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Using ICT to Support Students with Moderate, Severe/Profound, and Multiple Learning Disabilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Using ICT to Support Students with Moderate, Severe/Profound, and Multiple Learning Disabilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using ICT to Support Students with Moderate, Severe/Profound, and Multiple Learning Disabilities

2 2 Professional Development and Support: Why? Isolation Unique and common problems Affirmation Pace of change in education Policy of integration Parental expectations and awareness Professionalism Educational partnership

3 3 Professional Development and Support: How? Through the Internet: Access to expertise/information On-line courses Chat rooms Message Boards Mailing lists Sharing of resources Other: Support groups in education centres

4 4 A special needs teacher may need: The facility to individualise teaching and learning materials New and exciting ways of learning to motivate students Administrative tools to help with planning, record keeping etc. What else?

5 5 Student Characteristics Needs are essentially individual Respond to different teaching styles May have poor attention span and concentration May have difficulty maintaining eye contact

6 6 Student Characteristics May have poor co-ordination/fine and gross motor Lack the ability to generalise/transfer skills/no consolidation of learning May need to overlearn Need constant repetition

7 7 Approaches to Teaching Multidisciplinary collaboration in assessment Ongoing assessment to identify individual needs and set realistic teaching goals Clearly defined and attainable teaching targets A non-threatening learning environment, carefully structured avoiding over stimulation

8 8 Approaches to Teaching Varied approaches ranging from one to one teaching/learning situations to small groups. Short repetitive instruction periods allowing ample opportunities for transfer/ generalisation The use of carefully selected resources tailor made for individual needs Reinforcement is vital to the teaching/ learning process

9 9 Teaching Process Break down teaching objectives into small attainable steps Ongoing assessment to monitor both teaching and learning Carefully selected reinforcers used consistently should be both motivational and rewarding

10 10 Common types of ICT use Teaching tool Learning tool Administrative tool A source of educational content A collaborative tool A medium of communication A student’s functional aid (assistive technology)

11 11 How ICT can help the teacher Supports individual teaching and learning Allows for individual planning (reports, assessment, monitoring of progress) Facilitates creation of supplementary teaching materials (games, worksheets, etc)

12 12 How ICT can help the teacher Can be used as a source of professional development and support Valuable information bank where you can deposit, transfer and withdraw information and graphics with ease

13 13 How ICT can support the curriculum Enhances communication Promotes the development of choice and control Facilitates the customisation of students’ learning Motivational by nature Engaging and interactive

14 14 How ICT can support the students Range of software can be selected and matched to students needs Supports basic literacy and numeracy Provides structured skills practice Facilitates pair/group work

15 15 How ICT can support the students Challenges the student to respond Develops eye contact and attending skills Enhances hand-eye co-ordination skills

16 16 ICT as a motivator Makes learning fun Environment is non-threatening Promotes independence and confidence Graded activities facilitates inclusion of all students Stimulates communication among peers Consolidates learning

17 17 Some interesting software features Challenges the learner to respond Speech feedback Control of pace and level of work Provision of consistent feedback Peripherals for easier access

18 18 Some interesting software features Provides frequent and consistent reinforcement Word prediction (more able students) Word banks (more able students) Spell checking (more able students)

19 ICT can be a valuable teaching/ learning tool But remember… ICT is not a cure The needs of the individual student are paramount in decisions relating to their education ICT must never replace student/teacher interaction

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