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Fizix Is Phun Lab Great Escape Hints and Other Useful Trivia.

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Presentation on theme: "Fizix Is Phun Lab Great Escape Hints and Other Useful Trivia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fizix Is Phun Lab Day @ Great Escape Hints and Other Useful Trivia

2 General Protocols Must be in homeroom on time We leave at __________ –no call-down Gates open at 10:00 Mandatory Check-In @ Lunch –12:00 to 1:00 –Check-In at __________ Bus leaves at _________

3 Pre Prior Planning… Protractor Elevation Device –Make it –Practice with it For each page –What data must be collected –How can it be collected –Who will collect it Where possible –answer theory questions –prepare equations

4 Suggestions, etc. Pre Prior Planning… Gather all data first, then do calculations –I'm at the check-in for questions Pack will be collected when the bus arrives back at the school Lunch, Lockers Items Due in class on _______ pre-assignment signed permission slip

5 Boomerang 1 “Should” implies friction free –Consider KE  PE conversions “Is” means in reality –time the car’s length passing the final point or –v f from v=d/t formula Friction (F f ) causes lost acceleration

6 Boomerang 2 free body diagram forces –weight –force due to motion (circular) minimum speed causes vertical forces to be in balance at top of loop

7 Canyon Blaster be sure to use the central loop estimate distance via –distance between supports –# supports in circle use vertical poles as reference

8 Canyon Blaster

9 Comet 1 use protractor as a protractor classical calculations –v=d/t –PE=mgh –Work Energy Theorem –W=Fd

10 Comet 2 Think KE PE "Should" means friction free "Is" means actual velocity: time how long it takes for the train to move its own length

11 Comet 3 heed the assumption about lost energy knowing KE yields v F C and g-forces

12 Comet 4 watch carefully time train moving its own length before the brakes are applied time how long the brakes are used

13 Steamin' Demon 1 use protractor as a protractor classical calculations –v=d/t –PE=mgh –Work Energy Theorem –W=Fd Note: Demon1 or Comet1, not both

14 Steamin' Demon 2 “Should” implies friction free –Consider KE  PE conversions “Is” means in reality –time the car’s length passing the final point –v f from v=d/t formula Friction (F f ) causes lost acceleration Note: Demon2 or Boomerang1

15 Steamin' Demon 3 free body diagram forces –weight –force due to motion (circular) minimum speed causes vertical forces to be in balance at top of loop Note: Demon3 or Boomerang2

16 Steamin' Demon 4 2 rides required greatest force –in or out of seat –top of loop or bottom greatest "rush"

17 Flying Trapeze 1 Finding F C via balanced forces the chain doesn't change length –rest length becomes hypotenuse balance the forces –F T in chain –F C horizontal –mg vertical

18 Flying Trapeze 2 Finding F C via circular the chain doesn't change length –rest length becomes hypotenuse find circumference / radius find period of revolution

19 High Divers 1 Comparing Processes –KE  PE energy conversions –classical (timed) free-fall know R%E formula

20 High Divers 2 Must do High Divers 1 classic acceleration grand scale approximation w/ unit conversion

21 The Merry-Go-Round radius –via circumference – distance from outer edge F C calculations Ride twice for comparison Work & Power

22 Pirate Ship just a big pendulum meaning of "weightless" μ similar to Boomerang1

23 Water Tube Rides need only do 1 of 4 v f is the same for similar vertical drops regardless of path for #5, I suggest v=d/t μ similar to Boomerang1

24 Wave Pool try to visualize a stop action picture watch from one side, use partner as a marker grand scale approximation –pool is not rectangular –length between depths by pacing sides –width by pacing thru water –volume of a trapezoid solid

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