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Exploring Second/Foreign Language Reading Dr. Teng-lung Peng

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Presentation on theme: "Exploring Second/Foreign Language Reading Dr. Teng-lung Peng"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploring Second/Foreign Language Reading Dr. Teng-lung Peng E-mail:

2 Different Approaches to Reading  Bottom-up Approach  Top-down Approach  Interactive Approach Reciprocal Teaching P: Prediction C: Clarification Q: Question S: Summary

3 Six Strategies when teaching ESL/EFL reading class  A: Activate prior/background knowledge  C: Cultivate vocabulary  T: Teach for comprehension  I: Increase reading rate  V: Verify reading strategies  E: Evaluate progress

4 Activate Prior/Background Knowledge  SQ3R survey question read recite review

5 Cultivate Vocabulary  Etymology prefix word root (base form of the verb) suffix e.g., im medi ate ly astro naut pesti cide

6 Teach for Comprehension  Applying basic reading comprehension skills such as skimming, scanning, previewing, and reviewing text  Using context to construct meaning  Applying self-monitoring and self-corrective strategies to build and expand a knowledge base  Planning how and when to use cognitive strategies and applying them appropriately to a learning task  Evaluating one ’ s own success in a completed task

7 Teach for Comprehension – con ’ td Some transition words  To add information and reasons: in addition  To show cause and effect: as a result  To explain, give reasons: actually  To compare: by comparison  To contrast: however  To summarize: in summary  To show order: first, second, …  To show chronological order: next, then

8 Increase Reading Rate  Scanning: lexical accessing 600 wpm  Skimming: semantic encoding 450 wpm  Looking for “ key phrase ”  Six symbols: 六個符號學英文, 斷句法

9 Increase Reading Rate – con ’ td  The 介片 (of the … )  A +Adj.+N.(S.)+ 形子 (who/which)  An P.P. + V. Ving

10 Verify Reading Strategies  What is the strategy?  Why should the strategy be learned?  How can the strategy be used?  When should the strategy be used?  Where should the reader look?  How can you evaluate the use of the strategy?

11 Verify Reading Strategy – con ’ td  Cognitive Reading Strategies  Metacognitive Reading Strategies  Compensating Reading Strategies

12 Evaluate Progress  Reading log  Reading rate  Comprehension  Reading rate record  Techniques When I don ’ t understand a word/a phrase/a sentence use context clues/read back/read ahead/look it up/ask someone/skip it and read on

13 Build Motivation  Intrinsic motivation  Extrinsic motivation  Integrative motivation  Instrumental motivation

14 Select Appropriate Reading Materials Five factors that influence selecting appropriate reading materials  Time  Progression  Student groups and cooperative learning  Variety  Students ’ needs, interests, and abilities

15 Reading for General Purposes  Building Vocabulary Base e.g., etymology ( 字源學 )  Doing Extensive Reading  Practicing Reading Strategies

16 Reading for Specific Purposes  Top-down approach  Building Vocabulary Base  Intensive Reading/Specific Reading  Reading Strategies (tri-part structure) e.g., Intro., Body Para., Conclusion e.g., Topic sentence Supporting sentences Concluding sentence

17 Reference:  Anderson, N. J. (2004). Exploring second language reading: Issues and strategies. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press

18 Ending  Thanks for listening.  E-mail: 

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