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Engines of Discovery

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1 Engines of Discovery

2 History of accelerators for HEP For many decades the motivation was to get to ever higher beam energies. In the last three decades there has been motivation from the many applications of accelerators, such as producing X-ray beams, medical needs, ion implantation, spallation sources, and on and on.

3 Superconducting magnets

4 The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) The LHC, at CERN, is the primary tool to which high-energy physicists are looking. The hope is to discover the Higgs particle. The machine is 28 km in circumference.

5 An “exploded” diagram of the ATLAS detector, presently under constrtuction, for the LHC.

6 The First Cyclotron Five inches in diameter.

7 The Original Rad Lab Located on the Campus near Le Conte Hall.

8 The 60-inch cyclotron. The picture was taken in 1939.

9 Spect diagnosis

10 A modern system for treating a patient with x-rays produced by a high energy electron beam. The system, built by Varian, shows the very precise controls for positioning of a patient. The whole device is mounted on a gantry. As the gantry is rotated, so is the accelerator and the resulting x-rays, so that the radiation can be delivered to the tumor from all directions.

11 A drawing showing the Japanese (two) proton ion synchrotron, HIMAC. The pulse of ions is synchronized with the respiration of the patient so as to minimize the effect of organ movement.

12 The concept of electromagnetic separation of the isotopes of uranium, U 238 and U 235, only the laterwhich is only 1/2% of natural uranium, being fissionable,was developed by E.O.Lawrence. Although all the material for the Hiroshima bomb was electromagnetically separated, that method has not been used since WWII and, as we all know, centrifuges are now the method of choice.. II.3Calutrons

13 An accelerating tank of the first, Alvarez, linac built just after WWII. Linear Accelerators

14 This machine made many important high-energy physics discoveries and then became the injector for PEP and PEP II, and now has become the LCLS. Electron Linac - SLAC

15 The induction accelerator, FXR, at Lawrence Livermore, to study the behavior of the implosion process in nuclear weapons Induction Linacs The Dual Axis Radiological Hydrodynamic Test Facility This device is devoted to examining nuclear weapons from two axes rather than just one. This reveals departures from cylindrical symmetry which is a sign of aging which can seriously affect performance The Dual Axis Radiological Hydrodynamic Test Facility This device is to examine nuclear weapons from two axes to reveal departures from cylindrical symmetry which is a sign of aging.

16 This 300 MeV electron synchroton at the General Electric Co. at Schenectady, built in the late 1940s. The photograph shows a beam of synchrotron radiation emerging. Synchrotrons

17 Synchrotron Radiation Sources There are more than 50 synchrotron radiation facilities in the world. In the US there are machines in Brookhaven (NSLS), Argonne (APS), SLAC: SPEAR and the LCLS, and at LBL (ALS).

18 Linear Coherent Light Source and the European Union X-Ray Free Electron Laser FELs, invented in the late 1970’s at Stanford are now becoming the basis of major facilities in the USA (SLAC) and Europe (DESY).They promise intense coherent Radiation. The present projects expect to reach radiation of 1 Angstrom (0.1 nano-meters, 10killo-volt radiation)

19 The DESY Free Electron Laser magnetic wiggler. It produces laser light in the ultra-violet and x-ray regions of the spectrum.

20 A schematic of a possible fourth generation light source. This is the proposed facility LUX, as envisioned by a team at LBL, but upon which we were told (strongly) to stop work.

21 An overview of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) site at Oak Ridge National Laboratory showing the various components of the facility.

22 High temperature superconductor HgBa2CuO4.Color-PICT Crystal structure of the 90K YBa2Cu3O7 superconductor

23 Neutrino factory schematic

24 Inertial confinement

25 Energy amplifier

26 A diagram showing the CERN approach to a linear collider. The two main linacs are driven by 30 GHz radio frequency power derived from a drive beam of low energy but high intensity that will be prepared in a series of rings.

27 The Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) scheme. The heart of the facility is composed of a driver accelerator capable of accelerating every element of the periodic table up to at least 400 MeV/nucleon. Rare isotopes will be produced in a number of dedicated production targets and will be used at rest for experiments, or they can be accelerated to energies below or near the Coulomb barrier.

28 A diagram of the muon cooling experiment MICE being carried out at the Rutherford-Appleton Laboratories in England for a neutrino factory and later a muon collider.

29 A linac scheme for driving a reactor. These devices can turn thorium into a reactor fuel, power a reactor safely, and burn up long-lived fission products.


31 I have not mentioned Sterilisation Chip manufacture Art and archaeology National Security Surface treatment Etc. etc….

32 Conclusion I have sketched for you some of the likely future projects of accelerator physics future. Perhaps, the development of accelerators was a passing moment in the history of mankind, but it is much more likely to be an activity that will continue, producing devices not only for physics, but for an ever increasing catalogue applications enriching our everyday lives.

33 Thank you for your attention.

34 The “Mark 2”. A spiral sector FFAG built by the MURA Group in Wisconsin from 1956 to 1959. FFAG

35 Fermilab’s superconducting Tevatron can just be seen below the red and blue room temperature magnets of the 400 GeV main ring. Colliders

36 An artist’s view of a heavy ion inertial fusion facility. Although the facility is large, it is made of components that all appear to be feasible to construct and operate.

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