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 The natural resources in my region is rich soil, waterways, warm climate, oil and gas, coal deposits and forests.

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Presentation on theme: " The natural resources in my region is rich soil, waterways, warm climate, oil and gas, coal deposits and forests."— Presentation transcript:


2  The natural resources in my region is rich soil, waterways, warm climate, oil and gas, coal deposits and forests.

3  The goods and services are cotton fabric, orange juice, peaches, pecans peanuts, fish sticks, sea salt, boating, water power, amusement parks, golf, vacation, hotels, gasoline, plastics, coal, electricity.

4  The region southwest trade with East, Midwest, West, Southeast, we trade with them because they are connected to the Mississippi River.

5  The natural resources affect the food by growing more with rich soil.

6  The natural resources affect shelters or buildings by having lumber well help built house and shelters.

7  The lumber, silver, oil, borax, gold.

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