 2013Save the American River Association

9 OTHER ISSUES ① Group running on Horse/Hiking trail sensitive ● Concern for safety of horses & riders ● Concern for Parkway Plan compliance ② Staff Policy to Use the Parkway to make money ● “Pay to Play” ● Regional Parks Letter Dated 12/3/2012 ● Must comply with Parkway Plan ● Potential to exclude individual and family use 9April 9, 2013Save the American River Association

10 PARKWAY PLAN The expression of your community’s desire to: Provide recreation primarily for individuals and family groups, and Preserve and protect the open space green belt, While allowing controlled group activities and special events that: Are consistent with the Parkway environment, Only minimally impact other Parkway users, Only minimally impact Parkway resources, AND Are compatible with the Plan Goals and Policies. 10April 9, 2013Save the American River Association

11 REQUESTED ACTION ① Permits that do not comply with the Parkway Plan are at odds with community desires & violate State law ● Gold Rush 100K Permit is one such permit ② SARA requests the Board of Supervisors to: ● Vacate and Remand the Gold Rush 100K permit to Regional Parks with direction to revise the permit as necessary to comply with the American River Parkway Plan. April 9, 2013Save the American River Association11

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