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Scenario 1: You Are the Emergency Medical Responder

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1 Scenario 1: You Are the Emergency Medical Responder
Lesson 18: Putting It All Together Scenario 1: You Are the Emergency Medical Responder You arrive at a recreation center in response to a call that a 17 year old is having difficulty breathing after engaging in swim practice for a local high school swim team. The patient is sitting on the pool deck, leaning forward with his shoulders elevated. The coach is talking to him. He is pale, sweating and visibly unable to catch his breath, being able to speak only a few words in between breaths.

2 Scenario 2: You Are the Emergency Medical Responder
You and your police officer partner are on a lunch break at a local diner when another patron suddenly rises from the table, clutching his throat. Initially he is coughing forcefully but then stops coughing altogether and is unable to speak. You have a first aid kit in your vehicle.

3 Scenario 3: You Are the Emergency Medical Responder
You and a partner arrive at the scene of a motor-vehicle crash that occurred on a country road outside of town. The car came to rest on its roof in a small ravine. The driver of the car was thrown through the windshield and is lying on the ground about 10 feet from the vehicle. The driver was the only person in the vehicle at the time of the crash. There is a faint odor of gasoline and the hood of the car is smoking.

4 Putting It All Together
Open the airway Head-tilt/chin-lift technique or jaw-thrust (without head extension) maneuver Finger sweeps or suctioning Ventilations Manage the airway Mechanical or manual suctioning Breathing devices Airway adjuncts Administer emergency oxygen Obtain a SAMPLE history and conduct a secondary assessment

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